Called Verizon Today

Yeah I agree with what you say waycoolkennel I had a chance to play with the arrive for about a week. I am really regretting giving it back to it's owner. I had decided to wait for verizon mainly because I'm not much for physical keyboards but man am I missing wp7 it's pretty much everything I wanted in a phone and I can't wait to get my hands on wp7 again. Although my 1 complaint is the text message ringtones they're not the greatest and all sound about the same but it's a very minnor complaint. Well here's hoping I don't have to wait long for the trophy.
How can you say its been 7 months waiting when there was never a date issued to begin with? And as far as the comment on the quality of data phones VZW offers, most people don't and won't ever use more than 1/3 of the phones capabilities. There is a smartphone available for everyone now through VZW if people would allow themselves out of the "have to have" mindset.

Its been 7 months from the launch of the WP7 OS. VZW if the only major carrier in the US to not have a WP7 product to offer. Pretty simple.

My comment about quality of product had to do with the fact that it seems like IMHO that when they do finally get a product to market (ex: IPhone, WP7) it is almost too late and the next generation is rolling out. Your also making a broad assumption that "most people don't and won't ever use more than 1/3rd of the phones capabilities". While I don't disagree with you, I may actually use 2/3rds or maybe all of its capabilities. Its incorrect to assume that just because most don't, that the others don't matter.

As far as a "smartphone available for everyone". You are incorrect. As I stated earlier (and I don't blame you for not remembering), I have did the MS special offer and have a HTC Trophy (or equivalent) reserved. This means that I or someone related to me is a MS employee. Do you think that I or my relative can with a good conscience buy a Apple or Google smartphone? So 'no', you don't have a product for everyone.

Telling customers that they should get out of the "have to have" mindset isn't really a good way to build support for a brand. What your really saying is , "Hey, you should settle for this because we don't really have anything that will satisfy you". I mean, your on a Windows Phone Forum basically pushing products (since VZW doesn't have WP7) that aren't Windows Phones... Seem kinda strange to anyone else?

Being slow to market will kill any company. This is not a new thing for VZW, either. The company has had the sterotype for a while now. And to prove my point, I will quote article from today... "Sure, it's a bit of a stretch but technically the logic works. Of course can Verizon actually get this out by the time anyone cares? That remains to be seen."

VZW needs to improve in this one area for sure to fight the stereotype.

thanks for your comments.
Its been 7 months from the launch of the WP7 OS. VZW if the only major carrier in the US to not have a WP7 product to offer. Pretty simple.
I agree it's simple. No where in that 7 months has Verizon Wireless stated it was going to release that phone. So you've only been waiting for as long as you feel you have been in your mind.

My comment about quality of product had to do with the fact that it seems like IMHO that when they do finally get a product to market (ex: IPhone, WP7) it is almost too late and the next generation is rolling out. Your also making a broad assumption that "most people don't and won't ever use more than 1/3rd of the phones capabilities". While I don't disagree with you, I may actually use 2/3rds or maybe all of its capabilities. Its incorrect to assume that just because most don't, that the others don't matter.

Verizon Wireless is getting the phones it needs to have in the market to stay competitive, i.e 4G capable phones.

As far as a "smartphone available for everyone". You are incorrect. As I stated earlier (and I don't blame you for not remembering), I have did the MS special offer and have a HTC Trophy (or equivalent) reserved. This means that I or someone related to me is a MS employee. Do you think that I or my relative can with a good conscience buy a Apple or Google smartphone? So 'no', you don't have a product for everyone.

I don't necessarily think because you "have did" (?) the MS offer means you have to have it. We don't have the product you have an offer for.

Telling customers that they should get out of the "have to have" mindset isn't really a good way to build support for a brand. What your really saying is , "Hey, you should settle for this because we don't really have anything that will satisfy you". I mean, your on a Windows Phone Forum basically pushing products (since VZW doesn't have WP7) that aren't Windows Phones... Seem kinda strange to anyone else?
I know well this a Windows forum and of course you all want Windows phones.....I was simply illustrating what I see on a daily basis....people asking for an iPhone, or a Thunderbolt, or any upcoming phones.....when I try to see if they may be interested in other phones, and ask what it is they have to have or need about a certain phone, most can't give a viable reason.

Being slow to market will kill any company.
Being slow to introduce a 3G Windows phone is not going to kill any company. I assure you.
Being slow to introduce a 3G Windows phone is not going to kill any company. I assure you.

