Calling All Cerulean Knights to Battle

Ryan Smith23

New member
Jul 27, 2016
Doesn't it stand to reason then that all of those posters complaining that it's not good enough would buy, if it was good enough? ie. if they made a high-end phone instead. This is the most boring Windows Phone I've ever seen. They said they're going to revolutionize WP, and there is literally nothing exciting about this phone. Not to mention, you can get a 950/950XL (which, despite not being made anymore is still abundant, and will be supported for years to come), for the same price and it has much better specs.

If this was really what "everyone" wants, and is such a great upgrade for 90% of Windows Phone fans, then it should be flying off the shelves (figuratively speaking). It's not what anyone (generalizing again) wants, and that's why it hasn't even cleared $25k yet (and won't even clear $100k by the end of the campaign, I'd wager).

Sorry, I know some people really want it to succeed, but it's not going to. If you make something people don't want, you can' t blame the people when they don't want to buy it ("Oh, you just don't want to support the community!"). Look at the original Pebble smartwatch, for example. It was new and innovative and useful, and it absolutely destroyed it's funding campaign. The numbers don't lie. It's not an unsupportive community (I think the 950/950XL sold pretty well for WP, and at a higher initial cost), it's just a terribly uninteresting product that offers nothing new and no particular good value.

But I'll stop posting now, before I upset someone and get myself banned.


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Here is my 25 cents worth and take on it (again).

1st: Yes it is not really appealing to some (the phone), and it is not apparently living up to its hype/marketing that was initially flooded out there. That is marketing for you and Greg has admitted that the hype was not really about the phone, but what it can or will do focusing on continuum. There is more to it than that, but we would have to see what they come with in August to see the whole picture...
Remember continuum is a work in progress, and we have yet to see Microsoft expand fully on it. Granted some of this has caused viewers and initial supporters to turn the other way, but we all know this already and read the articles and followed the interviews right?

2nd: Greg already disclosed long ago that it would be a midrange device. Honestly this is decent midrange device considering all the other Windows Mobile phones out there now or Android models of this calliber. It comes with a FREE beaming stick for continuum, so equating that in technically you are getting a midrange (good one from a specs point of view) device for about 250. But we all know this and read the articles and followed the interviews right?

The point of it is yes some feel they are taking a chance on Cerulean if they buy the phone. Then do not buy the phone, and back them two dollars or something. Unless you flat out do not want to support them or Windows 10 mobile. The phone still runs W10M. Not sure if anyone caught that. W10M is on it and from the last I checked runs really good and is the same OS we all are on fire about, right?
You really need no reason other than, I just do not want to support them because I do not want support W10M. To me I think folks here are ready to move on or unsatisfied at Microsoft, which again has nothing to do with them personally, but they make it that way. So the comments and 101 reasons why the phone and the company stinks come out.

I personally want to see what they (Cerulean) are capable of, and I am not going to take anything personal. That is just who I am though I do not have the time or capacity to stress over minimal things such as that or even worry about them. Life is much better that way. I admire that Cerulean has a CEO self employed entrepreneur such as Greg, who knows IT and windows and windows mobile. That is the reason I am mostly here posting on WC since back in August. We all can see what is going on. It is taking Microsoft a long time to move their ship, and it has barely moved out of the dock. Phones that have proceeded Nokia have not been readily available. If you have noticed Nuans and Vaio were the only OEM/ODM companies that came with a unique midrange device. Both were out of Japan. All others have opened up with a rebranded Coship or device of the like. I think it is a sign of what is to come later. There is much more going on behind the scenes then what us consumers can actually puzzle-piece together.

I would say unless you are done with Windows 10/Windows 10 Mobile, then back Cerulean. If you can order the device then great. If not then move on. However, nobody is stopping anyone from posting here bad or good.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
Doesn't it stand to reason then that all of those posters complaining that it's not good enough would buy, if it was good enough? ie. if they made a high-end phone instead. This is the most boring Windows Phone I've ever seen. They said they're going to revolutionize WP, and there is literally nothing exciting about this phone. Not to mention, you can get a 950/950XL (which, despite not being made anymore is still abundant, and will be supported for years to come), for the same price and it has much better specs.

If this was really what "everyone" wants, and is such a great upgrade for 90% of Windows Phone fans, then it should be flying off the shelves (figuratively speaking). It's not what anyone (generalizing again) wants, and that's why it hasn't even cleared $25k yet (and won't even clear $100k by the end of the campaign, I'd wager).

Sorry, I know some people really want it to succeed, but it's not going to. If you make something people don't want, you can' t blame the people when they don't want to buy it ("Oh, you just don't want to support the community!"). Look at the original Pebble smartwatch, for example. It was new and innovative and useful, and it absolutely destroyed it's funding campaign. The numbers don't lie. It's not an unsupportive community (I think the 950/950XL sold pretty well for WP, and at a higher initial cost), it's just a terribly uninteresting product that offers nothing new and no particular good value.

But I'll stop posting now, before I upset someone and get myself banned.

I've never seen anybody get banned for having a difference of opinion. Get stupid with your comments and yes, the hook is quick. So far it's been civil and the thread continues.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
I would say unless you are done with Windows 10/Windows 10 Mobile, then back Cerulean.

