Case Modifications


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Hi Gang,

I have a Christmas Gift idea for my wife and I. I want to modify a wireless charging case for the 925.

First I want to antique Silver leaf the case. But, I need input if Silver or antiqued Aluminum would inhibit the passing of the current through the plastic shell. Any engineering type that could weigh in this idea?

Next, I'd like to screen print on the antiqued Silver our Wedding Logo and our Saying. I see where a company will do this, on a plastic non charging case. And not sure how to accomplish that, on a Silver Leafed case.

All Ideas are welcomed, even if you tell me it can't be done.


These are some great ideas. When you do figure it out, please post your pics. I am not sure if the silver would interfear with the wireless charging.

My Lumia 920 charges through a feather case. :)
I did some mods too but it only involved putting a skin. Had white but i suddenly wanted black. Instead of buying, i used a skin that can be heated to mold to the corners. Result is this.

sent from within the depths of my brain
Depends where you live .. The one he shared is a local store here. So maybe you can google "gadget skins" or something like that if anywhere you live offers that kind of service.. And for designs they mostly have catalogs or you can bring in your own designs and they'll make it for you.
i'd agree with what jeric820ph mentioned. personally i'd look for a local retailer of such skins because getting them online would make it a bit hard to do some diy. they had to use some heat gun for the 4 corners due to the curve. pre-stickers won't cover the whole shell. if you're ok with some shell peaking out though, i also bought skins from ebay seller tolulu99. here's a link to his ebay store: Nokia Lumia 925 items in lumia 925 store on eBay!
I live in West Orange, NJ and I can't seem to find any Skin places. Ideally I'd go with a printed clear skin to go over top of the silverleafing. I'm sure for college kids etc, these kind of places are easy to find. But, I'm really striking out, and now that you mention it, I do want to cover the corners, even if it's only a clear skin as it will protect it. Well, a clear skin with my Logo.Rose for wedding album.jpg

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