Calling All Cerulean Knights to Battle


New member
Nov 12, 2012
So much FUD, LOL.

25 Knights have Pledged...


Don't forget #CeruleanKnights when you are spreading the word that supporters don't have to pledge for a phone. They can donate any amount just by clicking the "Back It" button and entering an amount.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
28 Knights have Pledged...


Don't forget #CeruleanKnights when you are spreading the word that supporters don't have to pledge for a phone. They can donate any amount just by clicking the "Back It" button and entering an amount.


New member
Dec 17, 2014
Microsoft/Cerulean waited too long and dropped the ball on this. Not gonna pay $250+ for a mid-ranger when I can get a new/refurb Note 4 which blows it out of the water. Don't get me wrong, I love my Ativ SE and use it half the time, but i'm officially off the Windows Mobile hype train. Still I hope a comeback happens at some point


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Microsoft/Cerulean waited too long and dropped the ball on this. Not gonna pay $250+ for a mid-ranger when I can get a new/refurb Note 4 which blows it out of the water. Don't get me wrong, I love my Ativ SE and use it half the time, but i'm officially off the Windows Mobile hype train. Still I hope a comeback happens at some point
If you are on VZ, then your comeback mostly depends on Cerulean. So instead of just hoping with words, put some action to it and back them a dollar or more? Why not right?


Active member
Nov 16, 2012
I'd be much more likely to pledge $700 for a premium phone. I understand that's not the model they're going after right now, but unfortunately for me (and I'm guessing most people that own a 950 or better) there's really not a lot of appeal.

I'm with you on this.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
28 Knights have Pledged...


Don't forget #CeruleanKnights when you are spreading the word that supporters don't have to pledge for a phone. They can donate any amount just by clicking the "Back It" button and entering an amount.


New member
Dec 17, 2014
I truly beleive there is zero chance of Cerulean comming to Verizon, and honestly have better use for my dollars. On a side note, I used to hate Verizon because of how they locked their phones to their network... but of course they now sell them factory unlocked (thinking of how happy I was when a friend gave my an iPhone 4s that was basically an iPod and then plugging it into itunes one day and it notified me that my device was now unlocked). Yes I realize that was a condition the FCC imposed on Verizon, but they now accept non-Verizon devices and when you can buy out-right and add a device from whatever carrier that is compatable for $20 a month - u just cant beat that. Sprints' now the sh*tty carrier that just wont unlock devices. Went a little off topic there...


New member
Mar 1, 2015
I totally understand and follow...I came from VZ. Before that I was on Sprint.


New member
Apr 4, 2016
Honestly, I wished WhartonBrooks the best of luck, but I don't think this will pan out. First of all I think they overpromised drastically [WindowsCentral is partly to blame for the overload of articles], considering what we actually have on the table is an improved Coship X1 on our hands. The other problem is MS not coming right out and saying what they plan for traditional Windows Mobile handsets. And finally it comes down to the economics and pricing.

They are trying to sell their handset at $290. For that price you can get a Lumia 950, or for $200 you can pick up a second hand Alacatel Idol 4s. The 4S blows this thing out of the water [it isn't even comparison] and it is nearly 33% cheaper.

I'm highly doubtful they will reach their funding goal which is kind of sad, but they aren't offering a compelling nor competitve option. Many people were probably letdown about the whole "revolutionary" lingo they used when what was revealed was a crowdfunded rebadge of an already existing phone. Yes the CPU upgrade is a nice touch, but a 4S has an 820 CPU so it is kind of hard to list it as a huge plus.


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Yes, even if the plan does not unfold, am hoping for plan B personally. I know what it is like to be a WinFan/WinMobileFan.
Greg is doing something I could only hope to have been able to do. I want to see him succeed to just be a part of it no matter how small that part is.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
I'm highly doubtful they will reach their funding goal which is kind of sad...

Yep. The various user communities online seem bound and determined to make sure this will fail, rather than pitching in to make it succeed.

