Calling All Cerulean Knights to Battle

gourav mopidevi

New member
Apr 7, 2014
MS doesn't care about windows mobile, they love android or ios day by day their attachment is increasing so why would any one with right mind invest on windows mobile platform.. nope i'm stuck with L950xl as S8 failed my expectation (less ram, no dual camera, awkward fingerprint placement, no stereo sound, unwanted bixby button, less mp camera) waiting for note 8 or i8 or S9. no more windows mobile crap again.


New member
May 11, 2014
How much is the discount for knights? Any way to get an email without having signed up before? Thanks

Travis Flenker

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Really pulling for them to succeed as the community desperately needs them to, but the price point doesn't make a lot of sense given the specs and available networks. Can get new 950 for about the same cost without having to wait several months.

I'd be much more likely to pledge $700 for a premium phone. I understand that's not the model they're going after right now, but unfortunately for me (and I'm guessing most people that own a 950 or better) there's really not a lot of appeal.


New member
Aug 23, 2013
Is the Cerulean going to be certified for Band 12 VOLTE/e911 on T-Mobile? If not, it will be close to useless on that network. It would be nice if that question would get answered. Otherwise, I wouldn't even consider purchasing.
Nov 22, 2014
Really pulling for them to succeed as the community desperately needs them to, but the price point doesn't make a lot of sense given the specs and available networks. Can get new 950 for about the same cost without having to wait several months.

I'd be much more likely to pledge $700 for a premium phone. I understand that's not the model they're going after right now, but unfortunately for me (and I'm guessing most people that own a 950 or better) there's really not a lot of appeal.

I told a rep that same thing on their facebook page and they told me that those phones(950) 'are' discontinued. What a joke, these phone still have support. I don't know where they are getting their info, additionally, I told them to convince me to buy this phone over the Moto G5 Plus which is $230 unlocked and brand new on with slightly better specs, they never replied, I guess they said to themselves that I am not worth convincing, but I think it is a sign of what is to come with these guys. I could be wrong though.


Apr 25, 2016
I have a Lumia 950 that by far better then what they offer as a "Windows phone for fans" they could of at least made one identical in terms of specs of the XL. Then I could see people wanting the phone. Or slap in a 820 Snapdragon.


Active member
Nov 29, 2012
@Johnathan Dalipsingh You're not being asked to pledge for a good deal phone. Windows fans are asked to help to give this company a chance to show us what it can do for the next device/ecosystem.

You get maybe a phone or just warm fuzzy feelings depending what amount you support if the company survives.

Travis Flenker

New member
Dec 3, 2015
@Johnathan Dalipsingh You're not being asked to pledge for a good deal phone. Windows fans are asked to help to give this company a chance to show us what it can do for the next device/ecosystem.

You get maybe a phone or just warm fuzzy feelings depending what amount you support if the company survives.

I guess that's the issue. There's no competitive advantage. This phone does next to nothing to attract new/returning W10 users, and nearly anyone that wants a W10 phone already has one that's as good/close enough or far better so it's not really much of an upgrade option.

Granted, I'm no marketing guru and not claiming to know everything, but product success generally comes from offering a lower price point for roughly the same quality, or innovation/top end product. Price point is obviously not the focus here, and the only innovation we are aware of are some vague hints of what could possibly be done in the future.

What are the "disruptive technologies" they speak of on their website? Everything touted as unique/innovated is just stuff about the OS.

If this is a stopgap solution to stay afloat whilst they work on the "real" phone, I would be much more inclined to help their cause if there was some sort of indication on what that is and why it's worth believing in the cause.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
How much is the discount for knights? Any way to get an email without having signed up before? Thanks

I'm not seeing the knight options... someone link it please

I guess it is no major secret... The Knight pledge is $280 or $10 less than early adopters which are at $290 and there are 750 slots for that. Of the 2000 #CeruleanKnight slots, I have no idea how many are extra (not sent out as invites already) and only @mistagreg or his fellow staff at Wharton Brooks can address that or assign those slots.

I'm not understanding what is so great about this device. Doesn't seem like there is anything groundbreaking being offered here. They are not living up to their own hype.

What is great, to me, is the idea behind the device. The article by @Jason Ward makes it clear that Continuum is the groundbreaking element oft referred to at least in part. But there is still one more item left in reserve that has yet to be revealed. Some sort of consumer facing app or service that will be integrated. IDK what it is and can only guess (I have a theory of what class it might belong to, but don't want to say right now).

The phone is what it is. I've not said the phone is groundbreaking. But I do think it represents good value and power for the $ considering the state of our market and the relatively small initial production run that will be made. Do I need this phone? Not really, but I want it in the worst way for what it represents. Another choice for the platform I prefer and use daily. A chance to see something start out and grow that could eventually do great things for the user base. A company run by a professed fan who seems to have a better grasp on what we as a market really want than any of the large makers left in this space.

Before the counterstrike of: if Cerulean understood what the fans want this phone would have been better/had x, y, z features I want to say... OK, then go do it yourself. I'll support that too. I feel they've done a good job representing what I hear people on the forum asking for in large number. Sub $300, Continuum, RAM, storage, etc. By all that is holy what do people expect? Honestly, the laundry lists of spec desired at low prices is unrealistic to say the least and it turns makers off to this platform and ruins the ones that at least try.

Does noone recognize cause and effect?

