Can a Notebook 9 Pro work as a tablet on a Macbook Pro?


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Oct 12, 2018
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Hello all,
I am a digital illustrator, and I recently purchased a Samsung Notebook 9 Pro for its 2-in-1 capabilities that are useful for an artist. With it, I can illustrate on the screen directly, which I haven't been able to do up to this point. For the past decade I've been using a 2009 Macbook Pro with an Intuos4 Tablet, so this is a big change for me going from macOS to Windows. I've discovered that there are critical things that are easier to do on a Mac than on Windows, such as panning through Adobe software like Photoshop with a touchpad, which is important for me as an artist. I rely on the Adobe Suite for my work, and my research hasn't revealed any solution to some of the problems I've faced, as well as having to adjust myself to an entirely different OS.
I'm now trying to determine whether to return my newly purchased Notebook and get another Apple product. What I want to know is whether I can use the Notebook as though it were a Wacom Cintiq by hooking it up to my Macbook Pro and illustrating on the Notebook Pro so that the work I do translates over to the Mac screen. The Notebook has the same EMR technology that Wacom technology has, so instead of buying a Cintiq, I thought using my Notebook would be suitable. This way I also have a backup computer in case my Mac dies.
I also hope that I would be able to use some of the Mac features such as it's touchpad and various hotkeys that are absent on WIndows, while I could do my illustrative work on the Notebook in tablet mode.

will these two computers work harmoniously with each other in the way I am suggesting, and if so, what do I need to make this happen?
Can anyone tell me what limitations I will encounter in doing this that I wouldn't if I simply purchased a Cintiq for my Macbook Pro?
What advantages or disadvantages do you imagine I'll face in what I am trying to do?

Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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