Considering switching from Lumia 930 to Galaxy S7, anyone else ?

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Oh yeah that is this sunday. Then i'll need to arrange 1 hour to watch the announcement because the 21th is my birthday lol. I don't mind them ditching the colors, if that black color is pitchblack then i would love to buy one.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Not the Galaxy S7, but if I were to switch, I would go with a Nexus. I've always liked Android but only in its pure vanilla form. Plus, getting timely updates ala Apple is a huge plus. Nevertheless, I'm going to hang on to my Windows Phone because it has never let me down in the one year that I've used it (not counting the 4 months of the W10m TP).

Reding your post then I would recommend looking at the S7, I have an S6 but have had HTC HD7, Nokia 800, 920, 925 (still have) and recently a MS 950, which is going to be returned.

As you mentioned the quality of the apps on iOS and Android are a lot more, well polished, that and the Android OS has come on a long way from my first device an HTC Magic, it is a sad state of affairs that WP, which I used to think of as solid, is now with WP10 (it is far better on the 950 than 925) feels like the ealrier days of Android, flimsy :(

Try the S7 see how it goes or save a few pounds and get a S6 still a great phone.
Man, it could have been me who would wrote this opinion.
Also on L930n don't like WM10 'cos buggy and bad for battery life, need to change my smartphone too and also thinking about leaving WM for Android or iOS.; Would also miss the nice camera with nifty Lumia apps. Don't know whether Android is giving me such a nice features. Don't like the messy layout of Android either. Maybe iOS is better, but screen size of iPhone is one I don't like. Maybe waiting for iP7?
But I'm a heavy user of OneDrive, so I don't know if iOS or Android have embedded OneDrive as much as WM.

Or stick to Windows?

Why isn't MSFT carrying more for delivering a complete OS?
I'm on the other side, have a Note 3 and want to go back to WP. I miss the clean interface, live tiles, and no ads in unexpected places (like the built-in voicemail app that shows ads and keeps trying to 'trick me' into upgrading to premium). Still, I am feeling I have few choices with WP because I am tied to Sprint.
Man, it could have been me who would wrote this opinion.
Also on L930n don't like WM10 'cos buggy and bad for battery life, need to change my smartphone too and also thinking about leaving WM for Android or iOS.; Would also miss the nice camera with nifty Lumia apps. Don't know whether Android is giving me such a nice features. Don't like the messy layout of Android either. Maybe iOS is better, but screen size of iPhone is one I don't like. Maybe waiting for iP7?
But I'm a heavy user of OneDrive, so I don't know if iOS or Android have embedded OneDrive as much as WM.

Or stick to Windows?

Why isn't MSFT carrying more for delivering a complete OS?
Actually, I am using OneDrive on Android just fine. I have my photos set to upload automatically there. I don't use onedrive for anything else, so I can speak on anything else.

I'm on the other side, have a Note 3 and want to go back to WP. I miss the clean interface, live tiles, and no ads in unexpected places (like the built-in voicemail app that shows ads and keeps trying to 'trick me' into upgrading to premium). Still, I am feeling I have few choices with WP because I am tied to Sprint.

Yeah, it seems like your best bet is to be stuck with the 635 if you wanted to do wp again, but I get what you are saying though.
I think you've hit the biggest challenge for Windows Phone on the head - The quality of Android has improved drastically. Yeah, it always had the apps, but the Navigation in the OS always looked half finished and ugly. That's no longer true. And while that's happened Windows Mobile's OS navigation has lost a lot of the polish from Windows Phone.

When I look for reasons to stay with Windows Mobile, it now comes down to two things - Live Tiles and Security. Live Tiles isn't helped by the fact that Microsoft Apps seem to ignore them and refuse to improve them (The calendar app STILL only shows one appointment on the tile!)
Security is a bit harder to prove, but there seems to be an end to carriers refusing updates on Windows Mobile, while it's still a huge problem for Android.

I am very tempted by the Galaxy 7 Edge, though I have a feeling I'll need to upgrade to a new phone before it comes out.
Why Nexus instead of Galaxy?

Hi Copper58
It sounds like you have made the decision to move across to Android whatever flavour.
To get an answer to your latest question, I would go to an Android forum and ask there for their opinion. That's what I would do anyway.
This is a Windows forum, or it used to be. I find it interesting how many Android/iOS users follow Windows forums. Why is this?

