Can windows 10 mobile be a disappointment for people like me?

I have a friend in class with me who has a Windows 10 phone, i think a 650. he is a basic user but loves the phone. Just because you don't necessarily use all the features the phone provides, doesn't mean you cant enjoy it :)
Is there anything I miss from android? Nothing at all right now. I haven't heard of anything worth having

My stock broker has an app for android. Problem is the app has one tenth the functionality of the PC app, plus the security concerns to carry the hash number generator on you and the not ideal nature of that OS regarding security. So "in theory" an android phone could do that for me. In real life thought a 200$ windows tablet or a 300$ laptop cannot be replaced by a phone app on a 5 inch screen. On the other hand I don't doubt there are users that need a particular app that doesn't exists on a windows phone to do a job but I am not .
Still don't understand what you can do with OneNote
This cracked me up. I used it a lot in school for note taking. If you ever had to hunt for a particular Word file, you'd appreciate OneNote.

[*]I don't use edge browser but UC browser so I can save on data
MS screwed up big time with Edge. IE had data saving mode. It wasn't perfect but the MBs saved add up. Not adding this feature in Edge is one of those signs that show that MS thinks everyone uses broadband.

[*]No glance screen -tried it once but aside from the time, there was no useful feature there
I don't wear a wristwatch. If you are like me, being able to tell the time as soon as you pull out the phone is very handy. I remove other apps from the lockscreen.

[*]No double tap to wake either :-)
Come on man. Pressing the power button does get tiresome.

Or am I a unique individual?
We are all unique, however, some have discarded theirs. I've got a theory, busy people don't many apps
This cracked me up. I used it a lot in school for note taking. If you ever had to hunt for a particular Word file, you'd appreciate OneNote.

MS screwed up big time with Edge. IE had data saving mode. It wasn't perfect but the MBs saved add up. Not adding this feature in Edge is one of those signs that show that MS thinks everyone uses broadband.

I don't wear a wristwatch. If you are like me, being able to tell the time as soon as you pull out the phone is very handy. I remove other apps from the lockscreen.

Come on man. Pressing the power button does get tiresome.

We are all unique, however, some have discarded theirs. I've got a theory, busy people don't many apps

I know where I keep my files so doing a simple search or going to the folder works for me. The day I start using onenote is the day I join Microsoft and they train me to use it
I had even written this before: well, something similar anyway

You have that one right. Majority of people use cellular data and not wifi but because Microsoft is American....

I have a watch, always had one since I was 10. And for removing the phone from the pocket - that's risky in a city where 1000's of phones get stolen on a daily basis :grincry:

Never got tired of that - I do a lot of exercise :winktongue:
Your usage profile sounds an awful lot like mine is. Your headline question, can the OS be a disappointment for people like us? I'm unsure, as I'm certainly very happy with it and I largely know what I'm getting myself into when I purchase an additional phone. Using the preview builds also gives me insight into what's coming along.
Other people who aren't familiar with WM, if they've used other smart phones will find differences certainly. Will they be disappointed? If they're heavy apps users, and the apps aren't on this OS, then they might be - but if they have our low app useage profile, then they may be pleasantly surprised. No more hunting around for OS updates, everything can be automatic for them. The OS seems far easier to use than the rest too. If they changed their employment and their use varied, then it may be an inconvenience. My organisation puts out apps but only with the other 2 major systems, although they did have WM covered at one point. I get by really well and I'm not a huge apps lover anyway - so if their profile remained constant, such that they would use apps infrequently and not as a priority, then they'd probably not find it a disappointment.

I travel a lot and so being able to get my maps downloaded in advance via wifi has been a bonus since Nokia maps. I'm generally a satisfied user, albeit not the target market for MS's future growth strategy in moboile

I don't always use Edge to browser - I've been an Opera fan for 10 years+ and their mobile browsers can save on data use. They've got ad blocking and vpn built into many versions, with ad blocking in their mobile browser, so it's an added bonus.
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For my personal experience it's been "tough" to put it extremely mildly as a windows phone user even more so with WM10 and WaaS, my fellow ambassadors and mods know what I mean by that :winktongue:. The draw for me was the Nokia 920 and the hubs as I have used WP8.x pretty extensively as a duo user I can tell you categorically that somewhere along the lines Microsoft hit a wall and that is haunting them (akin to the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey).

I could go in extremely intricate detail but I would rather not as it is overwhelmingly negative and don't want to derail this thread :winktongue:.
Your usage profile sounds an awful lot like mine is. Your headline question, can the OS be a disappointment for people like us? I'm unsure, as I'm certainly very happy with it and I largely know what I'm getting myself into when I purchase an additional phone. Using the preview builds also gives me insight into what's coming along.
Other people who aren't familiar with WM, if they've used other smart phones will find differences certainly. Will they be disappointed? If they're heavy apps users, and the apps aren't on this OS, then they might be - but if they have our low app useage profile, then they may be pleasantly surprised. No more hunting around for OS updates, everything can be automatic for them. The OS seems far easier to use than the rest too. If they changed their employment and their use varied, then it may be an inconvenience. My organisation puts out apps but only with the other 2 major systems, although they did have WM covered at one point. I get by really well and I'm not a huge apps lover anyway - so if their profile remained constant, such that they would use apps infrequently and not as a priority, then they'd probably not find it a disappointment.

