Considering switching from Lumia 930 to Galaxy S7, anyone else ?

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^^^^ A well written, and thoughtful post, by Casper!! Why do people always forget the Sony?? I had an early xperia that was fab. Brother has SG6 and I have a charger at the ready for him, if my damned 930 isn't using it!! :-) And, yes, the longer you own an android, the more junk slows it down. Try one of the 'memory cleaners' and see how much junk builds up in a week. Scary!

I'm going to stay as a windows goth*

*Stays in all day waiting for the elusive RTM for his device whilst his Skin pales, through lack of daylight. Not eating or sleeping to attain that drawn half dead look.

Now, where's my Sisters of Mercy MP3 Collection......sing this corrosion to me.....
...From the very first days of my adventure with iOS I am in constant contact with Apple Support due to a load of issues: Siri not working, iTunes Music Library synchronizing things I don't won't or not syncing the songs I want, regardless of professional help and my best tries. Therefore I do consider both mentioned application as beta quality software. Which struck me very hard - isn't this Apple, shouldn't this "just work"? But no, it is my sincere opinion that Apple has issued an operating system that has two application of poor quality, not very far from worst things in Groove or Cortana a few WM10 compilations ago. So before anyone switches, please consider we are talking of software here and it never seems to be perfect. Even the most revered, I would assume, software from the best performing tech company in the world is just buggy. Sometimes I fight with my playlists or try Siri do something for me and I can only sigh and give up thinking of how many time Groove and Cortana served me better even in, officially, just beta version of the system...

Wow, my experience with switch to iOS has been so different!
I too find iTunes a necessary evil, but I use it so infrequently that it does not really matter. Honestly, it is no less reliable for me than syncing music to Windows Phone used to be...
But the overall app quality has definitely gone up for me (including the Here Maps, on WP never quite made sense to me as two separate apps). There are a ton of apps in any flavor so yes there are many bad ones too, but just look for a good one then and it is usually there.
The transition has not been painless but I expect every transition would be. I personally did not want to consider Android because of ?Android rot? issues (slowdowns with time) and seriously ? while back in WM 6.0 days, I thought it was cool to have task manager, I?m so over that on my phone.
iPhone has exceeded my expectations in several areas:

  • Battery life is amazing for me; I never end a day with less than 50% of battery on my 6s. And I have more apps running in background than I ever did on a Windows Phone.
  • Stability; I reboot my phone when iOS updates come. That?s it!
  • Performance; the phone is super-fast, all the time, whatever I do.
  • Family Sharing has been great; approval of purchases for my son?s apps, buy an app once and everyone downloads it? it?s been great
  • I?m invested in Microsoft ecosystem for work and other stuff and all the apps are available and of high quality
Just as you have a right to your opinion please respect mine and others who do not agree having only two choices is acceptable. I have used android from the start, it has always been disappointing. iOS is great and all but is not an acceptable choice for many because of cost and the closed system. So if I cannot afford an iOS device (and I surely cannot) why do you seek begrudge me the option of using windows mobile? Why do you feel because YOU like android it's legitimate for it to be MY ONLY CHOICE? I ask because that is what your doing when you jump on the hater bandwagon proclaiming it's dead or should be. You and those on your bandwagon discourage developers who may give us a bone. Or do you just feel lower income people do not have a right to an opinion or choice.

"How can WP shines when the world are happy with Android and iOS?" - No, YOU are happy with android and iOS. Many of US are not, and to us WP already shines.

It is not the first time (nor the last) that a well regarded OS (both desktop and mobile) will not make it in the marketplace. When Palm Pre was introduced at CES 2008 it had just as much buzz as any mobile device at the time. When it was sold to HP for a Billion Dollars there was a lot of optimism that HP would rejuvenate it against the Apple/Android hordes. Now it is just another footnote in history. While MS has the resources to keep it going at a loss there is going to be a point where developers will stop developing (or updating) existing apps, there are no new apps and it's fans slowly fade away. To get a feeling what that was like listen to Paul Thurrotte reminisce about the Amiga and I'm sure all the Windows Phone fans (including Paul T) will have the same feeling in a few years.
Dont know why people start these kinds of conversation on an outset of a new handset. If you want to leave, jump ships to other competitor device, please do so. Why do you want others opnion? too much time in your hands is not good.

None of the things that happened to you, happened to me. After installing 10, just do a hard reset. Windows 10 way way better than 8.1 in terms of looks and functionality and it will only improve from here with other OEM getting into manufacturing the Win 10 devices. Saw the HP leaks today and that device is a monster

Just do what you like, what suits you
I once used android but surprisingly with 3 antiviruses my memory card got damaged 5 times in 2 months in a country where I buy data to download apps... I can't use a UK junk phone brought here maybe I'ld be using an iphone 6 by now neither can I afford a new one.... My only bet is windows phone tho I currently use a java phone
Hi, I understand your dilemma. For me, to combat your frustrations about WP, you can go the way I did.

