Can windows 10 mobile be a disappointment for people like me?

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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I am fully satisfied with the way the OS is developing, and mind you, I mean the OS, the operating system. Not the hardware or the release of new phones by new companies.

This is my usage scenario - so if you're like me, welcome to the club :cool:

  • I use my phone to make calls, sms several times a day. Not a lot, just a few. Sometimes no calls or sms.
  • In addition, I also use it to receive calls and sms, obviously
  • I like doing thigs manually, because that gives me control. So checking emails when I want to, checking whatsapp when I want to, checking facebook at my own time and choice
  • I dislike notifications so I keep them off except for the important stuff like calss and sms
  • I upload photos or videos when I want to, not live or right now. So instagram photos - I'll take a photo now, review it and then upload it later. Sometimes even a month later
  • I don't have a lot of apps, probabaly 15-25 - mostly for productivity or photo editing
  • Music is copied over from pc and that's it. No streaming or onedrive storing
  • I only backup photos using a pc, never the phone
  • I store documents on the phone too, not through onedrive
  • Never found the need for onenote - still don't understand what you can do with it
  • Most things are usually off likle wifi or cellular, unless I need them
  • I check facebook via the browser, never an app - the app is a data hog, no arguments there
  • I don't use edge browser but UC browser so I can save on data
  • No glance screen -tried it once but aside from the time, there was no useful feature there
  • No double tap to wake either :)
  • Don't have a band so nothing about tracking data
  • Don't do banking or paying online except using mpesa

So with the use cases above, isn't W10M more than enough to satisfy a person who has their requirements like mine?

Or am I a unique individual?


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May 21, 2015
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Well I find One Note quite useful to write quick notes (with formatting, and maybe audio or images) both on PC and Phone, and instant syncing.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Well I find One Note quite useful to write quick notes (with formatting, and maybe audio or images) both on PC and Phone, and instant syncing.

The thing I ask myself is, do I have notes to note down? And then I say, nope, nothing to note down except the once in a month random thing that gets done in an hour :cool:


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My phone is for quick look at headlines and financial news, email, notifications (skype, viber, messenger), music streaming (deezer) , podcasts (acast), quick info on navigation (maps), extensive use of notes for research (onenote), calendar events reminders, some web browsing, tethering to my laptop, taking photos. There are many other things it can do but I don't care about them.


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So with the use cases above, isn't W10M more than enough to satisfy a person who has their requirements like mine?

Or am I a unique individual?

Have you ever used iOS or Android? I don't mean mess around on a friend's for a few minutes. Have you ever had an iOS or Android as your primary device for say a month or more?


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Feb 6, 2015
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I think you are a unique individual to an extent.

Based on what you use, it seems like it might be just fine. I have to ask, is there anything you wish that you can do on your phone? Or are you just satisfied with how you use it, just because that is what you are able to do and not much more?

iOS also makes it easy to do what you do too, as does Android.


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Sep 12, 2014
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Well I find One Note quite useful to write quick notes (with formatting, and maybe audio or images) both on PC and Phone, and instant syncing.

Ditto on One Note, use it once a week for shopping, handy when my wife (iPhone) and me can sync on the fly while in the store, keeps us up-to-date and in the moment.

Camera is high on my priority list, having the ability to generate a panorama (w/options) at an instant is a plus, WP doesn't offer much there.

Using Android we are finding many apps I use are much more feature rich than what WP is offering, feels so stark in comparison.

Own a smart watch, leaves WP out of the picture right there or at least for the "time" being lol.

The overall ability to have a hassle free update/upgrade process with minimal intervention and, NO hard resets required as a necessity. The latter seems to have become a prerequisite for WP and to me, that's all wrong. If in my experience, others can do it then why can't MS, this was never as prevalent in the past so why now?... I cringe when updates arrive cuz we know much time will be spent getting things back into shape if we do.

Don't like the fact when problems arise it feels like we're looking for a needle in a haystack, all too often there's more questions than answers and all too often, this exact scenario repeats itself.

Could go on and on but think that's enough for now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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Where will we be one year from today?

Basic use calls for less options.
It's easy to stay limited when the options aren't there.

As a Windows user I've learned to expect less.
With the competing platforms it's always more and more.
I'm glad I stepped out of the dark room.

Scienceguy Labs

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Jun 13, 2012
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^I'm with you, Guytronic. I had convinced myself that I needed less from a phone. But, in reality, I used less because there were just fewer app options available. I was carrying my WP around as my main device in one pocket, and my Android phone around as my app device in another. Ha ha ha How crazy is that? I don't think I'm alone, however. I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few Windows phone users out there who have an "app device" nearby. Nowadays, my main device is an Android and my play device is W10M.

