Can windows 10 mobile be a disappointment for people like me?

First point explain why Glance is useless for you. Aside from time (& date) it also shows 5 quick notifications :) And OneNote, I use it once in a week maybe, for shopping, and it doesn't sync with my laptop (tried it last night for the first time)

What will glance show me?

Time - I have a wristwatch
Missed calls - don't get any usually as I always hear the ringtone
Messages - this can appear on my lock screen but I usually hear them too
Emails - emails cannot sync without me manually syncing them so they can never appear on glance
What else?

Before I discovered windows, I had a samsung android phone for a few months. I didn't like it to say the least - always fighting a battle with the OS on trying to reduce data usage and improve battery life. And eventually it did get slow and went for repairs 3 times

A few years back I saw my cousin with an iphone but after interacting with it for a few minutes I left that thing behind - didn't want to do anything with that

Is there anything I miss from android? Nothing at all right now. I haven't heard of anything worth having

The reason I asked whether you have experience with iOS or Android is because I've seen users whose first (modern) smartphone was a Windows Phone. I work with a few. We are a Microsoft partner, which means that we live, work, and breathe Microsoft. Of course we naturally gravitated to Windows Phone as the upgrade from WM.

This is anecdotal, but a couple years ago, several of my colleagues switched to Android, mostly because of one single feature they needed that was not available on WP. They had been satisfied with WP, but this one thing was the kicker for them. After getting Android, they were "blown away" what was possible. Now, you couldn't pay them to return to WP, even though they are Microsoft fans through and through. We all are actually, with the exception of mobile phones.

How long ago was your experience with Android? What phone did you have? Which version was the OS? Android has come a long ways in the last couple years. It now competes with iOS in speed and stability.
I used to use opera a lot when I had a Nokia feature phone; when I got my 1020 in 2014, opera wasn't available yet and I had to look for an alternative - fortunately UC browser did better than I expected.

It's potentially worth giving Opera's browser a re-try now, as their newer version has some good features centrally within the browser, including ad-blocking, which I really like. Their desktop browser now has VPN within it but I don't know if that will migrate to mobiles in future, as nice as it would be.
Explain why Chintan has to explain anything? Glance is not for everybody, which explains Microsoft's decision to put a shut-off option.
I dont need him to explain me anything. I meant to say "first point explainS..."
This is anecdotal, but a couple years ago, several of my colleagues switched to Android, mostly because of one single feature they needed that was not available on WP. They had been satisfied with WP, but this one thing was the kicker for them.
So what was the missing feature?
Can't you pick one up at Home Depot instead?

Dripping with sarcasm.

Yeah, they tried, but couldn't get it to filter anything more than well water. It caused all kinds of issues when they installed it between the modem and the router.

They also tried a furnace filter, and had pretty much the same result.

They thought about going to the Auto Zone for oil and fuel filters...

The reason I asked whether you have experience with iOS or Android is because I've seen users whose first (modern) smartphone was a Windows Phone. I work with a few. We are a Microsoft partner, which means that we live, work, and breathe Microsoft. Of course we naturally gravitated to Windows Phone as the upgrade from WM.

This is anecdotal, but a couple years ago, several of my colleagues switched to Android, mostly because of one single feature they needed that was not available on WP. They had been satisfied with WP, but this one thing was the kicker for them. After getting Android, they were "blown away" what was possible. Now, you couldn't pay them to return to WP, even though they are Microsoft fans through and through. We all are actually, with the exception of mobile phones.

How long ago was your experience with Android? What phone did you have? Which version was the OS? Android has come a long ways in the last couple years. It now competes with iOS in speed and stability.

2013 I believe, android 4.4.2 I think, samsung s duos. The phone is still there, my brother uses it as a secondary phone for his second line, maybe once a week.
It's potentially worth giving Opera's browser a re-try now, as their newer version has some good features centrally within the browser, including ad-blocking, which I really like. Their desktop browser now has VPN within it but I don't know if that will migrate to mobiles in future, as nice as it would be.

I was using it on and off but at some point they removed the disable images option so I left it completely then. Disable images is a core browser feature for me, I don't like using any browser without it. They also had an issue where you could only go back about 5 pages when with UC browser I can go back 10
Ditto on One Note, use it once a week for shopping, handy when my wife (iPhone) and me can sync on the fly while in the store, keeps us up-to-date and in the moment.

Camera is high on my priority list, having the ability to generate a panorama (w/options) at an instant is a plus, WP doesn't offer much there.

Using Android we are finding many apps I use are much more feature rich than what WP is offering, feels so stark in comparison.

Own a smart watch, leaves WP out of the picture right there or at least for the "time" being lol.

The overall ability to have a hassle free update/upgrade process with minimal intervention and, NO hard resets required as a necessity. The latter seems to have become a prerequisite for WP and to me, that's all wrong. If in my experience, others can do it then why can't MS, this was never as prevalent in the past so why now?... I cringe when updates arrive cuz we know much time will be spent getting things back into shape if we do.

Don't like the fact when problems arise it feels like we're looking for a needle in a haystack, all too often there's more questions than answers and all too often, this exact scenario repeats itself.

Could go on and on but think that's enough for now.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Panorama is now a standard feature of Windows 10 mobile (integrated in the camera app).
Panorama is now a standard feature of Windows 10 mobile (integrated in the camera app).

Yep, one direction and one orientation (portrait) only... In general things are getting there but at a very very slow pace.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Yep, one direction and one orientation (portrait) only... In general things are getting there but at a very very slow pace.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

in a lot of cases, the pace is determined by the fact that the development encompasses all windows 10 devices such as tablets and mobiles. So the mobile branch of things has to move at the same pace as pc. In some cases this is good as we get pc features faster than we would have otherwise. But in some cases it's slower since the pc part is slower - contact picture circles is one good example of this

Then again, they don't have many people working on mobile really since it's such a small part of the team :grincry:
Features are coming faster, in one sense, but at what expense? I'm just saying cuz we do notice new additions but then for some reason MS seems to break two others whilst their at it, it's a viscous circle that never seems to end.

I'm NO expert in software programing or the like but have to really wonder what MS was thinking when they introduced 10. One thing I've noticed being prevalent amongst app developers is that many state the APIs w/W10M are too restrictive which doesn't allow for this or that blah blah blah, why is that?

All in all it is hard to take WM seriously anymore and even the PC side of things has me questioning "Windows". If they have minimal personnel working on the mobile side as you say then that's a pretty good sign how serious they are/aren't. Since 10s inception Windows anything just seems to be falling short becoming just a big pain in the ars for me.
Yep, one direction and one orientation (portrait) only... In general things are getting there but at a very very slow pace.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

That's logic, portrait means higher vertical reolution for processing alignement (top / bottom dynamic cutting), it works on all apps like that.

Sincerely I don't know any panorama app working anticlockwise
Landscape panorama if you are rotating horizontally isn't useful.
But if what you want is to create something more akin to a 360 image maybe you can use some of the other apps in the store, like photosynth.
Definitely makes sense, less movement gets you more in landscape when we're talking about the horizontal plane, where I come from most panoramas are from left to right or vice versa. The vertical aspect can be great too if you are close to a subject. The point being, different situations may benefit from additional settings or options so there's a choice, MS decided we can have any colour as long as it's black

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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