Brightness settings and the screen sensitivity issue SOLVED?

Did the latest update of access point change anything for you? My phone was just updated and seems better. Might be just me thinking it's better as what have access point to do with swiping/tapping :)

I don't want to make any statements after last time I thought extras+info update helped sensitivity issue but after updating this access point thing I'm using my phone for few hours and don't have any sign of the issue... reports that Nokia is pushing out a firmware update for the handset which brings it to 1028.3562.1402.00xx in EU and 1028.3534.1347.2001 in US.

If i see this correctly, the US firmware is the same that I've had on my phone since the December firmware update, which did nothing to help my phone.
Original internet page does not say anything about US fw ... just about new fw 1028.3562.1402.00xx

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Which makes me wonder where in the world the report received its information about the new US version as being what they said it was, as the original site only posted a version number and generic changelog, nothing else.
On mine I left double tab switched on but disabled glimp and the screen is finally working as it should. For the first time I could play subway surf without weird wrong moves. Before I tried the brightness set to normal but that does not really fix it.
Here's what I've done to no avail: Turned off double tap to wake; turned off glance; set screen to normal; turned off automatic brightness; disabled bluetooth, NFC, & keypress tones; blocked all background tasks that allow themselves to be blocked in the settings, unpinned everything that had a live tile on the start screen. Plus probably more that I can't think of at the moment... all done at the same time.

Did I mention I did this after a hard reset & reflash of the firmware from Nokia Care Suite? I think I may have gone overkill, but I wanted to say I've at least tried.
One BIG reason why I removed my WMPOWERUSER bookmark from my favorites tab. They 'report' things that aren't necessarily true and never seem to check their source.
I noticed that sensitivity bug much worse with screen protector on. Especially in regards of taping.
Why was "Touch Screen Too sensitive?" closed when the issue was not resolved. If we do not complain who is going to know and provide solution. You may argue that this is not the right place but look around all other threads aren't they some form of complaints? Owners and potential buyers must be made aware of the problems.
Yes medium you see no change, because when it does dim it dims to the medium setting lmao
i suggest we should flash new Poland firmware. I have flashed it and the issue was solved for me. If not we can wait for OTA.
My 1520 is RM-937. I used firmware 1028.3562.1402.0001 code 059V3T2
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Guys from russian mobile forum reporting that after they installed 1028.3562.1402.0002 through NSU following improvements were noticed

  • clock on the glance screen is moving now :)
  • sensitivity bug fixed
  • dimming bug fixed
  • performance improved
Here is the link to NSU software ( however please be aware that using this software to update you will lose part or all of your user data
Guys from russian mobile forum reporting that after they installed 1028.3562.1402.0002 through NSU following improvements were noticed

  • clock on the glance screen is moving now :)
  • sensitivity bug fixed
  • dimming bug fixed
  • performance improved
Here is the link to NSU software ( however please be aware that using this software to update you will lose part or all of your user data
I have tested 2 firmwares, In my opinion Poland's firmware better on camera than Russia's
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Any idea when they are going to release it? My phone is now very random. Some days terrible and some ok. No idea why.
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