New member
- Dec 20, 2013
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Did you use a battery app or the built in battery information?
The built-in battery information. This was just the forth or fifth time i charge the phone. I don't own it for long time.
Did you use a battery app or the built in battery information?
I'm having real issues with the back cover. The very first 925 back cover could be pushed in at the top of the device, like many users already reported, it was making clicking and squeaking sounds when pressing on it. Also the power button was flushed in, looked like it was always pressed. So i had it exchanged for a second one, where the exact same issue with the back cover happens, except it can be pushed in different spots. On this second device, the vibration is also very very noisy, completely different from the first one. It feels different too. I'm on my way to get my money back and try to buy it from a different retailer, hoping all these annoyances will be gone but if there is something wrong with it again, I'm afraid I'll have to choose a different phone.
EDIT: 3rd device and again, exactly same issue with the back cover, when I swipe my thumb from the right of the camera outwards, to the edge with no buttons, it makes a loud click as something snaps into place, but as I let go, the cover slightly pops up again, it's not flushed into the metal body properly, going to have to go to that store again and get the money back, for the second time now, I give up on Lumia 925...
Certainly background running apps. Did you check it?It's still draining abnormally when the screen is locked or when the phone is off. I don't really know why. What I do to remedy the situation is to always prevent the phone from going to lockscreen manually because I don't have that option to turn the lockscreen off.
Yea is it only when you make a sscreenshot. Cuz I don't screenshot often and its happened a lot. And its really starting to **** me offDont try to make a screenshot during music is playing on earphones/external speakers on phones jack!!!!
Then the sound will shift to left speaker only and you have to restart the phone.... almost sent it back to service coz of this... can never ever happen on iPhone... never...
anyone have their touchscreen be unresponsive randomly but only for the first touch. Example would be I'm in the navigation app or camera up, i go back to the home page and go to scroll down, nothing happens, try again by lifting my finger and putting it right back down and its fine.
I turned high sensitivity OFF and I haven't noticed the issue since then, odd.
anyone have their touchscreen be unresponsive randomly but only for the first touch. Example would be I'm in the navigation app or camera up, i go back to the home page and go to scroll down, nothing happens, try again by lifting my finger and putting it right back down and its fine.
I turned high sensitivity OFF and I haven't noticed the issue since then, odd.
using navigation kills my battery AFTER i stop using navigation.
Example, i am navigating while phone is charging, I stop and phone is at 100%. A while later it will be at 80% without being touched
I have a new problem with the 3rd 925. After battery is fully discharged, says goodbye and turns off. then I put it on charge. it takes at least 20 mins for the phone to turn on.