Called Verizon Today

Contract Reset

@biased123 - I think your 2 year contract will reset when you buy the phone. Also, I don't think you can "give back" the $100 credit and get out of the contract...I may be wrong on this though.

My contract was already reset once (in January). It wouldn't be reset again. Or it shouldn't. If it was, that means that for no benefit to me, they extended my contract. If it would be reset then I would argue that the contract I am in now, is null and void since I never received any phone per their offer in "Early 2011".

The real question is whether the contract is independent of the phone or not. I would argue that the contract is separate. If that's the case, my contract started in January and will end in January 2013. If it is tied to the phone, then I should not be on contract right now, as I don't have the phone.

I already verified that I am on contract at a VZW store through January 2013.

They can't have it both ways. Simple as that. If they did try and have it both ways, I'll have my lawyer send them a letter. Free legal rocks...

As far as the $100 bill credit goes, they would just reverse the credit or take it as a lesson learned. I don't care. If they reverse it, it shows up on my last bill.

Again, this all assumes that it doesn't come out around May 5th.

I am done with VZW. Whether it is 1 more contract length or within the next month. That will be up to them.
t I've seen to a insider.

I iterated this before, but I will do it again here: people are going to other carriers. You have T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T all with WP7 devices. There is no clear public sign that Verizon will carry a device, only, as you mentioned, rumors and leaks. So those off contract can either wait for something that there is no clear evidence is coming or change to a new carrier.

Unless you absolutely need a Windows phone or any particular OS that a carrier doesn't offer for work related purposes, I think leaving a carrier simply for another phone is one of the silliest moves I see customers make. When I worked in our stores, as Blackberry and eventually Android rose in popularity, Windows 6.5 phones sat on the shelves. We carried phones like the Imagio simply so we would have a showing from Windows....and the truth is, nobody bought them.

If someone leaves Verizon for another carrier and signs a 2 year agreement, that is a likely loss of nearly $2000 for Verizon for every individual customer lost. If they have a good experience with the new carrier, they may decide to stay with them which is even more money loss. If only 1000 customers decide to do that, you're looking at $2 million going to carriers other than Verizon that could've been retained.
Referencing my last comment, I don't see most people lacking enough common sense to carry out a mass exodus to another carrier simply because we don't have a Windows phone.

Basically what we need is a reason to stay. Every single one of your posts has basically told me "nothing is coming anytime soon", in other words "if you want a WP7 device, you should go elsewhere". That's unfortunate, because it gives ones like me little hope that a device is coming and little reason to commit to Verizon.
What a twisting of my words.....I have simply stated multiple times, we have had no training, there is no sign of this phone or any other Windows product in our equipment guide, and it's not on our short list of releases over the next three weeks. YOU personally interpret it whatever way you chose.

It's not about calling Verizon out for rumors and leaks or us being enthusiast that follow WP7 closely and thus being impatient, it's just the reality of a free market where people have choices on where to spend their money. These people WANT to spend their money on Verizon. Is that really a bad thing?

And I like I explain to other customers who are waiting for other phones that are rumored/leaked to be coming out soon........the internet and the speculative websites make WAY to much out of product launches. There have been some pretty big product launches in my nearly five years with the company, or at least, they have been big product launches at the time. In five years, out of all the product launches we have had, there has only been one phone release that has had any kind of major intro, i.e news conference or major public statement, and that's the iPhone. So my point is, it's not common place for Verizon or any other carrier to address every single product launch with the public. People wanted the same kind of statement/info regarding the eventually came out, but there was never any kind of "town hall meeting" regarding the release of that phone.
Unless you absolutely need a Windows phone or any particular OS that a carrier doesn't offer for work related purposes, I think leaving a carrier simply for another phone is one of the silliest moves I see customers make. When I worked in our stores, as Blackberry and eventually Android rose in popularity, Windows 6.5 phones sat on the shelves. We carried phones like the Imagio simply so we would have a showing from Windows....and the truth is, nobody bought them.

Referencing my last comment, I don't see most people lacking enough common sense to carry out a mass exodus to another carrier simply because we don't have a Windows phone.

Thanks WV. Now I "lack common sense" LOL !

I dont WANT an iPhone. I dont WANT an Android phone. I dont WANT a Blackberry. I DO Windows.. Get it? This is exactly what the people on this board have been saying about VZW.. ARROGANCE !