But, Chintan, if your device and the way you use it works for you, then keep doing what you're doing. My WPs are extremely reliable and useful for what you described. I still love the look and ease of use Windows Mobile offers. It's a great OS that I wish would catch on and come back with force.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
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I was carrying my WP around as my main device in one pocket, and my Android phone around as my app device in another. Ha ha ha How crazy is that?
I'm crazy too Lol...
On long excursions my WP goes with me.

It's pretty evident there's not a lot of lone wolf WP users in light of the climate.
I do greatly respect those who find the strengths within Windows mobile.
More power to the strong!

mary beth hale

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Mar 13, 2013
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When I'm at work using my Note 4, there are things I miss about my 950 xl. When I'm not at work and using my 950 xl, there are things I miss about my Note 4.
I know there are some people here who would burn me at the stake, but I enjoy using both of them. :)

Scienceguy Labs

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Jun 13, 2012
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Ha ha. I know how you feel, Mary Beth. Some things are just better on each OS. I love 6tag over the official Instagram app on Android, for example.

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Have you ever used iOS or Android? I don't mean mess around on a friend's for a few minutes. Have you ever had an iOS or Android as your primary device for say a month or more?

Before I discovered windows, I had a samsung android phone for a few months. I didn't like it to say the least - always fighting a battle with the OS on trying to reduce data usage and improve battery life. And eventually it did get slow and went for repairs 3 times

A few years back I saw my cousin with an iphone but after interacting with it for a few minutes I left that thing behind - didn't want to do anything with that

Is there anything I miss from android? Nothing at all right now. I haven't heard of anything worth having

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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I think you are a unique individual to an extent.

Based on what you use, it seems like it might be just fine. I have to ask, is there anything you wish that you can do on your phone? Or are you just satisfied with how you use it, just because that is what you are able to do and not much more?

iOS also makes it easy to do what you do too, as does Android.

What I wish is for my 1020 to be recovered :grincry:

On a serious note, I currently have a 540 and it does nearly everything I want. It doesn't have sensorcore which I did feel like having, maybe I should have gone for a 640 like my brother but budget was limited

IOS is too restrictive, to closed down for me to work with it the way I would like
Android just looks confusing and haphazard, and I'm not fond of the way the camera app works. And they are still data hogs if you don't know what you're doing. My daily data usage can be 20-50MB but with android? Upwards of 100MB

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Ditto on One Note, use it once a week for shopping, handy when my wife (iPhone) and me can sync on the fly while in the store, keeps us up-to-date and in the moment.

Camera is high on my priority list, having the ability to generate a panorama (w/options) at an instant is a plus, WP doesn't offer much there.

Using Android we are finding many apps I use are much more feature rich than what WP is offering, feels so stark in comparison.

Own a smart watch, leaves WP out of the picture right there or at least for the "time" being lol.

The overall ability to have a hassle free update/upgrade process with minimal intervention and, NO hard resets required as a necessity. The latter seems to have become a prerequisite for WP and to me, that's all wrong. If in my experience, others can do it then why can't MS, this was never as prevalent in the past so why now?... I cringe when updates arrive cuz we know much time will be spent getting things back into shape if we do.

Don't like the fact when problems arise it feels like we're looking for a needle in a haystack, all too often there's more questions than answers and all too often, this exact scenario repeats itself.

Could go on and on but think that's enough for now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

The case for a hard reset after updates is getting less in my opinion. Hard resets happen for the odd individual out there, not for the majority. Certainly the insiders have to do hard resets with higher frequency but they are on an insider program, that has risks.

I'm always anxious to see the next update to see what it brings. I don't expect problems to happen because they haven't happened for a long time for my case. :cool:

Chintan Gohel

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May 23, 2014
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Where will we be one year from today?

Basic use calls for less options.
It's easy to stay limited when the options aren't there.

As a Windows user I've learned to expect less.
With the competing platforms it's always more and more.
I'm glad I stepped out of the dark room.

One year from today I hope to have a better phone than the one I have, specifically a better camera. Other than that there isn't much else I could ask for. Of course it will be a windows device :winktongue:

Chintan Gohel

Active member
May 23, 2014
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I'm crazy too Lol...
On long excursions my WP goes with me.

It's pretty evident there's not a lot of lone wolf WP users in light of the climate.
I do greatly respect those who find the strengths within Windows mobile.
More power to the strong!

Right back at you. Even on the bus going home people like the feel and look of my phone, simple as it is. They do like the start screen -though I haven't got anyone convinced on buying one for their next device :cool:

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