Can't connect to fb chat


New member
Sep 3, 2013

I've been having trouble connecting to the fb chat integration using 3g, I can browse the internet or download new apps flawlessly but I get a "Can't connect to chat" message whenever I visit the messaging hub

Even though I can use the messaging hub on wifi

Any suggestions ?

i also had this issue with fb chat but now it works fine for me

just change your status to available.. if its offline, busy, away or invisible then you cant connect to chat
you can change your status by tapping the icon next to + icon
Thanks for your suggestions guys, tried both but no luck.

Notice that I can connect to the chat using wifi but not through 3g.
i have tried all the options suggested online in many forums. But none of them has helped . It remains the same irrespective of being in 3g or wifi. Hope microsoft is looking into this issue.
Well i hard reset my phone then 1st configured microsoft ac 2nd facebook.working fine since last 4 days
I want the hard reset to be my last option.

Notice I can't use Skype either on mobile network, using im+ is no problem at all though.

Update: everything is now working, I changed nothing but its all working at least for now.

Update 2: well that escalated quickly but its gone.
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Hey, before i same problem with facebook chat.. But now its ok.. Maybe try with wifi, u need stabil connection first
I had this issue with my Lumia 520, have you got skype installed? If so uninstall it, that will fix it. There is a known issue with this
Uninstalled Skype but still same problem and I'm sure my connection is stable, I'm always having that H/H+ lying around on the status bar.
I saw the reply concerning Skype so I uninstalled it and Chat worked immediately!:smile: After reinstalling Skype both are working just fine.
Thanks for this tip :love:
Log in to in your internet explorer in Lumia 520.................
As soon as you log in.........your chat will be connected !!

Thanks it working once I uninstalled my Skype!!! But what is the connection between Skype and Facebook!!:winktongue::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Try below steps it helped me

Hey Guys,
Try the following steps as it is mentioned below. Make sure the battery saver option is off before you try this.
1) Turn of Facebook Chat.
2) Set Chat status to Offline.
3) Go to Battery Saver option in settings.
4) Turn on Battery saver.
5) Go to Advanced Settings inside Battery Saver.
6) Tap on each of the three options there from bottom to top one after another.
7) Come back and turn off the Battery Saver.
8) Go back to messaging and turn on Facebook Chat.
9) Now set chat status to available. It should get connected.
Try these steps as it is mentioned. If still it fails, you can add a step between step 2 and step 3. This new step is nothing but switching your device off and then on. It should definitely work

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