Oh.. and I have the Imagio in my pocket right now.. WHY ? Cause I dont WANT Android or Blackerry for that matter.. and that was the only choice 2 years ago at VZW. The only real choices .. EVEN NOW in the business world are Blackberry, iPhone and WP7. Why ?.. EAS policies ! Android SUCKS at implementing EAS policies. Granted WP7 could do better.. and it will given EAS is a MS technology.

You really think customers didnt leave VZW to get the the iPhone on AT&T (during the exclusive)? You really think they "lacked common sense" ?

Might wanna take a step back .. and think about what consumers really want.. just say'n.

Good luck VZW.. Samsung Focus out for delivery to me TODAY !!! ;)
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Thanks WV. Now I "lack common sense" LOL !

I dont WANT an iPhone. I dont WANT an Android phone. I dont WANT a Blackberry. I DO Windows.. Get it?

YEAH, I GET IT! You've been a member of this forum since December, probably have been reading lots of unofficial release dates and theories, those haven't come true, you're pissed off at Verizon because those UNOFFICAL release dates haven't come true, and apparently you couldn't go another minute in your life without a Windows phone? I can play the assumption game too. Did you really have to have the phone right this minute? Would your life expire tomorrow if you didn't have it? I doubt it.

You really think customers didnt leave VZW to get the the iPhone on AT&T (during the exclusive)? You really think they "lacked common sense" ?
Of course they did. While working in the store channel, I watched as people would come walking in, often times with AT&T reps, to get their account numbers to port over. Do I think they lacked common sense for doing so? Do you want an honest answer?????? I spent all the years without the iPhone asking customers what it was about the iPhone that they had to have, or what they would be using the phone for. The answers I got were laughable...."I just want to call and text", "I don't know, I just think it's cool", "My friends have it" other words, for the most part, the iPhone has been a "have to have" phone, rather than a phone that people truly need. I spent years listening to people brag about how many apps the iPhone had, and when asked to see how many of those ten gajillion apps they actually used, most customers didn't even utilize 1 percent of all apps offered. I'm aware that there are a small percentage of companies who build software around Apple products, but by no means a majority. So, to answer your question, do I think people who left a company that is continually rated best in class by highly respected sources for a phone that in most cases, they didn't need, have no common sense? To be polite, I'll say I think they at least need a reality check.
Wow these forums heated up a bit? I dont want to get too involved but...

1. Nobody should mention Winmo 6.5. Its not related to WP7 in any way. Its like holding off on the iPhone because the Newton was such a failure.

2. I dont think its worth switching carriers for a phone, but I think its worth it to switch for a platform. If you wanted the iOS experience when only AT&T had it, then its completely justifiable. Same thing would apply to Blackberry, Android, and WP7.

3. I'm not holding VZ accountable. They didn't formally announce it and right now they're obviously pushing the phones out on the market. They dont want us sitting here waiting to sign a 2 year agreement. They want us to do that now.

I'm holding out. I want to support the WP7 platform. I want to experience the WP7 platform. I'm not switching carriers, I'm just waiting and hoping VZ releases something very soon.
Reasons for Leaving Carriers...

I have left only a few cell phone carriers in my lifetime. I left AT&T for Sprint for a better phone (I was young and stupid). I left Sprint because (at the time at least) their customter service was horrible (could never actually talk to a person). And now I am more than likely going to leave Verizon Wireless because of their products they support and their general lack of having good products. Technology is always old when you compare their products to other carriers (in my opinion). Look at the iPhone 4. Look at WP7. It just seems other companies are better at getting new products out to market. The company needs to look into better Agile methodology or something...

If it wasn't for the better actual voice service, VZW would be out of business due to their lack of good products, IMHO. Hopefully they can get that fixed, but if it takes 7 months to get a phone to market, you got problems. If it really doesn't take 7 months and this was some sort of revenge against the Kin fiasco, then screw your CEO. I'm out. Either way, the company looks like crap for Windows Phone 7 fans. Whether it is their fault or not, VZW gets the bad publicity.

WV can defend his company all he/she wants. The real problem that needs to be realized is that its not the promise date that is pissing everyone off. Its that it has taken 7 months to get a product to market and all other major carriers already have their similar products out.

