Called Verizon Today

thats a ridiculous thing to say - I've been talking about a vzw wp7 since wp7 was announced 14+ months ago and people keep asking me when ill finally have my hands on it. They're becoming as invested as i am and as disappointed as i become everytime these pseudo-deadlines pass. I'm just sitting here waiting for a 6mth old piece of hardware that vzw is just sitting on to what? make their droid lineup look better? its getting silly at this point - i just want some wp7 action!
I call that number on the MS promo asking for the release date and the reps usually say a lot of people have been calling for it. I think its a MS number primarily, but I see pretty good results on search engines.

HTC Thunderbolt has 9.6M search results
HTC Trophy has 8.6M
HTC Trophy verizon has 1.6M

Windows Phone 7 Verizon has 17.7M results.

People definitely want this phone. Verizon is downplaying the demand.
Newest rumor is that the HTC Mazaa is the Verizon name for the Trophy. Have all been looking in the wrong direction ... ?
were that it was just that simple...

maybe if we throw a google sticker on the back, then verizon won't be able to release it fast enough...
I call that number on the MS promo asking for the release date and the reps usually say a lot of people have been calling for it. I think its a MS number primarily, but I see pretty good results on search engines.

HTC Thunderbolt has 9.6M search results
HTC Trophy has 8.6M
HTC Trophy verizon has 1.6M

Windows Phone 7 Verizon has 17.7M results.

People definitely want this phone. Verizon is downplaying the demand.

Of course the reps who handle the calls from the number on the promotion are going to say that, because those specific calls get routed to them. I'm in general consumer sales, so I get a variety of every interests, from the LG Accolade to the Thunderbolt.

I've been with the company nearly five years and have seen this scene play over and over and over again. There's always a segment of users with a specific interest in a certain phone. And although websites like this are great, they can also be a hindrance too. Phones get leaked or revealed up to a year before they even hit the shelves, information gets leaked, photos get leaked, presumptive dates filter out, and then it's damn Verizon and the reps because they haven't met the dates that the internet speculative websites have announced. I can't tell you how many phones I've seen this happen with. Years of rumors to deal with the iPhone, Storm 2, Tour and Bold, HTC Thunderbolt, Moto Bionic (no, it has not been cancelled), etc. Sooner or later, they get released. I think the thing that continually amazes me, is how upset grown adults get over the release or non release of phones, and how non civil people can be, when the actual company who releases the phone hasn't said a word. And I don't take this promotion for Microsoft as an official statement from Verizon, it was meant to be a private communication to a specific group, not the general public.
Well said!

Of course the reps who handle the calls from the number on the promotion are going to say that, because those specific calls get routed to them. I'm in general consumer sales, so I get a variety of every interests, from the LG Accolade to the Thunderbolt.

I've been with the company nearly five years and have seen this scene play over and over and over again. There's always a segment of users with a specific interest in a certain phone. And although websites like this are great, they can also be a hindrance too. Phones get leaked or revealed up to a year before they even hit the shelves, information gets leaked, photos get leaked, presumptive dates filter out, and then it's damn Verizon and the reps because they haven't met the dates that the internet speculative websites have announced. I can't tell you how many phones I've seen this happen with. Years of rumors to deal with the iPhone, Storm 2, Tour and Bold, HTC Thunderbolt, Moto Bionic (no, it has not been cancelled), etc. Sooner or later, they get released. I think the thing that continually amazes me, is how upset grown adults get over the release or non release of phones, and how non civil people can be, when the actual company who releases the phone hasn't said a word. And I don't take this promotion for Microsoft as an official statement from Verizon, it was meant to be a private communication to a specific group, not the general public.

Very well stated. I'm sure you get as frustrated as most of us do. These things become like a child wanting candy; we scream and pitch a fit and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Thank you for a well stated position.
I don't think anyone here is being uncivil. I just have a hard time believing that there is less interest in this phone than {insert Android of the week here}.

