Considering switching from Lumia 930 to Galaxy S7, anyone else ?

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In my opinion there really is not a "performance" upgrade out there right now over your 1520 on 8.1 much less your 950XL on W10M. If you go with the Nexus line you will get Marshmallow which is a new OS it's self and also pretty rough and sooer than later that update well will go dry. If you go iOS you will get the apps and a nice experience but with all the trappings of the walled ecosystem.

With both Android and iOS you will need to be prepared for something you have not run into with Windows and that is apps will not be sand boxed and can break your phone. For instance, just this last week Adobe's Creative Cloud Updater started deleting the first file/folder it found in the root directory, so many people had to do resets to get their phones working again. Yes, often apps in these Unix based systems have root access. You have to worry about both malware and simple bad code. It's not all bad or good, it's just another thing.

I appreciate that info as these are things I'm sure most droid users won't admit to. My girlfriend for example has a GS5. She tries to boast whenever possible about how inferior my phone is when I can't find an app she can get, or when she sees my phone reboot randomly (yes, this still happens semi-regularly for me). But I do also see the moments where her phone acts and drives her nuts. Build quality is also a little more questionable. Then again I'm not an avid phone dropper whereas she is. She's replaced her phone screen quite a few times from drops where as mine feels a little more sturdy.
Suprised at all the problems that people are experiencing on W10M. I have it running on a Lumia 735 and it runs rather well. I have experienced an occasional reboot or edge page not loading, but this instances are few and far between. The app gap is present but I knew that when I got involved with W10M and since more have become available though not always the best quality. I think an improvement would be making sure what limited apps are in the windows store are of high quality would help. I use the web pages pinned to my home in replacement of some apps and it satisfies me. I think we will see more apps as they are made for millions of w10 users in the future and with the iOS app project. Also battery life is fantastic on the Lumia 735.

That being said I hope Lumia goes away and other manufacturer's make windows phone. HTC, Samsung, or Motorola would be cool. I have no issues with Microsoft manufacturing phones but I agree with the strategy of them being software focused and on devices.
Just as you have a right to your opinion please respect mine and others who do not agree having only two choices is acceptable. I have used android from the start, it has always been disappointing. iOS is great and all but is not an acceptable choice for many because of cost and the closed system. So if I cannot afford an iOS device (and I surely cannot) why do you seek begrudge me the option of using windows mobile? Why do you feel because YOU like android it's legitimate for it to be MY ONLY CHOICE? I ask because that is what your doing when you jump on the hater bandwagon proclaiming it's dead or should be. You and those on your bandwagon discourage developers who may give us a bone. Or do you just feel lower income people do not have a right to an opinion or choice.

"How can WP shines when the world are happy with Android and iOS?" - No, YOU are happy with android and iOS. Many of US are not, and to us WP already shines.

Whoa.... Please enlighten me in what way did I disrespect your choice and others?? I just speaking with my own experiences with windows phone for the past years since WP7 till now. You can continue to support Windows phone for all you want because that's your money, not mine. And when did I said that Android is your only choice?? I stated examples from both IP6s and Note 4, so I guess you can go with either of the platforms as well. Please don't put words into my mouth.

I'm not discouraging developers. Is the developers / companies themselves who are not even giving a hoot about this platform. I do purchase apps on windows phone as well. But how often apps are updated? I see Facebook and Messenger, Whatsapp, etc being updated weekly on iOS and Android for bug fixes etc. Windows phones? When was the last update for Facebook messenger? We are not here to hate this platform but it is what this platform which make us to hate it.

And no, I'm not the only one who is happy with Android and iOS. The market speaks for itself. WP sales dropped, badly while Android and iOS are still dominating the market. Just Google yourself, lots of references out there.

You may disagree, but please do not make it personal. Furthermore, this is Phone Wars forum. Everyone has their rights to speak up for the platform they like. Again, is not about YOU, but opinions of themselves.