I follow the reasoning in your post, until this. Just because someone wants a new W10M device doesn't mean they want this Cerulean. Maybe they wanted USB C, or wireless charging, or cable Continuum.

Your statement is valid in one sense though; our options are becoming very limited. Part of the appeal of Cerulean is that it is seen as somewhat of a saviour of, or justification for, W10M as a platform. The perception is that if this fails, W10M fades away. I know that's not true, but it is easy to see it that way. I don't believe the future of W10M as a platform is dependent on WhartonBrooks' success, or even that their success will have any bearing on W10M's future. Whatever its future (which we do not know), I believe it is already set.

TL;DR In my opinion, it is presumptuous to think that someone not being impressed by this Cerulean phone means that they are done with W10M.


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Looking forward to Lumia 6 or 9 Microsoft edition ??????
Well. They are bout to own the Android market maybe in the next year or two, we will see. If they ever saw fit to enter the Windows Phone/Mobile market again, they could potentially own quite a bit on both sides of the house...


New member
Mar 1, 2015
I follow the reasoning in your post, until this. Just because someone wants a new W10M device doesn't mean they want this Cerulean. Maybe they wanted USB C, or wireless charging, or cable Continuum.

Your statement is valid in one sense though; our options are becoming very limited. Part of the appeal of Cerulean is that it is seen as somewhat of a saviour of, or justification for, W10M as a platform. The perception is that if this fails, W10M fades away. I know that's not true, but it is easy to see it that way. I don't believe the future of W10M as a platform is dependent on WhartonBrooks' success, or even that their success will have any bearing on W10M's future. Whatever its future (which we do not know), I believe it is already set.

TL;DR In my opinion, it is presumptuous to think that someone not being impressed by this Cerulean phone means that they are done with W10M.
Little too much zeal, not enough wisdom in my typing. My point should have been that phone aside, at least back the guy's company for what is wanting to do...


New member
Nov 12, 2012
But I'll stop posting now, before I upset someone and get myself banned.


I can assure you I'd take no such vindictive action and even if I did there are safeties and appeal processes in place. I'd quite likely loose my position for making it personal like that or at least be put on notice.

I'm not out to get you. I like having something to reply to and counter.

Please feel free to represent your opinion as you have been doing.


New member
Nov 20, 2016
Shouldn't this be a big clue? No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range, already obsolete Windows phone. What is the point? And asking someone to pay $300 for a phone they don't want because the company might release something good in the future (as you suggested in a previous post), is absolutely ridiculous. And I do believe that a flagship level device would have been much more successful. I would have been in day one for an HP Elite x3 type device.

If someone was to buy a Windows Phone today, and you had to recommend one, which one would you recommend? And which one do you use?


New member
Nov 12, 2012
There are pros and cons to every device. What I see written frequently is, "Why buy into the Cerulean Moment when a 950 or 950 XL can be had quite reasonably?"

The 950 or 950 XL never enticed me. I've still yet to seriously consider buying one.

But to the best of my recollection I don't recall my ever posting that it was no good and nobody wants one and anyone buying one was making a terrible mistake. I did see others posting that quite frequently. I never understood that ether.

Ironically it is now being held out as an example of why not to buy another phone...

Make of that what you will.



Jul 8, 2013
If someone was to buy a Windows Phone today, and you had to recommend one, which one would you recommend? And which one do you use?
last year i buy a 950... (like 240$) love it! such a good phone but in that
time have some bugs... nothing big, the real problem it is a bomb! i try a lot of things and im not the only one but gets HOT for everything u do with him! i sell it and now have a 640 XL (hate the big display but get one so cheap and that battery life!) and never recomend that bomb :) now im seing how the cerulean can iluminate my path


New member
Sep 28, 2014
People are putting too much focus on the phone instead of the movement. If this phone is successful they'll build more, maybe one you'll like. Better than the current situation, correct?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4


New member
Mar 1, 2015
People are putting too much focus on the phone instead of the movement. If this phone is successful they'll build more, maybe one you'll like. Better than the current situation, correct?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

That is the premise. I am sure @mistagreg can back that with his two cents.

This is the only US/NA based OEM directed at consumers. I immediately hopped on board and hope for the best.


Jul 8, 2013
People are putting too much focus on the phone instead of the movement. If this phone is successful they'll build more, maybe one you'll like. Better than the current situation, correct?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Yeah thats the point! dont know why most of Windows lovers cant see it, hope the kickstarted on brasil start well... (on FB WhartonBrooks Brasil have a lot of support compared to normal page)


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Two different avenues. Brasil is lacking Windows devices but also carrier support from what I read is for lack of a better word strict over there. I have no idea how the kickstarter of there differs. Or it will be plan B. Or if it has to be hosted some how geared toward Brasil...


New member
Nov 12, 2012


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Great find. That's the vision I'm talking about supporting. If we let them crash now, it may take years for another OEM to dedicate themselves to this platform so fully.
But we knew this from the beginning...:). We need to share a vision for someone while we can. 'Moments' like this might start to populate more and more as Microsoft gears into RS3.
Whether folks want it or not is the question. We cannot change their mind, but I hope people read more about them and other articles.

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