Bugs / Defects with your Lumia 925

Hello everyone:

So I got this problem that just happened to me a like a day ago. I was listening to music in bed when all of a sudden the display on my Nokia Lumia 925 became really washed out.

Here is what is should look like:

(screenshot of the phone in action)
View attachment 71811

While this is what it actually looks like:

View attachment 71812

It's like this with any visual or game. All of it super washed out, and super bright. Before you ask, I didn't mess with any brightness settings or anything of that nature. I put the phone down for 30 minutes as I listen to music and when I pull back up it burned my eyes with this super brightness. I went through everything to see if it changed, nothing. I did several soft resets leading to nothing. I did a hard reset, nothing.

Some interesting things to note is that you see the screenshot of how the phone SHOULD look like? I actually took it while the phone was already all washed out, meaning the phone's software isn't actually adding white to the entire display. The phone sees itself as normal still. This couple with the fact that neither soft nor hard resets had any effect lead me to believe it is a hardware issue. I have actually seen the phone get like this once before, and that was when I was in SUPER bright sunlight, but that was expected as it was adjusting itself to the light. Also, it still auto adjusts the brightness, so it's not that. It's almost like the color scheme is messed up and the display is just adding too much white. I searched google long and hard and came up empty handed. I have no idea what else to do. If I am in the wrong place, feel free to point me where I should go. After hours of searching, this was the only place I felt was half-way suitable to post this problem. I'm going to try calling Nokia on Monday, see if I can get any luck with that. Hopefully I won't have to go to AT&T and mess around with all their charges and stuff. Anyway, I'm open to suggestions, and if you all need anymore information, please let me know.



A shot in the dark, but have you tried to restart the phone (power off then power back on) with your thumb over the sensor next to the front camera? If the sensor is working properly it should think it is night time and revert back to a dark display.

I had a problem with the sensor in my old Lumia 800 where as soon as I called somone or picked up a call from someone, the screen and all buttons would go blank as if the phone was up to my head in a normal conversation. I had to either wait for the other person to hang up or hit the power button and restart the phone after each call. My guess was the sensor was screwed after being dropped tok many times.

Hello guys:

I haven't forgotten you. Just a quick update, I just tried the Nokia software restore tool a couple hours ago. Long story short, the phone is bricked. I called up Nokia, and I am apparently under warranty, so I will send it back to them and hopefully get a fixed/new phone. I didn't get to try your suggestion Praxius, due to this reason, but hopefully, everything goes ok, and Nokia can fix it for me. I appreciate both of your suggestions! I really do enjoy the phone, my mom got her phone (also a Nokia Lumia 925) the same day as me, and hers is working beautifully, so I guess I just got unlucky. Everything is backed up, so all is well. Just need to get a working phone, and I will be back in business!

Thank you both for replying to me. It made me really happy to see I wasn't just shouting into the wind.

Thank you,

I've had my Lumia 925 for a few months now, and ever since I got it I've had an annoying issue of the SIM card tray popping out ALL THE TIME. I press it in and it just sticks out again about a millimeter. Doesn't affect useability of the phone, just a pain in the ****. I contacted Nokia service, but I don't really want to go without a phone for two weeks just for a cosmetic defect.
This morning I woke up and saw a dead 925 with totally empty battery. I charged a few time and checked in insider what happened and noticed that the device was shut at 20% off. Weird...
At 20 % it should work for a longer period shouldn't it? The battery saver (I don't know its new name) was on but was not allowed to run in the background.
On forums adviced me to uninstall insider I did it and reloaded the original (8.0 Black) FW to my phone with NSRT. Is it because of the SW (insider) or is it the beginning of the end of my device (s battery)?

The 925 was upgraded from PfD 8.1 to 8.1 Cyan. Now I upgrade from the beginning - 8.0 Black - to 8.1 Cyan.
I have had the secondhand Lumia 925 since march it came with black upgrade on it, in april I tried the developer preview of 8.1 and the phone kept locking up randomly several times a day so I went back to wp8 and it was absolutely faultless, the other day it upgraded to cyan and once again started to lock up a few times a day, on the glance screen the clock just freezes and the only way to use the phone is to do a soft reset. I have tried turning off the glance screen but it still freezes only useable via a soft reset, I also did a hard reset after both upgrades. Any ideas would be welcome. Cheers K
I Have just bought a new lumia 925 and i noticed that in the darknes when i look on my display (while my "glance screen" is activated) i can noticed some sort of "glaring" effect. All my screen is shineing grey. AMOLED display schould be able to turn off unuised pixel while my display in completly dark room is almoust like a torch. Does anyone have the same problem? Schould i returned this phone as a damaged one?
I have had the secondhand Lumia 925 since march it came with black upgrade on it, in april I tried the developer preview of 8.1 and the phone kept locking up randomly several times a day so I went back to wp8 and it was absolutely faultless, the other day it upgraded to cyan and once again started to lock up a few times a day, on the glance screen the clock just freezes and the only way to use the phone is to do a soft reset. I have tried turning off the glance screen but it still freezes only useable via a soft reset, I also did a hard reset after both upgrades. Any ideas would be welcome. Cheers K

Same problem for me. I've had my 925 since Sept. last year. Upgraded last week to Cyan. Mine isn't freezing as much as yours but it seems like a guaranteed freeze overnight on the wireless charging stand.

