Can't print. Print option missing in Photos app W10M CU.

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Dec 12, 2013
A quick question. How do I print a picture in W10M? My mum has a photo on her Lumia 640 XL (Creators Update public build 15063.414) she wants printed. The Print option in the Photos app is missing. After pressing the ellipses menu, all I see are "Slideshow; Set As; Add to album; File Information". It's the same for all photos. The printer is compatible (Epson WF-2650), connected on the same network and has been added to the phone via Settings>Devices>Bluetooth and other devices.

Please help.
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Photos has a Print menu option on my phone. Same OS.

When I use this page it does not show that printer as supporting Windows Mobile printing.

Epson Connect Solutions Finder

Looks to support Email Printing, so perhaps set that up for your mum.

Thank you for your input.

The printer is supported:

I followed your advice and printed the photo via email printing/Epson Connect. It's a roundabout way of printing but I'll take it.

I shared the image to the OneNote app and was able to print straight to the printer, however I was unable to resize the image within OneNote therefore the image came out tiny.

That said, there's still no solution or explanation for the missing Print option. I have already rebooted the phone and performed a soft reset to no avail.
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It could be a memory related issue. Photos are big. Maybe they found issues printing on 1GB phones so made it work in the photos app on 2GB phones. Glad you found a path to make something work though.
I don't think it's a memory issue. Printing in the Photos app was available on my 635 (1GB) and 640 when I tested W10M AU last year before downgrading back to WP8.1. Another person on another forum who has a 640 XL with the same Creators Update build confirmed printing was available for him in the Photos app too.

Ignore the last sentence. It was a 950 XL. My eyes deceived me. lol
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I'm using a 950XL and budget HP wireless printer. The only way to print locally was installing the "HP AiO Printer Remote" app.
Granted, I only did test prints for some Excel files and small jpegs. It did work.
Perhaps the OP can test some 3rd party apps for Epson printers.

I'm using a 950XL and budget HP wireless printer. The only way to print locally was installing the "HP AiO Printer Remote" app.
Granted, I only did test prints for some Excel files and small jpegs. It did work.
Perhaps the OP can test some 3rd party apps for Epson printers.

The print button gives you one choice if you don't have an HP printer and that's "save to PDF". My Brother has to use the app and I tried with my in-law's Epson to no avail. No HP, you gotta use an app. KumoPrint is excellent for Google Cloud printers regardless of brand.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
The HP AiO app was updated today and I did a few test prints. It worked on all three the phones (incld 830, 1520)
It's feels robust, though I could use more print options for paper quality, margins, images per page etc

The HP AiO app was updated today and I did a few test prints. It worked on all three the phones (incld 830, 1520)
It's feels robust, though I could use more print options for paper quality, margins, images per page etc

It's called HP Smart now. I sure hope the name is appropriate, it only worked good on the x3 in the past. Scanning multiple pages on a flatbed scanner were not possible before.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
HP Smart has been getting several updates lately. It's much better than before..
It does scanning now, have to try it out later..

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