This is just my observation - I'm not dissing on anyone.
Just remember Samsung are a nightmare with updates! They leave you hanging after 12 months. That's why there is a court action against them. People with devices less than 12 months old aren't getting android updates. Their repair centre is also a joke. Why not an LG or Nexus, or a one+one? At least the one plus and nexus get the updates and more importantly, no manufacturer bloat ware. You may have guessed I have had bad experiences with Samsung. I was there when the S2 was new. Great phone. Now meh...
Switch if you want to. Keep in mind a few pointers:
1. Consider the Nexus, if nothing than for regular and frequent security and OS updates.
2. Widgets do use battery, depending on the app and the number of widgets on your home screen. Though you can change the update frequency for most widgets by going into their individual app settings.
3. Camera performance on most high-end phones is pretty similar these days. I mean one is simply nitpicking in 2016 when comparing a Lumia camera to a Galaxy, an LG, a Sony, or a Nexus. They all take great casual photos, and I feel that's the upper limit for any smartphone camera right now.
4. Battery life will depend on your usage, just like every other phone. Buy one with a decent sized battery, and always compare battery reviews on various android blog sites before your purchase.
5. Microsoft apps on Android are fantastic! It just depends on how productive you want to be on a 5-6 inch, touch-only screen. Just for that reason, the 950s may have an advantage, thanks to Continuum.
6. Reliable voice assistant in the form of Google Now, which is not limited by geographical availability. And if you are in the US (or the few other supported countries), Cortana is on Android too!
7. Really, you seem like you have made up your mind on buying an Android phone. Also remember that if/when you face an issue, no matter how small, subscribers and participants over at the Android side of things, specially the forums on Androidcentral, are very helpful. However my personal experience on the Windows side of the fence is that people here are not much accepting of opinions. If you dare say anything constructive or try to question their logic, they pounce on you like an eagle snatching an unsuspecting baby rabbit, whose only fault was that it was enjoying nibbling on its carrot a little too much to hear the eagle soar, scream, then actually swoop.

Lol sorry :winktongue: ... Please ignore that last part :angel: I have nothing but respect for people's individual choices
Hi Copper58
It sounds like you have made the decision to move across to Android whatever flavour.
To get an answer to your latest question, I would go to an Android forum and ask there for their opinion. That's what I would do anyway.
This is a Windows forum, or it used to be. I find it interesting how many Android/iOS users follow Windows forums. Why is this?

This is just my observation - I'm not dissing on anyone.
People who use or used to use Windows are very helpful in this journey, because they are more able to understand where you are coming from, in comparison to some Android forums saying that Windows Phone/Mobile sucks out the gate.

It's still very much a Windows forum. I think it's silly to assume that everyone on these forums only use Windows Phone/Mobile exclusively. Again, as I have said in another thread, this is Windows Central, not WP Central. A lot of people who use Android use Windows for their desktops.

You don't know other people's interests, reasons, motivations, etc for being here, because they are so varied. I'll try to share some of them with you so that you can understand better.

-There are people who have an Android phone and/or an iPhone, along with Windows phone. They just happen to like trying the different options.
-There are people who have had WP and they enjoy the platform but it isn't working for work because of missing needed apps, so they have to switch to another option
-There are people who enjoyed WP, but decided to move to another platform. However, they watch news about the platform in hopes that things improve enough for them to return.
-There are people who have become bitter and think the platform is a joke

And I'm sure there are many other possibilities. Just keep that in mind.
I also have the 930 which I like better than any phone I owned prior. I am on WM 10 (slowest ring) and like it very much. I have not had a very buggy experience, but I'm also not a heavy user. Put me in the fan group for the UI -- it is, to me, far superior to Android. I've never used Apple. I don't use a loft of apps, but there are a few that I do need and keep an old Android with me when I'm on Wi-Fi.

I have decided to upgrade. Unfortunately, I've decided to move back to Android. I've looked at the S6, Edge, Note, etc. and am intrigued by what I've read about the S7. I'll be checking the S7 announcements and reviews. At the moment, I'm leaning to the Nexus 6P. Unless there is something killer with the S7, I don't see anything to justify the price difference. I also only buy unlocked phones with no carrier bloatware or crap, and I don't see anything compelling in any of the manufacturer's forks over pure Android. Being first in line for software updates is another major plus. I'm pretty sure it will be the Nexus 6P for me, unless something very compelling is announced to make it worth tossing another couple hundred dollars around.
Hi, I'm a mid-range user. I used to have a Lumia 640 XL and I was disappointed with Windows 10 and Microsoft. I realised that they should not release a great mid range phone (Lumia 650 is not OK for me). So, I decided to move back to Samsung with a new Galaxy A5. Excellent device! I am very surprised with its quality and fluidity. Now I think I would only move back to Windows only if Samsung releases a new smartphone with W10.

I think you'll have an amazing experience with your new device! :angel:
I also have the 930 which I like better than any phone I owned prior. I am on WM 10 (slowest ring) and like it very much. I have not had a very buggy experience, but I'm also not a heavy user. Put me in the fan group for the UI -- it is, to me, far superior to Android. I've never used Apple. I don't use a loft of apps, but there are a few that I do need and keep an old Android with me when I'm on Wi-Fi.