You, the "fans" and user base are really puzzling to me. I read tons of posts daily complaining that there are not enough phones on the platform. Here is someone trying to change that and the overwhelming response is, "Nope. Too much hype, too expensive, not a flagship," and a whole bunch of other excuses. Not reasons. Excuses to not support this effort. To help start something out that has potential to grow. A company that wants to support US, yet we will not support it now to see it come about.

How many realize the amount of money, time and dedication that must have gone into this effort? Huge amounts of each and more to come if it is to succeed and have a chance.

I defy any of the naysayers to start the process for themselves. You know so well what you want and the cost you would pay. DO IT. Start the darn thing, get it as far as Wharton Brooks/Cerulean/Greg Murphy has done. Show us all how much better you can do it.

I'm highly skeptical of what THOSE results might be. But I'd still support that as well. I'd pledge or buy.

Everyone or anyone can second guess this and dismiss it easily. NOONE ELSE seems to be going out and actually accomplishing it.


New member
Mar 1, 2015
Ya the windows mobile/phone community is an interesting bunch. I guess that's part of 1st world consumerism.

Ryan Smith23

New member
Jul 27, 2016
Yep. The various user communities online seem bound and determined to make sure this will fail, rather than pitching in to make it succeed.

Shouldn't this be a big clue? No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range, already obsolete Windows phone. What is the point? And asking someone to pay $300 for a phone they don't want because the company might release something good in the future (as you suggested in a previous post), is absolutely ridiculous. And I do believe that a flagship level device would have been much more successful. I would have been in day one for an HP Elite x3 type device.

Crowdfunding works, when you put up something the crowd wants. Stop trying to shame people into supporting this dog of an idea.

Are you affiliated with the company? Shouldn't you have to declare that if you're going to be marketing for them (ethically, if not legally)? I find it hard to believe that some random fan would be this rabid about promoting this phone.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
Shouldn't this be a big clue? No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range, already obsolete Windows phone. What is the point? And asking someone to pay $300 for a phone they don't want because the company might release something good in the future (as you suggested in a previous post), is absolutely ridiculous. And I do believe that a flagship level device would have been much more successful. I would have been in day one for an HP Elite x3 type device.

Crowdfunding works, when you put up something the crowd wants. Stop trying to shame people into supporting this dog of an idea.

Are you affiliated with the company? Shouldn't you have to declare that if you're going to be marketing for them (ethically, if not legally)? I find it hard to believe that some random fan would be this rabid about promoting this phone.

He is that passionate. I don't have a dog in this hunt so I'm not going to lose any sleep but your knee-jerk supposition that anybody that passionate about this MUST be on the dole.


New member
Mar 1, 2015
I agree with above spray. I could see most not shelling out the money because their dedicated consumer eye on the latest and greatest, even if it is not the latest, it has some great qualities. However, IF one should still not even look in the direction of their pockets for the phone itself, I have still found nobody with a good excuse as to why they can't even back them 1 dollar.

If every person who complained about RumoredNow's posts when and Put 5 dollars up there to just hush him a little Cerulean might look a little better off ;)


New member
Sep 28, 2014
Shouldn't this be a big clue? No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range, already obsolete Windows phone. What is the point? And asking someone to pay $300 for a phone they don't want because the company might release something good in the future (as you suggested in a previous post), is absolutely ridiculous. And I do believe that a flagship level device would have been much more successful. I would have been in day one for an HP Elite x3 type device.

Crowdfunding works, when you put up something the crowd wants. Stop trying to shame people into supporting this dog of an idea.

Are you affiliated with the company? Shouldn't you have to declare that if you're going to be marketing for them (ethically, if not legally)? I find it hard to believe that some random fan would be this rabid about promoting this phone.