It's nothing against you; again, we appreciate the updates. And if it really sells poorly then I'll eat my words.
@wireless vet - Have not been a VZ customer for many years and don't plan on switching anytime soon but this is a general information question. If based on your comments in another thread that this WP7 phone is simply going to show up as available one day without any fanfare, then what's Verizons motivation in being so secretive about the availability of this device leading to wild speculation. I mean if there is no launch or advertising campaign planned, then wouldn't it make sense to provide some information, in an effort to retain customers, even if its one customer. My sense is VZ, not unlike AT&T, couldn't care less about a few hundred vocal customers bolting for a phone they prefer. But they should be reminded that a snowball starts with a single flake. Respect goes both ways. I don't blame any consumer being frustrated over over big corporate disrespect for their needs. The word was that a VZ WP7 phone would be available the first half of 2011. They keep hinting at it with the Microsoft employee updates. Put a page up already with a defined release date and do whatever they have to in order to make that date. ****, they are the biggest mobile provider (for now) in the US. Just do it already and stop playing this cat and mouse game.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
I think I side with wireless vet here. Verizon hasnt publically announced this phone so it is out of line for us to attack VZ on not living up to info stated in leaked internal documents.

You also can't get mad at their marketing strategy. Its their decision. I wouldn't market the phone before it got released anyway. If they did that, it would be an official announcement and even more people would get frustrated.

Marketing phones is probably really challenging anyway. They advertise the iPhone and the Thunderbolt but obviously these phones are competing against each other and both are VZ. I think the last thing VZ wants is to have people *waiting* for a phone before they sign a new contract (like all of us). I dont blame them, push the phones that are available.

I would love to have a release date. I want this phone as much as anyone in this thread, but its really out of line for people to hold VZ accountable on leaked internal documents.

And, @jimski, I start snowballs with a handful of snow, not a single snowflake ;-)
what's Verizons motivation in being so secretive about the availability of this device leading to wild speculation.

I think Verizon is only being "secretive" if you personally feel they are being secretive. Contrary to popular belief, there is no conspiracy going on here, there's no targeted attempt to piss off customers who want a Windows phone. All of your anxiety and over desire for this phone is solely based on leaked information and unofficial release dates. I'm one hundred percent certain there is no covert operation going on here......the Windows phone, like many other smartphones that will be released this year, has a place, big or small, in our lineup. Based on business trends, they have a time frame to release it.

I've gone to my superiors on multiple occasions regarding phone releases. One I remember in particular was the Storm 2. Crackberry forum members were about to shoot their brains out over the release of that phone. Threads were started like "will their be lines at the stores" and "what kind of inventory will the stores have".....and I kept telling those folks the same thing I've said to you folks......the Storm 2 is just going to show up one day and go on the shelf with little to no fanfare. I remember telling and showing one of my superiors all the banter online regarding the Storm 2..........they seriously couldn't get over A) all the bad info that was out there and B) how worked up people got over information not even released by VZW.

I'm sure we will get some above average training on this phone because it's a new OS to us. But seriously, you have to understand, you are enthusiasts. So of course you have above average interest. With all due respect, this or any Windows phone is simply going to be just another smart phone offering.
I think I side with wireless vet here. Verizon hasnt publically announced this phone so it is out of line for us to attack VZ on not living up to info stated in leaked internal documents.

That's really the bottom line. And I have to say, I consider myself above average when it comes to being aware of new phone releases. And I knew nothing about this phone until I read some guys remark on VZW's Facebook fan page. I work with around 170 people, I'll bet I'm probably one of no more then five people that have any knowledge. The amount of chatter online vs the lack of stir at corporate level is amazing.
Ok, I agree that we shouldn't bash Verizon because of dates on leaked documents. That's fair. The marketing isn't what's frustrating to me.

However, I do think it's fair to bash Verizon for not caring about WP7 in general. Remember this interview from the CTO?
Microsoft's ecosystem is a tough sell to Verizon | Mobile World Congress - CNET Reviews

Although he doesn't say it verbatim, I interpret statements like "I don't think Verizon needs the Nokia and Microsoft relationship" and "Right now the three OS players we see for our network are Android, Apple, and RIM" as saying that they don't care.

This is why I'm upset with Verizon, not because of some leaked docs. I don't have a problem with calling out Verizon for not caring.
WV is correct... VZW has not said anything officially (sans the we don't need Microkia from their CTO).. I mean other than the promotional page (if it was to be private.. well.. maybe not having it published on a public web page would help?) that has be changed several times... Dec, March, April x2, now May..

