Caveats&pitfalls when buying AT&T Lumia 1520 from eBay for unlocking


New member
Apr 5, 2014
I'm from Europe and now when AT&T began unlocking them, I'm planning to buy 1520 (AT&T) from eBay, and to unlock it using my friend's AT&T account.
Of course, my friend's is clean with AT&T bills and I'm looking for clean IMEI phone, but are there any other pitfalls except clean IMEI I should look for when buying a phone?
Or, in other words, is clean IMEI guaranteeing that phone would be unlockable using AT&T unlocking service/site?

THe reason you would want a AT&T variant? I mean, there is no Qi wireless charging on them. Add it the price of shipping, your countries fees and if if you do want to have wireless charging, add the cost of a PMA case and a Powermat pad.(Which for all that are interested, you can pick one up for $5 on ebay, just toss the iphone case in the trash, or hack it to fit your case. But make sure seller has good feedback, and your friend is in good standings with AT&T.

Powermat Wireless Charging Kits for iPhone 3G 3GS Receiver Case Charging Mat | eBay
Thanks for answer.
Reasons I will most likely buy AT&T is that there are lot of them on eBay, they have lowest price and unlocking procedure for AT&T is specified.
Also, I'm coming soon to US, so there are no additional shipping fees.

On the other side, I agree on wireless charging. Currently I'm using Verizon's Lumia 928 (they are unlocked by default) with Nokia Fatboy Qi charger, and Wireless charging will definitely be a missed feature. Other option is to buy Nokia Icon (as it's also unlocked by default), but currently, I'm looking for Lumia 1520.

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