I have been a WP and Android user since 2013 up to now. I have the Nokia Lumia 1520 which still has dependable battery life (which came from a very long battery life), an amazing screen and a very capable camera until now. I have tried the iPhone 5 for a week last 2013 but didn't really liked the OS.

I had several Android devices (Nexus 7, Nexus 7 2013, Xiaomi Mi 3, and now Meizu MX4) but sadly, my experience for each of the devices left me unsatisfied. The Nexus 7 tablet was a good tablet for playing, but that's all. The Mi 3 and my current MX4 has a lot of bugs. The reason why I still keep my MX4 is due to its very decent and loud speakers (even though it's a single speaker setup), a backup phone (since I have two SIM's from different carriers) and for the apps that I really need but aren't present on WP, like my banking app.

But at the end of the day, my Lumia 1520 still remains as my daily driver, while my Android phone maintains a lot of battery life due to occasional usage only. I'm still not jumping into other mobiles UNTIL I get to judge W10 Mobile for myself. Experiences in software vary from people, resulting in different opinions, so I really want to experience it myself.

The problem with what you did (no offense meant) was little research. I have bought the Lumia 1520 because of the talk about its extensive battery life which I also experienced for the first year and a half of usage. Let's admit it - battery life really deteriorates over time, but if you have an initially long battery life at start, it will still be dependable for a longer period of usage as opposed to having a phone with an initially short battery life from the start (like the Nokia Lumia 930, based on your experience). If a mobile phone's battery life really means much to you, then you should have researched a little more and might have ended purchasing the 1520. I still read a lot of satisfaction from long-time 1520 owners up to now.

You can jump to Android and no one's gonna judge you, but you can also take the road that I took and still keep the 930. After all, who says you can't have it all? ;)
Arrow Launcher all windows apps and my LG V10 keeps me in a better windows environment than I had on my 950XL.
I still have my 950XL, but damn it's just slow at every single thing and I'm just over it as my daily driver. I hope Microsoft get's it together.
After 7 years with WM, WP7, & WP8, I switched to the Galaxy S6 a few months ago and haven't looked back.

There are a lot of UI things I miss about WP and the Samsung bloat is obnoxious, but I never realized how big the app gap really was, how well optimized mobile sites are for Android, or how good the Samsung camera is (or maybe I was in denial).

I hope MS can figure out a way to compete, but until then I say take the plunge. You can always go back when (if...?) WP ever gets better.
I will not be exactly pursuing the subject, but just two weeks ago I switched from Lumia 930 to iPhone 6s Plus. I do agree that Windows 10 Mobile proved to be buggy and disappointing, but I'd like to share an opinion about iOS 9, which hopefully will be helpful to some people also considering the switch.

First of all, one can't expect this to be easy. From the very first days of my adventure with iOS I am in constant contact with Apple Support due to a load of issues: Siri not working, iTunes Music Library synchronizing things I don't won't or not syncing the songs I want, regardless of professional help and my best tries. Therefore I do consider both mentioned application as beta quality software. Which struck me very hard - isn't this Apple, shouldn't this "just work"? But no, it is my sincere opinion that Apple has issued an operating system that has two application of poor quality, not very far from worst things in Groove or Cortana a few WM10 compilations ago. So before anyone switches, please consider we are talking of software here and it never seems to be perfect. Even the most revered, I would assume, software from the best performing tech company in the world is just buggy. Sometimes I fight with my playlists or try Siri do something for me and I can only sigh and give up thinking of how many time Groove and Cortana served me better even in, officially, just beta version of the system.

But I don't regret the switch, at least not yet. I am currently overwhelmed with all the apps in iOS ecosystem. You see, all my smartphones were WP phones, and my old corporate iPhone 4 was not supposed to be used to install leisure apps. So having a private and newest iPhone I have access to everything iOS apps can offer and I'm thrilled with the choice. This is not to say that I was missing some apps in WP, since I had everything I needed, but with iOS I can discover a completely new world of apps performing things that my WP apps could never do. At the same time I find some apps, e.g. Here Maps, looking much worse than on WP.

So, not to extend this too much, I'd say that switching is a bitter-sweet experience. More of a eye-opening experience: neither ecosystem is perfect. There is no mobile OS without bugs, and what worked for you in WP might be a nuisance in Android or iOS. I'd suggest to the author of this thread to certainly go for it, but be aware that this expensive device he is going to buy will not necessarily be a solution to all the problems Windows Mobile has.
siri not working how? at least explain what exactly is not working.
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