I'm not a hypocrite. I don't say I support the platform then pick apart whatever anyone offers. I've tried 3rd party phones in the past: BLU twice, Moly once and Alcatel once. And 3rd party is what we have now. If a Surface Mobile emerges I probably won't buy one due to price. It's why I haven't bought a Surface 2-in-1. But I see the reference value and I hope a Surface Mobile does the same as the 2-in-1 to help proliferate the tech and that it revitalizes W10M. Let's face it. Full Windows on Mobile will be expensive for at least 3 gens out and W10M still has a place in consumer utilization at the low and mid tiers. We need MORE players not FEWER. How is this stuff not clear?

I'm happy with the value the phone represents. At $300 for an SD 617 with 32GB internal, 3GB RAM, 13MP shooter and a free ScreenBeam thrown in we are ahead of NuAns and any other Coship models whether rebadged or run as Moly brand. It meets the realistically achievable test for me. It represents good value for the money. Don't start throwing Android in. Stick to this platform for your pricing comparisons or it is not legitimate. They pump out way more little green robots so they get their parts cheaper and sit higher up on the supply chains for faster delivery.

I'm ecstatic with Wharton Brooks, Cerulean and Greg Murphy for what they are espousing and how they are following up on it as best they are able - DESPITE the uphill battle with the industry, the press and even (gods help us) the so called "fans."

As for hype... Show me the courage, show me the magic in an iPhone. Show me. These are impossible intangibles for a phone to have. Yet Apple trumpets the magic and courage and few blink an eye. They sell tens of millions of them every quarter. Who is demanding to see the Leprechauns that fought and died so iPhone can live?

Are we having a reasonable disagreement or are are we nit-picking? I see a lot of nit-picking and it is making me unreasonable in turn. I feel like I'm fighting on behalf of a majority that doesn't care, even though many of them post daily about how much they do.

If you don't have the $300 to spare, nobody can blame you. If you don't have $5 to donate, then I feel for you as I've been there too at times in my life. But if $5 won't hurt you and you still feel it is too much for you to contribute to the possibility of something growing that could benefit you down the road... What else can I say except remeber the ages old adage...

You've made your own bed, now lie in it.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Is the Cerulean going to be certified for Band 12 VOLTE/e911 on T-Mobile? If not, it will be close to useless on that network. It would be nice if that question would get answered. Otherwise, I wouldn't even consider purchasing.

I've submitted this as a question and am waiting to hear on: T-Mo VoLTE, 2G radio and USB Dual Role via the microUSB connector...


New member
Nov 12, 2012
...product success generally comes from offering a lower price point for roughly the same quality, or innovation/top end product.

Again, comparing the value for price against Android is not realistic. Android makers pump out way more so they get better parts prices and faster supply for 1st gen parts. It never was at parity when comparing same spec per $ + current gen parts release with Android vs WP. Android was always less $ and launched new gen faster, why would this change for the Cerulean Moment?

In terms of Windows on Mobile you have to look at MSRP on release. Show me a Continuum capable phone that was less $$$ ON RELEASE. I want to see that as I missed that unicorn sighting.

Here's my list of Continuum enabled devices and price at launch. Did I miss any?
  • HP Elite X3 - MSRP on release = ~$800
  • Lumia 950 XL - MSRP on release = ~$650
  • Acer Liquid Jade Primo - MSRP on release = ~$650
  • Lumia 950 - MSRP on release = ~$550
  • Alcatel Idol 4S Windows - MSRP on release = ~$470
  • Mouse Computer Madosma Q601 - MSRP ~$450
  • NuAns Neo - MSRP on release = ~$420
  • Funker W6.0 Pro2 - MSRP on release = ~$410
  • Coship Moly PCphone - MSRP on release = N/A as it never released, but based on Madosma and Funker rebadgings it would have been ~$400 or more
  • Cerulean Moment - MSRP on release = ~$300


New member
Nov 12, 2012
I told a rep that same thing on their facebook page and they told me that those phones(950) 'are' discontinued. What a joke, these phone still have support. I don't know where they are getting their info

Lumia 950 and 950 XL are out of production and so are their parts. Support has been shunted to one sanctioned 3rd party run from Germany.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Sad that it won't work on Verizon.

It is sad. They want to be there, but it cost $$$ they don't have right now. If they can get off the ground, Vzw for this and/or the next phone is not off the table.

Please consider donating $5 or whatever you feel is fair to give this company the chance in future to fight for Vzw entrance.

Travis Flenker

New member
Dec 3, 2015
As for hype... Show me the courage, show me the magic in an iPhone. Show me. These are impossible intangibles for a phone to have. Yet Apple trumpets the magic and courage and few blink an eye. They sell tens of millions of them every quarter. Who is demanding to see the Leprechauns that fought and died so iPhone can live?

Part of the issue could be that most here don't tend to buy into sheer hype and actually want some substance. Huge companies have offered mediocre phones with legitimately unique (though largely useless) features and failed. Thinking specifically of the Fire Phone.

At best we can buy into the dream that Cerulean will someday change the tides. I'm all for that, and I sincerely hope they succeed... but until I see something offered that's truly advantageous (even if it's not something we can use ourselves until far in the future), I don't know what dream there is to buy into.

It seems like they're putting the cart before the horse. If the app/whatever they're working on is a legitimate gamechanger and does differentiate them from the pack, that should be front and center... not a white label phone.

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