Build 1803 is buggy. Many Blue Screens of Death

I had it install just fine on all of our laptops however our one desktop kept failing so I did a fresh install. Even that messed up several times before I got a successful install. Then just a few days later it wanted to do a patch and it fails every time on the reboot. So now I'm in a circle where it wants to update, it fails on the update during reboot and has to roll back, then when it comes back up it immediately wants to do the install again. At least prior to the April update I would get about two weeks before it would re-try to force an update on me. Now it is doing it immediately after the rollback. I went ahead and marked my internet connection as metered so it will hopefully stop but I think I'm gonna have to go back to windows 7 if MS can't get their installer to work right consistently.
April update has worked mostly fine thusfar of my surface pro 5 it has worked mostly fine. Just wishing I could turn off timeline. I don't think it's very useful.

On my desktop I'm having issues that the cumulative update won't download. Have tired for a couple of days now.

I don't notice too much difference between autumn and april windows 10 update on my surface pro 5. I think if your surface pro was updated with the cumulative update the blue screens might have gone, probably worked fine with the autumn update. Not necessary to give up your surface pro perse, but I can understand it, as it is a pricey purchase and it is good to demand a good performance of the device out of the box.
The main problem I have encountered is the screen sleep settings no longer function. My display will not turn off regardless of settings nor will the screen savers activate. If I turn off the monitor, the integrated USB will disconnect requiring a restart for keyboard and mouse function to be restored. These problems did not exist prior to 1803.
On the Surface (any Surface). Download the driver pack from the Microsoft download site and apply it. Should make things happy again. I've got a Surface Laptop and Surface Book (gen 1) with the newest driver pack available applied and they are running silky smooth on 1803. We deployed Surface Pro 4s company wide at work, they are currently on 1709 and the last CU (last week's) broke a few of them - as soon as we applied the latest driver pack available they have gone back to being stable again as well. Same thing if you use a Surface Dock - there's a new dock updater available for download - pull it down and run it, the latest dock update has made them work a bit better as well.
@Aras_P - I encountered the same problem after 1803. The fix that worked for me is as follows

* Open the Settings app and choose the 'Power & sleep' settings.

* Click the 'Additional power settings' link under Related Settings.

* Against the current plan, click the 'Change plan settings' link.

* Click the 'Restore default settings for this plan' link. The system will restore default values for the plan.

* Now, make changes to the plan as required and click the 'Save changes' button.

* Close all settings windows and restart the computer.

Hope it helps.
OneDrive stopped syncing on my Surface Pro 4 after the update. Of course while I was working on an important project with a group that now thinks OneDrive sucks. Smh.
I just reset Microsoft Photos and Windows Central apps all is fine now. Run task manager to see witch apps are using to much CPU power over 25% and reset those apps.
I have an HP Spectre x360 2017, and it was crashing all the time.. I downgraded to 1709 and have kept it on the Semi Annual branch instead of Semi Annual (Targetted).

In addition, my laptop also shows a TPM error. It says TPM firmware is old and needs to be updated. But HP is not aware of any such update.

I hope MS figures out this mess. I really like the new functions in 1803. But, sadly had to revert to 1709.
I just got a Surface Pro 2017 at Best Buy. I returned it cuz after she updated to build 1803 and I could not escape 3 BSOD's in two days. I returned her after a few days and the new one has the same thing. I restored the new one back to the 1709 build and disabled updating. I will try not to let her update until a new update supersedes the 1803 mess. I also could not get the update downloads to easily complete without running the fix it troubleshooter and/or just rebooting. A real mess if you ask me. I love the SP 2017 but hate the updates and really hate a BSOD at work in the middle of helping a client.

Personally I have had no issues with it on my own SP2017 however I concede there are so many factors that can cause bugs that I may just be lucky. Such as shame though as there are some really nice additions in this update, the Timeline is really great to use, don't mean to rub that in there.
My HP Pavilion 360 took 6 hours to update from beginning to end and you can imagine the level of anxiety rising with each passing hour. However all seems well so far but after a 6 hour update i just shut down ... why tempt the computing gods, right? Tomorrow we'll try my wife's Lenovo.
My HP Pavilion 360 took 6 hours to update from beginning to end and you can imagine the level of anxiety rising with each passing hour. However all seems well so far but after a 6 hour update i just shut down ... why tempt the computing gods, right? Tomorrow we'll try my wife's Lenovo.
My Surface Pro 3 has the latest update has worked mostly fine. However it is slow to boot, the lock screen is really slow to respond. I haven't had any other issues.

My wife's SP 4 however has had multiple BSOD instances. I think it has something to do with some new drivers that downloaded at the same time as the Win10 update.
I just installed 17666 insider preview I couldn't open any applications I installed after opening them once
The issue being talked abut is Intel and Toshiba drives having problems, but I have the LTE version of the Surface Pro 2017, and it has a Samsung drive. And though I don't get BSOD's, I do get random freezes for 1 to 10 seconds on 1803.
My 2017 surface pro m3 had freezes and BSOD's so I was looking for an answer to why. I also have 2 other computers that have updated with no issues, only the surface pro. I saw the following article that blames it on the SSD.

My surface pro has this SSD so could be true. I rolled back to 1709 and have not had problems since. Hopefully they correct the issue with the SSD so I can reinstall the upate.

I am actually quoted in that article. My moment of glory. Wish I never had this one! :eck:

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