I have decided to upgrade. Unfortunately, I've decided to move back to Android. I've looked at the S6, Edge, Note, etc. and am intrigued by what I've read about the S7. I'll be checking the S7 announcements and reviews. At the moment, I'm leaning to the Nexus 6P. Unless there is something killer with the S7, I don't see anything to justify the price difference. I also only buy unlocked phones with no carrier bloatware or crap, and I don't see anything compelling in any of the manufacturer's forks over pure Android. Being first in line for software updates is another major plus. I'm pretty sure it will be the Nexus 6P for me, unless something very compelling is announced to make it worth tossing another couple hundred dollars around.

I hear a lot of good things about the Nexus 6p, sounds like you'll be making a good choice.
Right now I am not interested in replacing my Lumia 1520 regardless of its age - it's a bit older than the 930. If I win a 950XL from that contest on this site then cool - who doesn't like a freebie? If the worst happens and I have to replace my phone right now... I don't know.

I've been waiting for a Jolla or Sailfish OS phone to be available. So far there's only the Turing Phone which I find too gaudy... but I think I would get it LOL.
Maaaan just do the switch and be done with it. I did the switch from an icon to a note 5. The phone was free for me cuss I have never bought a phone from my service provider, to be onest the the phone is amazing. Also, this crap that people talk about apps been better is just boocrap to me since having a crap load of apps in a android phone is not very efficient since they keep running in the back and kill your phone resources. But again I only speak for myself. In any case I have used a wp for 5 years n I was upset that MS just give up on the OS I hope they come back strong n if they do I'm buying a wp10 again for sure. Best of luck
Maaaan just do the switch and be done with it. I did the switch from an icon to a note 5. The phone was free for me cuss I have never bought a phone from my service provider, to be onest the the phone is amazing. Also, this crap that people talk about apps been better is just boocrap to me since having a crap load of apps in a android phone is not very efficient since they keep running in the back and kill your phone resources. But again I only speak for myself. In any case I have used a wp for 5 years n I was upset that MS just give up on the OS I hope they come back strong n if they do I'm buying a wp10 again for sure. Best of luck
To be honest, that is something I miss about WP. I miss being able to choose what apps work in the background. There are some apps that I don't need active information from.
Thank you for all your interesting comments and your kind advice. :-)

I'll definitely switch to Android.

My experience with my Lumia is extremely bad at the moment. I unplugged my phone at 9 AM, used it only a little to text, go on Facebook and see some webpages. Then, I used Here Maps to find directions for about 15 minutes, only to see that my battery was already at 50 % at 11.30 AM! This evening, I wanted to listen to music with headphones (jack). I couldn't listen for more than 10 secs, the phone behaved as if I was constantly plugging and unplugging the headphones. I rebooted my phone several times, but still impossible to listen to music or answer a call with my headphones. Not sure if it is a software or hardware related issue, but I'm seriously thinking of reverting back to Windows Phone 8.1 for the second time...

I'm pretty sure I'll go for the Galaxy S7 Edge, but I'm keeping an open mind. Other manufacturers than Samsung are also going to release interesting devices at the MWC, so we'll see... I'm not a real fan of the edges of the S7 Edge, but I'd like a bigger screen than the standard S7, 5.5 inches seems great and I really like the design in silver. We'll know everything about the phone by the end of the week, but I'm really interested by the battery life and the low-light pictures. It doesn't feel like a major upgrade from the S6, though... The price will be high, but it seems that Samsung will offer a Gear VR reality headset with the pre-orders, which is nice.

As for the Nexus 6P, I don't like the design very much. That's clearly not the only criterion I use to make a decision, but it doesn't help... The screen didn't impress me as much as the Galaxy S6 Edge (Plus) I tried in store. It is much cheaper than the Samsung Galaxy with very good specs, but I'm still not convinced.

Can someone explain to me what is this "Vanilla Android" thing with the Nexus? If I buy a Samsung device, does that mean that I will have to wait longer to receive updates than if I had a Nexus as they somehow need to be tested and approved by Samsung?

I don't think that carriers play any role in rolling out the updates where I live, as carrier-specific locked phones are not allowed in Belgium. You can grab an unlocked phone in any store and it will work with all the carriers. So the updates must be controlled by the manufacturer only...
Can someone explain to me what is this "Vanilla Android" thing with the Nexus?

This refers to a pure Android experience.
No overlays or any apps included from the maker of a device.
Manufacturers like Sony, Samsung, ASUS, Huawei etc; include their modified versions of Android.
Phones sold or backed by Google will not have any name brand apps.
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