

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Just looking for some feedback - I was previously with Verizon and had the unlimited data plan. I was planning to switch to whichever carrier (AT&T) received the Nokia phone. I decided to jump to AT&T when the Titan went on sale for 0.01. I figured it was easily a good call since I was saving at least close to $200 on whatever Nokia released.

Now it sounds like potentially Verizon will be getting the Nokia phone relatively early in 2012. I liked the Verizon network and if I went back - would try and see if they would restore my unlimited data plan if I turned my BB back on. Any shot at that? I doubt it but I already regret not keeping my unlimited plan - though I'm sure that is partially because I need to just download apps ect when I am at home instead of at work/out and about.

Now if Nokia has a phone come out in Jan 2012 - I would be outside my 30 days with AT&T to swap out phones. If by close to the 30 days it sounds better for a Nokia release in Jan - should I pay $35 swap to the Focus S and hope I can swap out again the following month for a Nokia? Or should I just enjoy my titan (outside battery life) and grab a Nokia at a later date. I prefer to support the company going all in with Windows Phone - so at some point I will stick with Nokia.

Switching carriers was more stressful than I thought!
If you already terminated your plan with Verizon, your unlimited plan is likely long dead. Carriers, in general, have been trying every-which-way to get rid of the grandfathered unlimited plans.
I doubt we will see a Nokia phone I Jan. Unless I have missed some announcement.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I'm thinking that Verizon may announce getting a high end WP7.5 Nokia at CES in early January 2012 but I doubt it will be available to buy until June at the earliest. Announcements and availability are two different things.
I'm thinking that Verizon may announce getting a high end WP7.5 Nokia at CES in early January 2012 but I doubt it will be available to buy until June at the earliest. Announcements and availability are two different things.

yep, this is what I'm thinking is the best case scenario we might be looking at here.
Whatever comes out early next year will not be a significant upgrade to the Titan, if at all. The good stuff will be out when Apollo is released, and you know you're going to want that. I say just enjoy what you have now and wait for a true, Apollo, upgrade.
I can see a Nokia phone in February or March. Right now you blew it with Verizon, there's no way to sugarcoat that one. I would stick with the Titan (it's a great phone anyway) and get a Nokia towards the end of 2012. Enjoy your Titan!!
1. you lost your plan
2. Nokia phones are set for Faburary 2012
3. Unlimited data plan is over rated lol ... ( if you do more then 6G(same price) you need a girl friend mate :P)

On at&t you get 30 days from the start of your contract changing to the Focus S won't buy you any time.
Yeah; otherwise, people would be able to get a new phone free of charge every 29 days.
Not sure what fees are included if you back out of ATT during the 30 day deal. The $35 plus some usage fees I would guess. If you have a BB still, you can go back to Verizon on a month to month plan but will not have unlimited data. You will not be in contract though so when and if Nokia does bring something, you can switch immediately.
Thanks for the comments - I'm good with my Titan as it is a great phone. The unlimited data really should not be an issue and I was prepared to jump to AT&T just for a Windows phone anyways. The biggest thing for me was the ability to switch to Nokia - which I can always do by selling the Titan down the road and paying the difference!
Yeah, I would pay for an unlock code before trying to sell it if you do. Should net you much more than an ATT locked version.

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