From 640 to 950 & 950 XL on AT&T

I've been switching between 950 and XL every three or four days incl. today with the update. Re-linking of the Band 2 takes a few seconds along with switching the*nano(macro!!!)SIM but I appreciate them both. XL a bit quicker and bigger but the non-XL is really good to and sometimes smaller is better. Excellent camera in both! If you can afford the luxury they are both great phones. Of course I have the 640 (minus SIM) around to do everything but*call and I am amazed constantly by it too. I got a friend and set up a 640 XL for $69 and it is impressive with it's 13MP camera too.

Any issues switching the sim from the 950 to the 950 XL when you first did it?

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