I'm hearing a lot about 925 freezes with Cyan. I'm suspecting (or is that hoping) these are related to apps we have installed. If it's the OS that is so unstable then we're truly screwed!
Please I love my lumia 925 but i have screen flickering problem while scrolling please help me solve this problem Thank You
win 8.0 noticeable lag when screen saver on or in timeout - have to touch lock screen 4-5 times to get it to wake up. Often lag from screen to screen, program to program. Horrid wifi download speeds compared to SIII ! Hopefully 8.1 reduces some of this.
After using a Nokia Lumia 630 I decided to upgrade to an unlocked Lumia 925 , over all I am happy with its performance apart from one annoying issue. I have searched and found many comments on the '' Grip of Death '' and my new 925 has this same issue .

This photo below shows my phone when its not being touched


This photo below shows the phone being held in my hand


This photo below shows the phone being held with a towel , so my hand does not physically touch the phone .


I have tried the following , but the issue was the same .

1. Different SIM's using different carriers with different band frequencies
2. Soft reset the phone
3. Using the phone is several physical locations
4. Turning Airplane mode off / on

When physically holding the phone the over all quality of making and receiving calls deteriorates ( no matter how / where I hold the phone )

When the phone is not being physically held , and the calls are answered on the speaker , the over all quality is good

When I first received the phone it was running 8.0 , but I never used the phone with a SIM card inserted, so I do not know if the same loss of signal issue was there , I updated the phone to 8.1 and then inserted a SIM to find this problem.

when searching this issue I have read that some people are experiencing this same problem , but ive all so read articles that confirm that Nokia says this problem cannot happen on the 925 due to the phones excellent antenna design.

Phone details

Windows Phone 8.1
OS version 8.10.12393.890
Firmware revision number 3051.50009.1424.0001
Hardware revision number
Radio software version 3.2.04059.1

I have ordered a phone case to see if that will improve things , but I would prefer to use the phone with out a case / cover

Any thoughts / suggestions / comments on my current 925 problem , most welcome
This is what happens with my 925 after the cyan update. Even after hard reset this happens many times.

Sent from Lumia 925 India using tapatalk

Yes, I get this, but it is a strange one
I get this but it only happens in one room of the house (looks like I am borderline between 2 transmitters in this room so it causes trouble switching between the 2)

If you look at the aluminium frame around the phone you will see it has 4 parts (top, bottom and 2 sides) will a small space between each
when holding it, do not have your palm over either of the bottom 2 spaces (especially the one on the right), touching this space I can get a no signal with out picking it up

If I go in other rooms in the house I can hold it how I want without issue, but in this one room I get signal drops if I hold it touching the bottom corners

There is a youtube video showing what I mean on this, not sure of the link off hand but its easily found on a search in youtube, or I can find it for you if you want
Yes, I get this, but it is a strange one
I get this but it only happens in one room of the house (looks like I am borderline between 2 transmitters in this room so it causes trouble switching between the 2)

If you look at the aluminium frame around the phone you will see it has 4 parts (top, bottom and 2 sides) will a small space between each
when holding it, do not have your palm over either of the bottom 2 spaces (especially the one on the right), touching this space I can get a no signal with out picking it up

If I go in other rooms in the house I can hold it how I want without issue, but in this one room I get signal drops if I hold it touching the bottom corners

There is a youtube video showing what I mean on this, not sure of the link off hand but its easily found on a search in youtube, or I can find it for you if you want

Hi and thanks for the comment :smile:

I thought this problem may have some thing to do with the aluminum frame around the phone , but just why some owners of a 925 get this problem and sone don't is confusing .

I can use the phone wearing my gardening gloves and have no problems ,

I could take the phone to the nearest Nokia Care shop , but its not known for its friendly customer service and is not normally a pleasant experience , and I think all I will be told is , the problem is to do with the SIM card provider and the phone is Ok .

I'm feeling gutted :angry:
What type of signal do you have, I only get this issue when it is G, 3G signal or better I have no issues

The reason I have taken mine back to see if its a problem is that I cant replicate the problem anywhere else, I can me outside somewhere with a weaker signal and the problem doesn't happen

It is strange

Do you get the problem everywhere or only in certain places?
What type of signal do you have, I only get this issue when it is G, 3G signal or better I have no issues

The reason I have taken mine back to see if its a problem is that I cant replicate the problem anywhere else, I can me outside somewhere with a weaker signal and the problem doesn't happen

It is strange

Do you get the problem everywhere or only in certain places?