Your not understanding any of us here. Its not the phone. Its the the OS.

Have a good one.

I know well this a Windows forum and of course you all want Windows phones.....I was simply illustrating what I see on a daily basis....people asking for an iPhone, or a Thunderbolt, or any upcoming phones.....when I try to see if they may be interested in other phones, and ask what it is they have to have or need about a certain phone, most can't give a viable reason.

you can't use the same sales mentality on a forum dedicated to a partiuclar OS that you can with whatever idiot walks into your store. 99% of us know exactly what we want in our next phone.

i've tried every smartphone OS verizon carries (aside from webOS, but the hardware/form factor is what really kept me away from even considering it) and I can tell you right now, Verizon does NOT carry a phone for me.

the only reason i have an iphone is because it's the most likely to hold its value when i go to sell it in exchange for a windows phone. and the only reason i haven't jumped to ATT is because i pay next to nothing for my phone plan, and verizon has excellent coverage in my area.

let me make it easier for you,

What I NEED from my next phone:
Xbox Live
Live Tiles
GOOD facebook integration
A fast, non-fragmented to **** OS
a decent camera with flash

now, windows phone is the only platform that offers 5 out of 6 of those things (i'll let you figure out what is lacking) show me another phone that verizon carries and then you can claim they have a phone for everyone.

while i appreciate your trying to get information out to us, your attitude is lacking.

WV is right about one thing...... VZW has never said one word about the HTC Trophy being released.

That being said..... I should have switched to AT&T SEVEN months ago. :) This Samsung Focus is outstanding.. and the OS is to die for !

Is it perfect??? eh.. prolly not.. but I am going on 4 days without so much as a hiccup on the phone ! I dare say my IT collegues here cannot say that about their Android phones.. if its not a dead battery.. it needs a reboot.. and with all the dual core whatever.. the OS still has times of lag... WP7... NEVER ! Its buttery smooth !

Oh.. just some food for thought regarding 4G... 4G sounds all wonderful.. have you checked your Thunderbolt battery lately ? Yep.. its dead. LOL What good is a phone that wont last half a day without charging..? If its ok with you I'll stick to what works, 3G is plenty fast on a mobile device.. it will be some time before the power consumption issues are sorted out with LTE IMO...

Good luck with it !
I am new to these forums but I like many others wanted a WP7 phone on I waited constantly baited with these pre order offers that have been given to employees. But I could nit take it any longer o finally got the Samsung Focus and I absolutely live it. I came from Android and I have been there since the G1 but I a not looking back....I live WP7.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Yeah, WVs attitude rubs me the wrong way, too. It's the salesmen mentality of "Oh, you came into the dealership looking to buy a BMW 3-series in black? Well, we're out of those but we do have a special on a 1984 Ford Fiesta. It's got 4 wheels and a spare just like the car you wanted, so what will it take to get you into this car today?"

Sorry, I rarely walk into a place without knowing precisely what I want, especially if there are salespeople. I don't want to buy what you get more commission on, or what you feel is best. I want to buy what I want to buy. If you don't have it please don't try to convince me to get something else - just because you are unable to help me doesn't mean someone else can't.

I know, your job is to sell for Verizon, and I believe you said you're a solo franchisee and therefore looking out first and foremost for yourself, but people like me (ie people on this board) cannot stand being sold to. Salespeople aren't a source of information or opinion to us, but simply someone to take our money and give us our product.

Whether I can accomplish all I need to with Android, iOS or BB OS is irrelevant. Simply put I do not want those. If I didn't have to make a 2 year commitment I may have been swayed, but to many of us those locked contracts make a cell phone contract similar to a marriage.

Verizon is unable to meet my needs. I drastically wish I had signed a 1 year contract on an Incredible last June, but I waited for WP7. I drastically wish I had jumped ship when WP7 launched in November. I'm now about a year off contract with this POS Storm, the very device that made me realize I despise 2 year contracts, and Verizon doesn't have a single phone on the shelves that looks good to me.
WV is right about one thing...... VZW has never said one word about the HTC Trophy being released.

That being said..... I should have switched to AT&T SEVEN months ago. :) This Samsung Focus is outstanding.. and the OS is to die for !

Is it perfect??? eh.. prolly not.. but I am going on 4 days without so much as a hiccup on the phone ! I dare say my IT collegues here cannot say that about their Android phones.. if its not a dead battery.. it needs a reboot.. and with all the dual core whatever.. the OS still has times of lag... WP7... NEVER ! Its buttery smooth !