They should honestly look into their supply chain and testing procedures if it does take 7 months. No one likes dinosaur phones.

On a similar note, seems to me that if carriers don't fear people leaving carriers that they should reduce the contract times so they can sell more phones and make more money. But I guess if it takes a year + (in the case of the iPhone 4) to get it to market then maybe the people wouldn't even have a cool new phone to buy... get it?
Unless you absolutely need a Windows phone or any particular OS that a carrier doesn't offer for work related purposes, I think leaving a carrier simply for another phone is one of the silliest moves I see customers make. When I worked in our stores, as Blackberry and eventually Android rose in popularity, Windows 6.5 phones sat on the shelves. We carried phones like the Imagio simply so we would have a showing from Windows....and the truth is, nobody bought them.

WP7 is the first smartphone OS that has appealed to me. It's what I want. If I cannot get what I want with Verizon, why is that silly? To be honest, this isn't about what you think, it's about what me (and others) want as customers. I may love to shop at Target, but if they do not carry an important product that I want I'm going to have to go somewhere else to purchase it. Target can feel that is silly, but as a customer in a free market I'm going to go somewhere that has what I want instead.

Referencing my last comment, I don't see most people lacking enough common sense to carry out a mass exodus to another carrier simply because we don't have a Windows phone.

You know, that was quite condescending. I understand what you're saying, but you are talking to customers and potential customers here. Insulting their judgment isn't a good way to show that you value their business. And, for the record, I never did claim a mass exodus. 1000 customers is not a mass exodus considering how many subscribers Verizon has. But to think you haven't lost a LOT of customers due to not having a WP7 device, multiple comments from Verizon execs that minimized the OS and your competitors having very appealing devices ... that doesn't generate confidence that this situation will improve.

What a twisting of my words.....I have simply stated multiple times, we have had no training, there is no sign of this phone or any other Windows product in our equipment guide, and it's not on our short list of releases over the next three weeks. YOU personally interpret it whatever way you chose.

Not putting words in your mouth. Just trying to explain that each and every one of your comments give no hope for those wanting a WP7 device on Verizon. None.

And I like I explain to other customers who are waiting for other phones that are rumored/leaked to be coming out soon........the internet and the speculative websites make WAY to much out of product launches. There have been some pretty big product launches in my nearly five years with the company, or at least, they have been big product launches at the time. In five years, out of all the product launches we have had, there has only been one phone release that has had any kind of major intro, i.e news conference or major public statement, and that's the iPhone. So my point is, it's not common place for Verizon or any other carrier to address every single product launch with the public. People wanted the same kind of statement/info regarding the eventually came out, but there was never any kind of "town hall meeting" regarding the release of that phone.

The Motorola Droid. October 28, 2009. First Android device on the network. It was a big deal. Huge ad campaign. I remember it fondly.
Motorola's Droid Launch Impresses - TheStreet

For the record, after this I'm no longer considering your comments as one representing Verizon as a company. If I did, I'd be at the store in a couple weeks getting a Focus on AT&T (even though their coverage isn't the best here). No, I'm going to give Verizon the benefit of the doubt for a few weeks more and view your comments as one individuals opinion. That opinion seems to not be very high of Windows Phones (it's clear from your comments, sorry). Thanks for your input, though.

There are others out there, such as Andrew Templeton (!/vwphones ), that have recognized that we really want to purchase these devices with Verizon and have thrown us a bone. Keep the pressure on them for info and hopefully we'll know something concrete soon.
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I have left only a few cell phone carriers in my lifetime. I left AT&T for Sprint for a better phone (I was young and stupid). I left Sprint because (at the time at least) their customter service was horrible (could never actually talk to a person). And now I am more than likely going to leave Verizon Wireless because of their products they support and their general lack of having good products. Technology is always old when you compare their products to other carriers (in my opinion). Look at the iPhone 4. Look at WP7. It just seems other companies are better at getting new products out to market. The company needs to look into better Agile methodology or something...

If it wasn't for the better actual voice service, VZW would be out of business due to their lack of good products, IMHO. Hopefully they can get that fixed, but if it takes 7 months to get a phone to market, you got problems. If it really doesn't take 7 months and this was some sort of revenge against the Kin fiasco, then screw your CEO. I'm out. Either way, the company looks like crap for Windows Phone 7 fans. Whether it is their fault or not, VZW gets the bad publicity.

