So I've read the reviews and checked out the wiki and am reading the comments. It looks like this is quite the device. I'm a huge fan of my 8125 and use it all the time. I don't have Cingular's 3G service available at home or work or anywhere in between. I use wifi for fast connections at those locations. WiFi use coupled with listening to tunes via BT headphones is a pretty decent strain on battery life. I imagine UMTS isn't quite as strenuous as wifi.
Does the snappier operation, redesigned keyboard, extra buttons, streamlined exterior and better camera warrant an upgrade even without the 3G functionality? It has a pretty hefty price-tag compared to when I bought the 8125 for $249 back in Feb. I wanted to wait til I had 3G access before upgrading but if the 8525 is such a better experience than my already heavily-used 8125, I may have to re-consider!