[Beta] EmiPSX - Sony PlayStation (PSone) emulator

Just got the beta how is everyone downloading the games straight from there phone im having problems getting games onto my 1020.
Just got the beta how is everyone downloading the games straight from there phone im having problems getting games onto my 1020.

Download your ROM (image file) through IE or any other app that can download the file then open it in other app. Large files downloading directly from emulator SkyDrive browser is broken for now.
would it be possible to have a feature of saving save states / memory card to skydrive? in theory allowing users to pick up where they left of on a pc emulator such as epsxe, load the same save game on emipsx and play on the bus to work. would be a nice usp if possible at all

I'm no developer but I'm pretty sure this should be possible because VBA8 (gb advance emulator) already has this feature

Having compatibility between save states and even memory cards cross platform is harder to achieve than it sounds. Firstly many emulators use the Zlib compression library to compress their save states, AFAIK Zlib isn't available on Windows Phone. Second most of the popular PSX emulators on PC are closed source (ePSXe for example) so even if their save states weren't compressed with zlib then the format wouldn't be known (memory card compatibility would probably be achievable with a bit reverse engineering assuming they aren't compressed).

As with most things in an emulator what sounds like an easy feature to implement is in fact not and would require more time than you expect. Time that could be spent on other extremely important things such as improving game compatibility and performance.
Got FF VII to work. Sound was a bit choppy. I think my speakers in my 920 are going bad. Going to try a game on my 1020. does anyone know why video in the games is super quick. Played Dune 2000 and the cut scenes sounded like chipmunks. I assume this is from the FPS being faster then what the game originally ran at? Can you slow the FPS down?
Other then that FF VII and Dune 2000 work great, about to download all the crash bandicoots and will let y'all know how they work.
how to download and install emipsx :( please help me .thanks you so much

If Andre has previously added you to testers group, you can download it here (click that link from your phone). Otherwise wait for commercial release/open test.

For those requesting beta test I have many testers already and few feedback so I'm not adding anymore. Please wait for the open beta.
the resident evil 3 file here without the bios was super fast, unplayable!
since the crash bandicoot warped or even opened here, it was not the rom, because the game was running normal emulator on pc! castlevania symphony of the night work 100% here, then the test will save state and also the memorie card!
ah, the audio here, in every game, got much sizzle, not sure if this is common.
save the state of castlevania symphony of the night worked 100%, I will still test the memory card
I tested other games, nascar rumble just the cars are invisible, ie unplayable.
crash team racing (ctr), simply lock the screen from the beginning.
Pandemonium 2 also hang at the start.
Marvel super heroes vs street fight functioned normally.
save state and memorie card Castlevania SOTN and MSH vs. SF also functioned normally.
Bust-a-Groove and yu gi oh forbidden memories functioned normally.
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter hangs in the second fight ... Chrono Cross has several drops fps, in addition to lock in some battles, or almost unplayable.
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Hey guys looks like I am permanently without a computer for the foreseeable future so I haven't been able to do much testing, but had a random question. My memory card save for FF7 is on the second disc but I wanna give a go at FF8 but don't have a ton of space. If I remove the file for FF7 will the memory card save stay intact or are they tied together? I ask simply because I don't want to lose all that progress but I do wanna give a go at some of the old files I did have on my SkyDrive again. Thanks in advance everyone.
I'm using a Lumia 925, meaning there's no Micro SD slot. Is there any way I can load a large rom from my computer to my 925 and play the game that way in emiPSX?

Also, Moga support would be a God send.
I've been running games from ie and renamed a few, but I just noticed a " bios feature" something like sch1001.bin? Can someone enlighten me?
EDIT: nevermind, after looking closer, its the same file I have on my PC psx emulator.
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There is already a Snes emulator it's called "Snes8x". It's really nice.

Is the developer still accepting beta testers?
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Do any of you guys experience a 2x speed of game play? I've tried lowering CPU and increasing bias. Neither changes it.

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