So I'm rocking XP SP3 at the moment, but I want to jailbreak the phone. So I downloaded ChevronWP7, and it gave me the error "Sorry, I'm having trouble connecting to the phone, please make sure it is connected by USB and the Zune software is running.". So I found out the registry needed to be edited. Since the .reg file has been taken down, I did it manually. Now I can load up the main ChevronWP7 main window, but when I tick the two boxes and hit "Unlock", I get the same error.
Is there a solution to this? Or do I just need to upgrade to 7?
EDIT: So I guess I need to de-NoDo my device? Well crap, that's going to be a challenge.
Is there a solution to this? Or do I just need to upgrade to 7?
EDIT: So I guess I need to de-NoDo my device? Well crap, that's going to be a challenge.
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