Ive been trying out a few more things with regard to the position of my hand on the phone and how the different hand positions affect the phones signal .


Hands to side1.jpg

Top and bottom.jpg

It seems that if I hold the phone and my hand touches the bottom right hand corner ( my normal hand position when using the phone ) the signal quickly reduces.

The SIM cards ive tried in the phone are

1. 3G - 850mhz
2. 3G - 2100mhz

and they all produced the same results ( There is currently no 4G in my area )

To day ive ventured into the nearest city and the phones signal seemed to widely fluctuate on a regular basis and the same '' Grip of Death was evident .

Checking out the 925's antenna arrangement , I came across this ....

Nokia Lumia 925 - Antenna locations - User Guide - Nokia - UK


I'm not sure what to think , so according to the above I can't hold my new 925 the way I hold all my mobile phones :grincry:

It does look like the position of the main radio antenna is on the bottom right hand side ( just where the Grip of Death occurs the most and where my hand touches the phone .


I still can't understand why some 925's have this problem and some do not ?
Since no one mentioned it I guess it's not a common bug that capacitive buttons won't turn off during battery saving since WP Cyan update? It is annoying if they shine brighter than the display while laying in bed at night.
Freezing Problem with Nokia 925

I bought a full price, new Nokia 925 in March and had freezing problems early on. I sent it
back to Nokia for repair in May. All they did was reinstall the software, check some specs and
return it to me. It started freezing again and I sent it back in July. Even though I told them
is was the second time being sent back, all they did was reinstall the software, check some
specs and send it back to me.

Well I got my phone back and in the first three days it has frozen eight times. All the "repair" department
did was reinstall the software, checked some specs and sent it back. Took them ten days to do
that. This is the same thing they did the first time I sent the phone in. Did not fix the problem
then, did not fix it now.

I think the 925 is a faulty design. Software wont fix it; the hardware must be changed. Microsoft
bought Nokia but they are not willing to own the problems. Microsoft knows the phone is faulty;
they have stopped selling it, they are still selling the 928, why not the 925. They know it is a
bad design; bad hardware package. So they have stopped selling it; but wont fix those in the field.

Buyer beware on any microsoft phone in the future.
Re: Freezing Problem with Nokia 925

I bought a full price, new Nokia 925 in March and had freezing problems early on. I sent it
back to Nokia for repair in May. All they did was reinstall the software, check some specs and
return it to me. It started freezing again and I sent it back in July. Even though I told them
is was the second time being sent back, all they did was reinstall the software, check some
specs and send it back to me.

Well I got my phone back and in the first three days it has frozen eight times. All the "repair" department
did was reinstall the software, checked some specs and sent it back. Took them ten days to do
that. This is the same thing they did the first time I sent the phone in. Did not fix the problem
then, did not fix it now.

I think the 925 is a faulty design. Software wont fix it; the hardware must be changed. Microsoft
bought Nokia but they are not willing to own the problems. Microsoft knows the phone is faulty;
they have stopped selling it, they are still selling the 928, why not the 925. They know it is a
bad design; bad hardware package. So they have stopped selling it; but wont fix those in the field.

Buyer beware on any microsoft phone in the future.

So Nokia 925 have a faulty design because you're having problems? If we think always like that, every device is a faulty device.

Please, if you can, explain with more details this freeze problem.
Re: Freezing Problem with Nokia 925

I say a faulty design because of several reports I have seen on different forums where people have the same issue with multiple 925's. You see these
posts on both T-Mobile and ATT sites where they got a replacement phone with the same problem. If the second phone has the same problem; it is not a software issue and just re-installing the software won't solve the issue. Now everybody who has a 925 won't have a problem, surely not, there are differences in carriers, locations and methods of use. But there are too many issues with the 925 for it to be isolated. As to why it is freezing, it is not
my responsibility to explain why.
Re: Freezing Problem with Nokia 925

I say a faulty design because of several reports I have seen on different forums where people have the same issue with multiple 925's. You see these
posts on both T-Mobile and ATT sites where they got a replacement phone with the same problem. If the second phone has the same problem; it is not a software issue and just re-installing the software won't solve the issue. Now everybody who has a 925 won't have a problem, surely not, there are differences in carriers, locations and methods of use. But there are too many issues with the 925 for it to be isolated. As to why it is freezing, it is not
my responsibility to explain why.

Yeah, EVERY smartphone have a several identical reports in whole world. If we use your logic, again, every smartphone have a faulty design. Makes no sense at all.

If you explain your problem (not only "my 925 is freezing") with more details, we can try help you. That's all.

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