Check-in for 7.8 Update Through Zune, Have you gotten yours yet?

I can't even find this apps ATT 900 7.8

I'm here in SoCal, AT&T Locked Lumia 900, Zune tricked worked. Only got two updates, second one was 7.8, but Bluetooth Share and Ringtone Maker from Nokia will not install on my phone. Ideas?

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Unbranded int'l 900, was already on 8779 from the factory. Used the Zune trick and got 2 updates:

First one was labeled a Nokia update for phones with no camera button. Took the BSP to 2175.2905.8853.12440, and the OS from 8779 to 8783.
Second one is the 7.8 update. Takes the OS to 7.10.8858.136 (installing that one now).

I'm assuming there are no more but I might try the trick again to see whether yet another one is lurking.
Just plugged it into Zune and viola.. Love the new start screen.. Still want a red 920...
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
I was able to force the update on my Fujitsu phone. The interesting part was that I had to update to 8779 and 8783 before upgrading to 8858.
The update is "live" on AU servers and announced by AU, but it doesn't appear that they are pushing it to everyone.
Plugged my phone in and it said I had a update for my phone. Man, not having the "gutter" makes a huge difference!
Still stuck here, another hour later.... sigh.....
I only plugged in and updated about 30 mins ago, it flew through the first update, and is installing the update you're waiting to download.... so I'd think there is a problem if its stuck there for so long!

ETA... now onto the 7.8 update, it's flying along :D

Edit again, that's it, another 10 mins down all updated :) great stuff.
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Still no joy here in oz have tryed forced update but that won't work Zune stuck on checking for update for 20 mins
So... I am successfully able to "force" the update.... but it gets stuck on step 2: downloading update 0%. It's been an hour now.....

Lumia 900, AT&T.

I'm having the same problem, I have tried three times and each time it has stuck on 0%. Any ideas?
Ok, I am updating as we speak. Put the phone in airplane mode, checked for update and it told me there isn't any, pressed another button over or below the update link, then counted to around 4-5 and I got the update.
There's definitely a problem, but I don't know what/why!

Task Manager > Services > Any thing with the word "Zune" set to 'Start' > Reset your computer > Plug in Phone > Open Zune > Task Manager > Services > Start anything with the word Zune > do force > Boom!

Mine was stuck at 0% all night. I did the above I went from step 2 to step 5 in the amount of time it took to type this. The first update was specifically a Nokia update, not the Windows update.

Edit: It jumped to step 7 by the time I was able to reread this. Basically, reset your computer, ensure Zune has activated all of its services, then force the update. It should work then. Also, take your time. Give your computer a chance to set at each stage before moving on.

Edit 2: First update was installed. Did the force again and was given the option to install a "Windows Phone" update. Already at step 7.

Edit 3: And I'm done! I hope this helped! Again, make sure Zune has every process up and running before you try anything. After that, it should work fine.

Now, excuse me while I go play with the new live tiles.
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Done...hope I never have to go through this crap again.

And Nokia should have opened up Internet Sharing for all, having the message to contact Att pop up when you don't have service with ATT is just stupid.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express

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