In my opinion there really is not a "performance" upgrade out there right now over your 1520 on 8.1 much less your 950XL on W10M. If you go with the Nexus line you will get Marshmallow which is a new OS it's self and also pretty rough and sooer than later that update well will go dry. If you go iOS you will get the apps and a nice experience but with all the trappings of the walled ecosystem.

With both Android and iOS you will need to be prepared for something you have not run into with Windows and that is apps will not be sand boxed and can break your phone. For instance, just this last week Adobe's Creative Cloud Updater started deleting the first file/folder it found in the root directory, so many people had to do resets to get their phones working again. Yes, often apps in these Unix based systems have root access. You have to worry about both malware and simple bad code. It's not all bad or good, it's just another thing.
There is nothing rough about Marshmallow. It runs flawlessly on my 2013 Nexus 7 and on my Moto X Pure Edition. Lollipop was a different story in some of the early builds.
Maybe I've just run into some lemons then. Among the the bugs I've personally recreated: 6p screen freezing with reboot, 5x random reboots, home screen transitions taking as much as 3 seconds, music playback out of ear speaker instead of loudspeaker.
Maybe I've just run into some lemons then. Among the the bugs I've personally recreated: 6p screen freezing with reboot, 5x random reboots, home screen transitions taking as much as 3 seconds, music playback out of ear speaker instead of loudspeaker.
I have a 5x and it has never randomly rebooted on me as much as my old 435 did. Actually, it hasn't done it at all. I don't understand the "well run dry comment" because didn't the previous Nexus phones also get Marshmallow?

Also, let's not act like all WP 8.0 phones got 8.1, even the ones that are Lumias.
Maybe I've just run into some lemons then. Among the the bugs I've personally recreated: 6p screen freezing with reboot, 5x random reboots, home screen transitions taking as much as 3 seconds, music playback out of ear speaker instead of loudspeaker.
Those sound like serious lemons to me. 😞 My Nexus 7 is much older and has lower specs than those devices but doesn't have those problems. I'd suggest sending your devices back for warranty replacement or repair.
If the S6 Edge is anything to go by, I would never buy another Samsung phone again, completely disappointing and a severe let down for a flagship device, maybe 2017 it will get marshmallow.
I have a 5x and it has never randomly rebooted on me as much as my old 435 did. Actually, it hasn't done it at all. I don't understand the "well run dry comment" because didn't the previous Nexus phones also get Marshmallow?

Also, let's not act like all WP 8.0 phones got 8.1, even the ones that are Lumias.
Nexus 5 and 6 phones got Marshmallow. Older Nexus phones didn't, but the Nexus line is supported for at least 2 years.
If the S6 Edge is anything to go by, I would never buy another Samsung phone again, completely disappointing and a severe let down for a flagship device, maybe 2017 it will get marshmallow.
Samsung devices tend to get updates much slower than Nexi, Moto, LG. The S6 Marshmallow update has just started rolling out, and not many carriers have released it yet.
Nexus 5 and 6 phones got Marshmallow. Older Nexus phones didn't, but the Nexus line is supported for at least 2 years.
That's good to know. To me, that doesn't sound bad at all, but I guess that's just me. By that time, I might have already changed my phone anyway, lol.
I feel ya, but no need for the manifesto/essay.

