Brightness settings and the screen sensitivity issue SOLVED?

Windows Phone 8.1 seems to have fixed this issue for me. But I'm only cautiously optimistic because I've felt like this before and it's come back with a vengeance.

I actually expected it to get worse though, because I figured the drivers would be less fine tuned.
WP8.1 did not fix it for me. Guys, this is a hardware issue. Please do not say WP8.1 fixed it for you before waiting for a couple of days. The issue is usually back after a few hours/days.
It's funny that everytime an update comes out (firmware update, extra+info etc), there would have a lot of posts saying "its fixed", just like being "first" or those "seems faster" comments.
But based on this pattern, I start to believe its more on the software side than hardware. If something can be fixed for a period of time after fresh update, it shouldn't be hardware issue anymore. It may either be some process threads resided in system memory that caused the problems the longer you use the phone , or the touch screen's response may have been lagged when system resource is not enough (and in both cases if you do a soft reset the problem seems solved again).
WP8.1 did not fix it for me. Guys, this is a hardware issue. Please do not say WP8.1 fixed it for you before waiting for a couple of days. The issue is usually back after a few hours/days.

I'm sorry you, and others, are still having the issue. It has been fixed on mine for over a month, so to say definitively that it's a hardware issue is incorrect.
I always think it has been fixed after every update until now. But after a short while I see that it has not been fixed. I really hope that Nokia will find out what is causing this error. I was thinking about send my phone to Nokia but I couldn't resist to try Windows Phone 8.1. That might could have fixed it. But again it doesn't.
Seemed fixed to me after the last firmware update and it came back. Seemed fixed after 8.1 update's back. It might have gotten a touch (ha!) better, but it's hard to say.
It was worse for me when i hit 8.1, had some problems with scrolling before.
But after 8.1 update, i got phantom presses all the time, turn on display and phone just went nuts and started playing music, going into IE, back, Cortana, homescreen and the it stopped.
Just opening random apps and doing all kind of crazy things.

Did a hard reset and is now back to some issues, but and here is the good part.
I did not have WiFi during the hard reset and therefor i did not get the Nokia software and under that time it worked 100% correct.... flawless!
After i connected to WiFi and got the Nokia "extras" and stuff the scrolling nightmare was back the sec the programs was installed, wtf is this!?

Worked fine worked fine "program has installed", 1ms of freeze and then a press instead of a scroll.
Its like the software is clogging up the systems way of feeling the digitizers response and when it comes back it registers the scroll as a press.

Damn it Nokia!

Edit: I turned on glance and the problem is mostly gone, 1 time in 18hrs.
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For me after the WP 8.1 update it felt like it was gone. Then I did receive a Glance update. And the problem was back like before the update to 8.1. So after I have read your post I immediately remembered this and switched off Glance from settings. And voila the problem has been gone. Until now :amaze:. But I like Glance too.

Edit: And again. After some time (?2 hours?) it is back again. So no solution until now. Very sad.
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Yikes. Kinda glad Newegg and Negri are sold out of the white and yellow 1520.3 now! No more temptation.
Updated to 8.1, unfortunately, all of my high hopes turn down as I am still facing Scroll to Tap problem with NL1520 :(
" Might be " , once nokia issues the firmware+8.1 will fix the issue
Keeping my fingers crossed.
It's so odd to see everyone's results all over the map on this. So I'll just add to the confusion by stating that the Windows 8.1 DP has made mine worse than immediately prior to it. Played with for 3 full days to make sure that it wasn't an "immediate" impression thing, but I've no doubt that it's more touchy now.

Weird that it's different for so many.
It's so odd to see everyone's results all over the map on this. So I'll just add to the confusion by stating that the Windows 8.1 DP has made mine worse than immediately prior to it. Played with for 3 full days to make sure that it wasn't an "immediate" impression thing, but I've no doubt that it's more touchy now.

Weird that it's different for so many.

Actually it seems like your experience is consistent with most on here. It seems those that initially thought the issue was fixed essentially came back and said they spoke too soon.
So with today's touch update, can anyone say confidently that your 1520 is fixed? And BTW, 10 minutes of testing doesn't mean squat.
So with today's touch update, can anyone say confidently that your 1520 is fixed? And BTW, 10 minutes of testing doesn't mean squat.

Well the fact that it was updated only today and that 10 minutes of testing means squat maybe your question would be better asked tomorrow or even better at the weekend.
I didn't have the sensitivity issues. Sorry I can't comment on the effectiveness of the update.

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