WV can defend his company all he/she wants. The real problem that needs to be realized is that its not the promise date that is pissing everyone off. Its that it has taken 7 months to get a product to market and all other major carriers already have their similar products out.

They should honestly look into their supply chain and testing procedures if it does take 7 months. No one likes dinosaur phones.

On a similar note, seems to me that if carriers don't fear people leaving carriers that they should reduce the contract times so they can sell more phones and make more money. But I guess if it takes a year + (in the case of the iPhone 4) to get it to market then maybe the people wouldn't even have a cool new phone to buy... get it?

How can you say its been 7 months waiting when there was never a date issued to begin with? And as far as the comment on the quality of data phones VZW offers, most people don't and won't ever use more than 1/3 of the phones capabilities. There is a smartphone available for everyone now through VZW if people would allow themselves out of the "have to have" mindset.
WP7 is the first smartphone OS that has appealed to me. It's what I want. If I cannot get what I want with Verizon, why is that silly? To be honest, this isn't about what you think, it's about what me (and others) want as customers. I may love to shop at Target, but if they do not carry an important product that I want I'm going to have to go somewhere else to purchase it. Target can feel that is silly, but as a customer in a free market I'm going to go somewhere that has what I want instead.

You know, that was quite condescending. I understand what you're saying, but you are talking to customers and potential customers here. Insulting their judgment isn't a good way to show that you value their business. And, for the record, I never did claim a mass exodus. 1000 customers is not a mass exodus considering how many subscribers Verizon has. But to think you haven't lost a LOT of customers due to not having a WP7 device, multiple comments from Verizon execs that minimized the OS and your competitors having very appealing devices ... that doesn't generate confidence that this situation will improve.

Not putting words in your mouth. Just trying to explain that each and every one of your comments give no hope for those wanting a WP7 device on Verizon. None.

The Motorola Droid. October 28, 2009. First Android device on the network. It was a big deal. Huge ad campaign. I remember it fondly.
Motorola's Droid Launch Impresses - TheStreet

For the record, after this I'm no longer considering your comments as one representing Verizon as a company. If I did, I'd be at the store in a couple weeks getting a Focus on AT&T (even though their coverage isn't the best here). No, I'm going to give Verizon the benefit of the doubt for a few weeks more and view your comments as one individuals opinion. That opinion seems to not be very high of Windows Phones (it's clear from your comments, sorry). Thanks for your input, though.

There are others out there, such as Andrew Templeton (!/vwphones ), that have recognized that we really want to purchase these devices with Verizon and have thrown us a bone. Keep the pressure on them for info and hopefully we'll know something concrete soon.

There was a huge ad campaign regarding the Droid for sure, and just like this phone, lots of speculative dates,.and misses on those dates, and threats to leave, and demands for info, etc. It eventually came out.
How can you say its been 7 months waiting when there was never a date issued to begin with? And as far as the comment on the quality of data phones VZW offers, most people don't and won't ever use more than 1/3 of the phones capabilities. There is a smartphone available for everyone now through VZW if people would allow themselves out of the "have to have" mindset.

You know...There are people that don't care to have their entire life in the hands of Google...and some might even say for good reason. That rules out ANY android phone you carry. Some people also don't like Apple as a company for personal reasons which you may not agree with but they are real to your CUSTOMER. That rules out iPhone. Blackberry's just don't excite some of us at all, who wants to spend their hard earned money on something they don't really "like", especially in this economy?

I was going to stick this out and wait, but when multiple people at Verizon make comments like this, it doesn't make me want to stay because it sounds like Verizon just doesn't care AT ALL. I also had a problem with a previous device 3 times w/in 6 month period and they told me that if the same thing happened to the 3rd device say right after my ORIGINAL year waranty was up, than I would be out of luck. Mind you the device would have been a remanufactured one that was only 6 months old to me...and I would still have a year left on my contract. Verizon's response to me was...If you don't like it pay the ETF and go elsewhere.

Does me wanting to leave also make me silly?
You know...There are people that don't care to have their entire life in the hands of Google...and some might even say for good reason. That rules out ANY android phone you carry. Some people also don't like Apple as a company for personal reasons which you may not agree with but they are real to your CUSTOMER. That rules out iPhone. Blackberry's just don't excite some of us at all, who wants to spend their hard earned money on something they don't really "like", especially in this economy?