I travel a lot and so being able to get my maps downloaded in advance via wifi has been a bonus since Nokia maps. I'm generally a satisfied user, albeit not the target market for MS's future growth strategy in moboile

I don't always use Edge to browser - I've been an Opera fan for 10 years+ and their mobile browsers can save on data use. They've got ad blocking and vpn built into many versions, with ad blocking in their mobile browser, so it's an added bonus.

I used to use opera a lot when I had a Nokia feature phone; when I got my 1020 in 2014, opera wasn't available yet and I had to look for an alternative - fortunately UC browser did better than I expected.
Interesting question.

I tend to maximize every device I own. As a result, but in summary, I've installed nearly 100 apps in my last Windows Phone (Lumia 1020), systematically arranged in folders which give me both only the information I need at a glance but with the option to dig for more when I needed to. It was performing everything I wanted a phone to do, and even more with the "universal relationship" it had with my Windows 10 PC. But the 1020 was aging, and without hearing any news about a new device that would be the successor of the 1020, I switched.

The switching gave me a fresh look and retrospective on what a phone really is. I had the impression that Windows Phones and Windows 10 Mobile was, is, and could be trying to do more than what it is supposed to, giving the illusion that it is more than what it is. Now I have a device, in comparison, that can do everything I need a phone can do - and here's the key difference - without making me rely on it too much nor making me hope and believe that it can do more, that it will eventually grow into something more.

But back to your question. Given the usage you've listed, Windows 10 Mobile wouldn't disappoint. It didn't disappoint me. But, as always, it is when expectations exceed the boundaries of capacity, design, and purpose that disappointments start rushing in.

In a subtle way, the "illusion" I was referring to is probably the root of the disappointments reported elsewhere.
I'm always anxious to see the next update to see what it brings. I don't expect problems to happen because they haven't happened for a long time for my case. :cool:

I love updates too but anything Windows 10 (Mobile/PC) has me cringing, going by my personal experiences the process is far too lengthy and a total crap shoot as to what will ensue. Have multiple Windows devices so we?re not basing this off just one device but more in the range of 10-12, suppose we could be that unlucky sole who got the rejects haahaha.
  • I dislike notifications so I keep them off except for the important stuff like calls and sms
  • No glance screen -tried it once but aside from the time, there was no useful feature there
First point explain why Glance is useless for you. Aside from time (& date) it also shows 5 quick notifications :) And OneNote, I use it once in a week maybe, for shopping, and it doesn't sync with my laptop (tried it last night for the first time)
^I'm with you, Guytronic. I had convinced myself that I needed less from a phone. But, in reality, I used less because there were just fewer app options available. I was carrying my WP around as my main device in one pocket, and my Android phone around as my app device in another. Ha ha ha How crazy is that? I don't think I'm alone, however. I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few Windows phone users out there who have an "app device" nearby. Nowadays, my main device is an Android and my play device is W10M.

But, Chintan, if your device and the way you use it works for you, then keep doing what you're doing. My WPs are extremely reliable and useful for what you described. I still love the look and ease of use Windows Mobile offers. It's a great OS that I wish would catch on and come back with force.

To me it's about what I see as the greater sacrifice. I love the Start screen. I have an android device and there is software to try and mimic it, it just isn't the same. Windows 10 start is so customizable and so gorgeous. I look at the front of my phone all day. I don't care if it doesn't look like I just came out of a gucci store on the back. It takes awesome pictures and the part I look at the most is gorgeous. That's the part people should care about. You customize your case, well customize the thing you look at all day. Make it more appealing and it helps set the mood. I wake up in the morning the first thing I look at is my phone screen. I want it to look nice. And I'm one of the very rare few lucky ones that has a bank app and any other apps I am interested in using long term.

I tried snapchat and it's fun from time to time to create some whacky video to send to your friends, but I don't document my whole life like others. I check out facebook sometimes. I use mostly chat programs to chat to friends. Line messenger is the one we use most and it gets great windows 10 support for UWP. I also use whatsapp beta and messenger. Then I have my news site, reddit, my games and other stuff that i'm satisfied with. Don't get me wrong sometimes I would like to have some of the games on windows mobile. I use iphone sometimes for them but it's a 4.7 inch screen and just don't like using it. I supplement my gaming through PC gaming though so it actually affects me less as a result. I enjoy even better games and crave the mobile less. I'm definitely not in denial. I know the other side has a lot of better stuff but nothing that is enough to get me to abandon the start.
First point explain why Glance is useless for you. Aside from time (& date) it also shows 5 quick notifications :) And OneNote, I use it once in a week maybe, for shopping, and it doesn't sync with my laptop (tried it last night for the first time)
Explain why Chintan has to explain anything? Glance is not for everybody, which explains Microsoft's decision to put a shut-off option.

I personally believe there are a lot of people with a user profile that is similar. Though yours is probably a bit more limited. For a lot of people a Windows Mobile would suit them just fine. But of course with all things, there are caveats.

The hiccups typically show up when people have friends or family who have certain apps that Windows Mobile doesn't have or isn't up to date.

Every user is different and their needs are different.

The problem Windows Mobile always had and will continue to have is that, friends, family and sales people won't recommend 'unknown' operating systems. It's really that simple.

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