spb weather on the card???? I would change that immediately, unless its not on your today screen and it doesn't update automatically.
It is on my today screen and does update automatically. Is that a bad idea? I haven't had any problems with it even when it was running on the mda.
I too live in NYC, but I'm on T-Mobile, which does not have 3G yet, but I just really wanted the phone. But I have run dslreports on both phones and I have to say that the tytn is constantly coming back with like double the speed of the mda..must be a result of the processor speed. I definitely notice that the phone wakes up faster and responds faster.
One complaint I have about buying an unlocked phone is the lack of some customization by the carrier. I no longer have the t-zones button on the screen and I have to go manually copy the t-mo ring off of the mda and put it on the tytn.
CP, you mentioned the serial number issue...do you know where the range of the "good" serial numbers begin? mine is ht636... I bought mine from J&R electronics, a big vendor here in NY.
Also, as I haven't been on an unlocked phone since my T-600 & 650, how do you do upgrades of the device/OS?...is it something to just get from MSFT's site or is it something you get from HTC's site?
My final issue that I'm trying to resolve is that although I know the phone is picking up EDGE speed, the phone only shows the "G" for GPRS and not the "E" for Edge. I presume it's because the symbols are only set to show G and 3G, but not the E. I know this is not relative to the data speed performance it's picking up and is only what it's displaying as the speed, but I'd like it to show the E.
For a lot of these things, do I need to go to xda-developers and flash the rom? I really don't like the idea of doing that, but I will if I have to.