Just switch; it's only a mobile platform. Plus, with Microsoft apps available on both Android and iOS, any device really, can be a 'Windows' phone.
I attempted to use a OnePlus One Android phone for 1 week. It was the 12.1.1 update with Cortana into Android just like Windows Phone. Overall, it was a miserable experience. It really made me appreciate WP. Only real downside is there were a couple more apps I could use, and Outlook on Android was better than Outlook on WP.
i felt the same when I made the switch to my current LG G4 as my primary phone it had the best camera I've ever come across on a smartphone ( I had the Lumia 1020 previously ) had a better battery better screen stable software and everything that you need from a phone, I still had a soft corner for the windows OS hence picked up a used Lumia 1520 for a bargain price , however I still cant use it as my primary phone (which in this case is my LG G4) mainly due the lack of banking apps , the quality of the OS , and the bugs, random reboots etc. I still feel windows phone at least windows 10 cant be used as a primary phone , I loved windows 8.1 but windows 10 is just a hot mess. Before picking up the G4 I was thinking of getting the 950/950xl but looking at the ridiculous pricing and the very fact that the Microsoft's store demo unit crashed twice while I was checking the phone out I stayed away , and god that phone doesn't have the charm as the previous Nokia branded lumians ! the 950XL looks like a 640XL sibling !
I'm also thinking on why I'm with Windows phone, what got me to choose it from the first and what is keeping me on the platform. Adding up pros and cons and revaluing is something that should be done from time to time.

For me the PROs was:
  • A good productivity suite with Office, Onenote, Ondrive
  • A good offer with free streaming music - MixRadio
  • A good free map app with navigation and added functionality for communal transport - The Here suite
  • A easy to navigate OS
  • A best in class camera and camera apps
  • A outstanding physical appearance - subjective but I like an appearance that stand out and have at the moment an green 830
  • The App Gap!

The issue for me is that with the current generation of MS phones and OS almost all of the PROs have either gone away or are the same or better on the other side of the fence. I still like the look and feel of the OS that is not enough. Also living in Sweden means that I miss a majority of the latest WM bells whistles like: Cortana, Bing (outside a useless gimped search version), swiftkey and so on.

I can?t see anything really keeping me on WM and are at the moment mostly hoping for a Live tile-esque shell for Android to make the transition a bit less painful. I really liked the look and feel of ol Windows Phone.
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I'm also thinking on why I'm with Windows phone, what got me to choose it from the first and what is keeping me on the platform. Adding up pros and cons and revaluing is something that should be done from time to time.

For me the PROs was:
  • A good productivity suite with Office, Onenote, Ondrive
  • A good offer with free streaming music - MixRadio
  • A good free map app with navigation and added functionality for communal transport - The Here suite
  • A easy to navigate OS
  • A best in class camera and camera apps
  • A outstanding physical appearance - subjective but I like an appearance that stand out and have at the moment an green 830
  • The App Gap!

The issue for me is that with the current generation of MS phones and OS almost all of the PROs have either gone away or are the same or better on the other side of the fence. I still like the look and feel of the OS that is not enough. Also living in Sweden means that I miss a majority of the latest WM bells whistles like: Cortana, Bing (outside a useless gimped search version), swiftkey and so on.

I can’t see anything really keeping me on WM and are at the moment mostly hoping for a Live tile-esque shell for Android to make the transition a bit less painful. I really liked the look and feel of ol Windows Phone.

Yep, all of those apps you have mentioned are on the other OSes. Even MixRadio which is now dead.
I would do it. I made the switch from my Lumia 920 to the Galaxy S5 when Windows Phone 8.1 was released. I was tired of the mess that 8.1 was when first released. I had to charge my 920 4 times a day, it was slow and the app gap ofcourse. When switching to the Galaxy S5, i couldn't be happier. All the apps i needed, and all the better specs it offered at that time. The only thing that was dissapointing was the poor low light camera. But that is going to be adressed with the S7 i heard. I am now using a Note 4 running the Note 5 rom and it is pretty good. I am thinking of upgrading to the S7 Edge, but i'm not sure yet it i want a smaller screen. Maybe i'll wait for the S7 Edge +. But if i were you, i would switch. You will be happy, my S5 or Note 4 never did slow down after time. And they don't run Samsung's latest UFS storage so that is even faster then what i currently am running. Cheers!
Rumors are there may not be a S7 Edge +; just the 5.5 inch screen. I guess we'll see Sunday. I also read they won't have blue, green or white as color choices. Like the edge design but I was looking for something beside silver, black and gold in phones...
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