I was going to stick this out and wait, but when multiple people at Verizon make comments like this, it doesn't make me want to stay because it sounds like Verizon just doesn't care AT ALL. I also had a problem with a previous device 3 times w/in 6 month period and they told me that if the same thing happened to the 3rd device say right after my ORIGINAL year waranty was up, than I would be out of luck. Mind you the device would have been a remanufactured one that was only 6 months old to me...and I would still have a year left on my contract. Verizon's response to me was...If you don't like it pay the ETF and go elsewhere.

Does me wanting to leave also make me silly?

There's clearly a one year warranty on any device, you can purchase the additional TEC coverage to give you a full two years warranty on anything.
Unless you absolutely need a Windows phone or any particular OS that a carrier doesn't offer for work related purposes, I think leaving a carrier simply for another phone is one of the silliest moves I see customers make.

Referencing my last comment, I don't see most people lacking enough common sense to carry out a mass exodus to another carrier simply because we don't have a Windows phone.
I think most people ultimately don't care which carrier they're using. As long as you have service in your area, which carrier you're using doesn't really affect your daily life.

Which phone you're using, however, does affect your daily life. For that reason I think most people care more about the phone than the carrier. That's why I don't think it's unreasonable to switch to get what you want.
if coverage is equal in the area the phone is used, leaving a carrier for a phone is perfectly reasonable as the only variable changing is the phone.

not understanding that some people don't like the google oriented lineup verizon seems to only care about is one of the reasons verizon gets its snobby reputation and outdated/crappy handset selection.

i've had blackberry's, android's, and now an iphone, and guess what, none of them are what i want right now, and if verizon doesn't release a wp7 device before the rumored tiered data plans kick in, i'm leaving and going to att, because their service is roughly the same (and should be as good if they are allowed to buy tmobile) in my area as verizon, so carriers that show no good will to their customers get no loyalty from me in return.

show me the flaw in logic there.....
Wow I go to work and this topic get's heated. While I agree changing just for a phone is retarted but changing carriers for a phone that WORKS is something else. I bought one of those imagio's and boy did it stink. I couldn't text without it freezing. I am freaked out by andriod hearing everyday of viruses, and all their problems and the iphone isn't for me. I do thank you wireless vet for the info
You know...There are people that don't care to have their entire life in the hands of Google...and some might even say for good reason. That rules out ANY android phone you carry. Some people also don't like Apple as a company for personal reasons which you may not agree with but they are real to your CUSTOMER. That rules out iPhone. Blackberry's just don't excite some of us at all, who wants to spend their hard earned money on something they don't really "like", especially in this economy?

What he said. I can choose where to by a car, or a TV, or a computer, or a camera. Why should I be forced to buy a phone I dont like from a carrier simply because I bought my last phone from them. Do they give out loyalty bonuses? The phone you carry is a personal preference and where there are no technical limitations, every major carrier should offer choices. If they choose not to, then they have no one but their selves to blame for loss of customers.

Don't put this on users who want a particular phone OS. They didn't do anything wrong by making an informed choice.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
A slightly unique statement

I understand some of what Wireless Vet is saying. I can see his point on many aspects. I think there is one thing he is missing from this though. Wireless Vet, I do not direct this as an insult, merely my idea on this, as I just created a log in here to post. You asked the Iphone users why they changed carriers to get the phone, some were problely tied into the Apple ecosystem, some were probably just thinking it's cool because of the advertising, and some probably are Apple Fannatics. I do admit to being a bit of a fan about some Microsoft products, and quite a bit of the target audience that is interested in this phone on Verizon will be found on different forums such as Zune and Xbox. Many Zune users were clammoring about getting a Zune phone quite a while, and when WP7 was introduced to have Zune many of us became excited.

I personally am interested in getting a WP7 device. I currently have a prepaid verizon phone because I just moved back to the US from Japan. My relitives here offered to add me to the family plan, but I held off because I want one of these WP7 handsets. My reasons are simple, it is a handset design I like, and I choose it because of the services it provides that I do not have on other platforms.

