Can't connect to any home WIFI when on airplane mode.

I have no issues on my AT&T Lumia 920 with the Black update. I just checked it and can connect just fine. I did notice, however, that only the 2.4GHz band is available while in Airplane mode. After turning off Airplane mode my phone can again see my 5GHz WiFi.
I have the same issue but it only happens with my 5GHz wifi signal. It's really annoying. The only thing I have managed to work out is this.

1. Turn wifi off first
2. Turn flight mode on
3. QUICKLY turn wifi back on and it should connect (even if it's greyed out, swipe the switch and wait). if you're too slow it wont work.

This trick seems to work for me. I would recommend pinning the flight mode and wifi settings to your start screen for quick access.

Update: This trick doesn't seem to work very well on windows phone 8.1. I can get to connect but it disconnects after leaving idle for a while.
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A few hours back my Lumia620 starts rejecting wifi connections in flight mode too.
Funny part is i have been using wifi in flight mode for almost 3 months (apart for some WP wifi problems) i could connect just fine thn.
But now i can only connect when Flight mode is off.
P.S. WP8.1 is the only thing not making me hate WP, if its bad i am going back to Android for GOOD.
Always have a good android as a spare if u could afford an iPhone.that's a way to go with windows can only be used as also ran device just to enjoy smoothness.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Always have a good android as a spare if u could afford an iPhone.that's a way to go with windows can only be used as also ran device just to enjoy smoothness.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

you seem to be quite irritated and disappointed with WP, considering the number og posts you have made on multiple threads, expressing your disappointment. Please sell your WP and buy yourself an android and be happy, rather than complaining to everyone here all the time. I mean it in the nicest way. You should be happy with the phone you use, so please get yourself an android and leave us WP users in peace.
I dont think there is any wrong to express your opinion in sorry if it hurt you so much.:p:):eek::beer:

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
I dont think there is any wrong to express your opinion in sorry if it hurt you so much.:p:):eek::beer:

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

expressing your opinion on almost every thread that may seem remotely relevant is a little putting off. But honestly, for your own peace of mind you should get an android. Peace.
Hey I had the same problem .. Just now found a solution.. All u need to do is just turn on ur location nd then ur good to go.. U ll b able to see the wifi signals in flight mode
I have this problem too. It happened when I changed my TP-link router for an "Asus rt-AC51U". A Lumia 820 has NOT this problem, but my 735 has it. So weird.

Has anybody noticed any difference with Windows 10 Mobile?
I have this problem too. It happened when I changed my TP-link router for an "Asus rt-AC51U". A Lumia 820 has NOT this problem, but my 735 has it. So weird.

Has anybody noticed any difference with Windows 10 Mobile?

Sadly, no difference. I am getting the same result with the latest version of windows mobile 10. When flight mode is on, only a few wifi networks (presumably 2.4ghz) will show up in the list. When flight mode is deactivated, many more will appear.
To anybody interested for a solution in the future: If you are having trouble to connect to your home wifi after turning airplane mode on, go to your router's page and in the wireless settings turn on both available GHZ frequencies. Most routers have only one frequency on by default. That's it.
For months I've had the same issue, whit a lumia 950xl w10. Today I solve it, thanks to the support. They say to me that the windows phone when turned in flymodeand suddenly turn on the wifi, not all the frequency are received, for a security option. So I've changed, as suggested, the channel on my router and the wifi begin to be visible and working. Before I was on channel 13. On channel 4 all working. Router is a tp link. Hope this help you, I was loosing any hope until today, when I solve it

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