The person that DID say something is Microsoft... "Early 2011" was the exact statement.. I suppose we can argue the definition of that .. LOL

So I'm going with later rather than sooner.. but this is normal for VZW. My Samsung Focus will be in my hands tomorrow... :) I should have considered switching to AT&T five months ago.. I would have been enjoying WP7 all this time :)

I'm not blaming VZW for anything.. they do what they do.. they clearly dont have much interest in WP7 .. otherwise they would have both more phones on the way.. and be much more agressive in marketing/roll out.. Just an observation from an industry observer that clearly is verified by WV's posts...

Hopefully something will get announced soon for those that dont have much of a choice for a carrier... :)
With all due respect, this or any Windows phone is simply going to be just another smart phone offering.

Just like Android was just another smartphone, until Verizon jumped on board and dumped in advertising dollars.
This phone or any other WP7 phone can and should sell just as well as the iphones or the androids, if carriers back the product and invest in the advertising.

Just my observation as an enthusiast in the cell phone chess game.
Oh wow, things got ugly here fast.

@wireless vet

Believe it or not, I've lurked on these forums for about a couple of weeks and joined to specifically address your comments because you're the closest I've seen to a insider.

I iterated this before, but I will do it again here: people are going to other carriers. You have T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T all with WP7 devices. There is no clear public sign that Verizon will carry a device, only, as you mentioned, rumors and leaks. So those off contract can either wait for something that there is no clear evidence is coming or change to a new carrier.

If someone leaves Verizon for another carrier and signs a 2 year agreement, that is a likely loss of nearly $2000 for Verizon for every individual customer lost. If they have a good experience with the new carrier, they may decide to stay with them which is even more money loss. If only 1000 customers decide to do that, you're looking at $2 million going to carriers other than Verizon that could've been retained.

For the record, I COMPLETELY understand the business reasons why phone's are not announced too far in advance. You want people to purchase phones that are available and re-up, not hold out for other phones. That approach makes sense with Android, Blackberry and WebOS because you HAVE phones with those OS's available.

You don't with WP7. So if someone really wants THAT OS, what choice are you giving them?

Verizon has the best service in my area, but its not THAT much better than the others. I'm about 2 or 3 weeks away from being forced to make a decision on what carrier I'm going to be with for the next 2 (or more) years. To be completely honest, I'm more interested in WP7 than I am in Verizon. Others like me have already moved on and are seemingly very satisfied.

Basically what we need is a reason to stay. Every single one of your posts has basically told me "nothing is coming anytime soon", in other words "if you want a WP7 device, you should go elsewhere". That's unfortunate, because it gives ones like me little hope that a device is coming and little reason to commit to Verizon.

It's not about calling Verizon out for rumors and leaks or us being enthusiast that follow WP7 closely and thus being impatient, it's just the reality of a free market where people have choices on where to spend their money. These people WANT to spend their money on Verizon. Is that really a bad thing?
On contract with no Trophy to show

You guys are all in a predicament for sure. But think about this...

I have already ordered the phone through the offer to MS employees (I have connections). I ordered it on January 8th, 2011. At that time the deal specified Early 2011, I believe. No date specified. Granted, this is a MS deal. However, the contact that you deal with is a VZW employee, not MS:

Steve Sapp

My contract was up in 2007 (yeah, that long ago) and I was waiting for a WP7 phone on VZW. When we ordered our phones (we ordered multiple), the contract was renewed for 2 years. But it restarted on January 6th. that makes it 4.5 months on contract with no phone. That is good in a way, as I won;t have to wait as long on the upgrade. But seriously... if the thing isn't out shortly after May 5th or if VZW does not come out with any info at that point, I will get out of my contract and I'll give the $100 off my bill back and I'm getting a HD7 or Focus. VZW needs to get their crap together when it does come to releases though. Apple and MS can;t be happy about how long it took to release their phones initially. Going forward, a single platform OS for phones (android) is not a great business strategy. If AT&T/TMobile fixed their service issues fixed, VZW is in real trouble with their slow releases of new products.

With that, I heard rumors that product sign off from MS was today or tomorrow and that it should be shortly released. Who knows though...
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@biased123 - I think your 2 year contract will reset when you buy the phone. Also, I don't think you can "give back" the $100 credit and get out of the contract...I may be wrong on this though.
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With that, I heard rumors that product sign off from MS was today or tomorrow and that it should be shortly released. Who knows though...

stop giving me little tid bits of hope! ;)

i'm surprised they started your contract with no [new] phone, that doesn't really seem fair...

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