Hello everyone:
So I got this problem that just happened to me a like a day ago. I was listening to music in bed when all of a sudden the display on my Nokia Lumia 925 became really washed out.
Here is what is should look like:
(screenshot of the phone in action)
View attachment 71811
While this is what it actually looks like:
View attachment 71812
It's like this with any visual or game. All of it super washed out, and super bright. Before you ask, I didn't mess with any brightness settings or anything of that nature. I put the phone down for 30 minutes as I listen to music and when I pull back up it burned my eyes with this super brightness. I went through everything to see if it changed, nothing. I did several soft resets leading to nothing. I did a hard reset, nothing.
Some interesting things to note is that you see the screenshot of how the phone SHOULD look like? I actually took it while the phone was already all washed out, meaning the phone's software isn't actually adding white to the entire display. The phone sees itself as normal still. This couple with the fact that neither soft nor hard resets had any effect lead me to believe it is a hardware issue. I have actually seen the phone get like this once before, and that was when I was in SUPER bright sunlight, but that was expected as it was adjusting itself to the light. Also, it still auto adjusts the brightness, so it's not that. It's almost like the color scheme is messed up and the display is just adding too much white. I searched google long and hard and came up empty handed. I have no idea what else to do. If I am in the wrong place, feel free to point me where I should go. After hours of searching, this was the only place I felt was half-way suitable to post this problem. I'm going to try calling Nokia on Monday, see if I can get any luck with that. Hopefully I won't have to go to AT&T and mess around with all their charges and stuff. Anyway, I'm open to suggestions, and if you all need anymore information, please let me know.
A shot in the dark, but have you tried to restart the phone (power off then power back on) with your thumb over the sensor next to the front camera? If the sensor is working properly it should think it is night time and revert back to a dark display.
I had a problem with the sensor in my old Lumia 800 where as soon as I called somone or picked up a call from someone, the screen and all buttons would go blank as if the phone was up to my head in a normal conversation. I had to either wait for the other person to hang up or hit the power button and restart the phone after each call. My guess was the sensor was screwed after being dropped tok many times.