He's not promoting the phone, he's promoting the platform. Better than the usual whining going on around here.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Shouldn't this be a big clue? No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range, already obsolete Windows phone. What is the point? And asking someone to pay $300 for a phone they don't want because the company might release something good in the future (as you suggested in a previous post), is absolutely ridiculous. And I do believe that a flagship level device would have been much more successful. I would have been in day one for an HP Elite x3 type device.

Well I see it different. This forum (and others like it) are still filled with people who think $300 is a huge investment and financial sacrifice for a phone. Some of them may have it as their only device. Some of them live hand to mouth. Some of them are just frugal and prefer to spend their money on other things.

The Cerulean Moment is effectively an upgrade for over 90% of the hardware that is out there in the wild for Windows Phone and W10M. The spec is better and/or it will run W10M in the latest version as opposed to:
  • Any phone limping along on 7.x (how many is that?)
  • Any phone running 8 or 8.1 (with few exceptions: Lumia 1520, Lumia Icon/930, HTC One M8, Samsung Ativ SE - if and only if they get Creators update)
  • The last 2 phones from Microsoft, the Lumia 550 and Lumia 650
Basically, this phone is an upgrade for anyone with a Lumia 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, 7xx or 8xx and almost every other OEM phone besides the current gen (HP, Alcatel, Acer and those few PCphone clones that escaped into the wild).

Because it doesn't meet your need does not mean that NOONE needs it, C'mon, who are you trying to kid?
No one (generalizing) wants another low-mid range...
MANY users could benefit from this phone. Look beyond yourself and you must admit that is true.

And look at the markets they want to release to right away. US? OK most users here have panned WP all along. This was never a strong region for us, but it is Murphy's home turf so... Canada? Do you read the forum? Canadians are always upset about the lack of availability for WP and W10M devices. Brazil? More of the same and even LESS disposable income for phones. To say that nobody in those countries needs this phone is myopic at best.

I try and provide facts and reasons. All I hear in response is emotional snippets.

Crowdfunding works, when you put up something the crowd wants. Stop trying to shame people into supporting this dog of an idea.

I agree, crowd funding is not ideal. Especially when you look at the crowd. It's an emergency measure and I'm sorry it's come to it. But I'll be darned if I'll just throw up my hands and join the apathetic voices trying to drown out the positive left in this situation.

Again, I try and provide facts and cogent arguments. If you feel shame, maybe you should examine why that is. My conscience is clear, I'm looking at the larger picture and fighting to improve the situation for everyone. What is your aim? To spoil the situation for others who might benefit just because you don't see a benefit for yourself?

Are you affiliated with the company? Shouldn't you have to declare that if you're going to be marketing for them (ethically, if not legally)? I find it hard to believe that some random fan would be this rabid about promoting this phone.

No I'm not affiliated. I haven't received a penny, nor do I expect to. In point of fact I pledged my own money, so just the opposite.

I've said it before, I'm a zealot. I'm a zealot for this phone and a zealot for Windows on Mobile. How else do you suppose I got over 17,000 posts on this site? Because I'm some "random fan" you just happened upon?

Frankly I'm insulted by your insinuation, but not surprised. It's just another example of an emotional snippet designed to turn everyone off to this project. Another snippet with no grounding in fact and no reasonable argument accompanies it. Just more of the same, "I don't want it so no one should." That's not an argument, it's an opinion and one that need not apply universally...

Ryan Smith23

New member
Jul 27, 2016
Well, if you're right about anything you said above, RumoredNow, then the Cerulean Moment should have no problem getting an abundance of funding. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Active member
Nov 29, 2012
@Ryan Smith23 Actually if he's right then they won't get funded cause most posters are just complaining and saying it's not good enough.

And then those posters will say see I was right, while not even helping the cause one bit, but hey at least they feel good about being right!

It's easy to take the non committal route and sit on your hands, then wait and see, then hop whatever band wagon suits. Sure it sucks to be named to something that may turn out to be a failure but at least I know I tried my part in hopes of giving me choices in the future.

Those that do nothing about cereluan have no avenue to complain about Windows mobile nor rag on those that try to help push it
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