I use to carry my Zune HD almost all the time until the glass digitizer was damaged at a security check point and I became worried that I might cause further damage untill I can repair it. Zune service is in the WP7 handsets. As I carried my Zune but left my prepaid phone alot of times in the car or at the house, sometimes not even bothering to refill minutes on it (seem to not be able to at the moment, the representitive at the verizon store had trouble trying to help also). I also like the Xbox Live eco system, as that is present in the phone it makes it convinient.

I have a Zune pass subscription, and the only phone os I know of that allows me to use it is WP7.

I carry my zune, the phone not as much, there is no reason to buy a handset that will see less use than my MP3 player.

I don't care much about what WP7 handset is released on the Verizon network. They should just release one. I tried T-mobile, but had coverage problems.

I am waiting on Verizon, but I am starting to look at going to a different service provider (sprint because of unlimited data). Verizon should look at more than just the WP7 fans as they are a portion of people who would like the phone, look at the number of Zune users (hint it's actually kind of large as even people over seas would buy these and then register using US accounts, and work arounds or ask US friends to help so they can get a Zune Pass), and if that number of Verizon customers is not large enough, how many Verizon customers are Xbox 360 owners and like Acheivments. The number of people this would interest is more than you may think. Even with a lack of advertizing.

I appologies about the length of this post (rant maybe?). I am much ablidged about any information you has stated, and it is nice to see someone who seems to actually take an interest in researching customer interest.

I am not sure of a mass exodus of Verizon customers as many have probably already switched. I am not a fan of AT&T because they seem to not care as much about the consumer since they are limiting data on the phone and now it seems on their home internet service, but even I became interested because they have the WP7 device the Samsung Focus. I would prefer a device with a somewhat smaller more pocket friendly build, but I also would just want a phone that uses the Services I like (including a good facebook integration with the other social connections like Windows Live).

Very Respectfully,

I'm not saying one OS is superior. I'm not saying Verizon is looking down on Windows enthusiast. I am saying that a release of this phone is going to be less than dramatic. I am also saying that you most likely will not see an OFFICIAL release date for this phone until maximum a week before its release. Phone releases are overplayed by the industry media.
I'm not saying one OS is superior. I'm not saying Verizon is looking down on Windows enthusiast. I am saying that a release of this phone is going to be less than dramatic. I am also saying that you most likely will not see an OFFICIAL release date for this phone until maximum a week before its release. Phone releases are overplayed by the industry media.

I don't think most people here want a big iPhone-esque announcement with all of the accompanying fanfare. We just want a wp7 phone already. Verizon is the last of the big US carriers to have one. That's where all this frustration is coming from.
Boy.. alot of banter here.. LOL

Let me just say... THIS is the BEST decision I have made in a long time !!!! This Samsung Focus is... freaking OUTSTANDING !!! And WP7 .. is THE most buttery smooth most logical and intuitive phone OS I have ever used. iPhone is ok (uh well.. itunes is horrid IMO).. IMO kludgey at best .. and neither is so simple to use and enjoy !

NOW I understand why someone would leave VZW for this OS ! In fact ... I may just pay my few months etf to leave early.. :) :) :)

For those that cant leave .. for whatever reason.. My advice is HOLD OUT ! Do not settle for what VZW tells you, you need !!!!! This OS is absolutely WORTH IT !

I'm sure I'll find some complaints at some point.. but.. suffice it to say .. I never even opened my notebook all weekend.. been doing everything from WP7 !

OH ZUNE ! ZUNE ! is Amazing ! Today I will signup for Zune pass... I sync'd most of my music already (at least the good stuff :) ) Its outstanding..

As an example.. yesterday I played golf.. I bought Free Caddie (GPS software) for my WM 6.5 device years ago.. so I downloaded the WP7 version.. it is beautiful on the Sammy! It took 5 hours to play a round of golf.. and I used the GPS and listened to music (via external speaker) the whole time.. still had some battery left when I finished .. AWESOME !

I did have some difficulty updating to Nodo.. finally figured out how to wipe the device using the hardware keys (down vol, Power, camera).. then it updated without issue :)

Anyway.. I hope VZW releases something soon.. so all here can enjoy this mobile OS.. its oustanding IMO..
The Microsoft offer is not a pre-order. You renewed your contract for 100 dollar credit per line, that and the ability to get the WP7 device when it's released at a special price. You don't have to get WP7 on Verizon when it's released... You are locked into a new 2 year contract though.

If you're able to get out of it somehow... Please let me know. =)
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