Tytn Review after 2.5 days
I know this is a Cingular thread and I'm on T-Mo, but as I have a Tytn, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Tytn. After 2.5 days of being on this phone, I am really loving it. It definitely is faster and a step up from my MDA. And although T-mo doesn't have 3G and probably won't well into next year, I have to say that it was still worth the purchase...between the extra processing speed and extra buttons and the wonderful scroll weed, it was worth it! Oddly enough, I did a couple of dslreports speedtests on both this phone and my mda and it seems to be coming back at twice the speed of the mda. I am assuming it's just a function of the processor, but it's definitely so. My only complaint, as I've written earlier, is the lack of "phone pad for t9 - one handed use...anyone know where I can purchase or rip a t-9 pad, I'd appreciate it. Also I have noticed that the phone does get "stuck" every now and then. I am monitoring this as I have seen it on the htcwiki.