Oh.. just some food for thought regarding 4G... 4G sounds all wonderful.. have you checked your Thunderbolt battery lately ? Yep.. its dead. LOL What good is a phone that wont last half a day without charging..? If its ok with you I'll stick to what works, 3G is plenty fast on a mobile device.. it will be some time before the power consumption issues are sorted out with LTE IMO...

Good luck with it !

There are many stories out there like mine: limit background updates and manually sync apps and battery life is fine.
Yeah, WVs attitude rubs me the wrong way, too. It's the salesmen mentality of "Oh, you came into the dealership looking to buy a BMW 3-series in black? Well, we're out of those but we do have a special on a 1984 Ford Fiesta. It's got 4 wheels and a spare just like the car you wanted, so what will it take to get you into this car today?"

Sorry, I rarely walk into a place without knowing precisely what I want, especially if there are salespeople. I don't want to buy what you get more commission on, or what you feel is best. I want to buy what I want to buy. If you don't have it please don't try to convince me to get something else - just because you are unable to help me doesn't mean someone else can't.

I know, your job is to sell for Verizon, and I believe you said you're a solo franchisee and therefore looking out first and foremost for yourself, but people like me (ie people on this board) cannot stand being sold to. Salespeople aren't a source of information or opinion to us, but simply someone to take our money and give us our product.

Whether I can accomplish all I need to with Android, iOS or BB OS is irrelevant. Simply put I do not want those. If I didn't have to make a 2 year commitment I may have been swayed, but to many of us those locked contracts make a cell phone contract similar to a marriage.

Verizon is unable to meet my needs. I drastically wish I had signed a 1 year contract on an Incredible last June, but I waited for WP7. I drastically wish I had jumped ship when WP7 launched in November. I'm now about a year off contract with this POS Storm, the very device that made me realize I despise 2 year contracts, and Verizon doesn't have a single phone on the shelves that looks good to me.

Solo franchisee? I said nothing of the sort!

I'm glad you are an informed shopper, so am I. And by the way, we don't make a penny on the phones, so I and any other sales person could care less what you get.
being that verizon announced the incredible 2 officially today, for sale on the 28th, i'm holding onto hope that the announcement for the trophy will come on the 3rd, stating the phone will be available for sale on the 5th...
being that verizon announced the incredible 2 officially today, for sale on the 28th, i'm holding onto hope that the announcement for the trophy will come on the 3rd, stating the phone will be available for sale on the 5th...

Looks like the Charge, Incredible 2, and Commando are coming on the 28th.
Looks like the Charge, Incredible 2, and Commando are coming on the 28th.

Another 3 Android OS phones introduced before a single WP7... Its almost comical.

On a side note, I did write to the Verizon Customer Rep on the MS offer (I have a reserved Trophy (or equivalent)). He responded with no date. He did say that they are trying to send out a SMS that does have a date to those that have pre-ordered. Sounds like it is imminent... Who knows though, its VZW.

And to respond to a earlier comment about VZW never committing to a date, VZW (through the offer to MS employees) did say "Early 2011" and continue to say that. May is maybe the last month I would consider "early 2011", but yeah... give them credit for never committing to anything. Thats exactly what I look for in a service... only slightly dishonest.

Granted this should only piss off those that reserved a trophy through that offer and renewed their 2 year contract like myself. And yes... I am a little pissed off.
Another 3 Android OS phones introduced before a single WP7... Its almost comical.

On a side note, I did write to the Verizon Customer Rep on the MS offer (I have a reserved Trophy (or equivalent)). He responded with no date. He did say that they are trying to send out a SMS that does have a date to those that have pre-ordered. Sounds like it is imminent... Who knows though, its VZW.

And to respond to a earlier comment about VZW never committing to a date, VZW (through the offer to MS employees) did say "Early 2011" and continue to say that. May is maybe the last month I would consider "early 2011", but yeah... give them credit for never committing to anything. Thats exactly what I look for in a service... only slightly dishonest.

Granted this should only piss off those that reserved a trophy through that offer and renewed their 2 year contract like myself. And yes... I am a little pissed off.

i agree that another 3 lame android devices is almost no news at all, the time frame of the announcement is what interests me and gives me hope for a 5/5 date.

no one had any real solid dates on those 3 devices before today either

but really, i'm just grasping at straws of any hope to see a good phone on verizon soon. i'm getting really tired of this iphone.

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