Contacts & SIM card question


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Not sure which section this question should be in or even if had be answered before(looked around the forum, couldn't find the answer), but if this question is in the wrong section please move to the correct one, thanks in advance.

Question: A coworker has/had a HTC Surround, but cracked the screen recently, so she thought AT&T would just repair the screen, instead they sent her a new HTC HD7s. The problem she asked me about is getting her contacts from the Surround to the HD7? I thought it would be simple, but I got stumped, she was still using the Surround(NoDo), until she could figure out how to put all the contacts on the SIM card to put on the HD7. I went to Settings>People>Import SIM contacts, but the option is dimmed, can't click it. Is there anyway to get the contacts from the Surround to the HD7 or does she have to manually do every single contact?
The contacts should have been synced to her live account and if you change phones once you set it up again using the same live ID the contacts should resync.

I have never changed my phone but I understand that's how it works.

See if she can see her contacts here...

If she has set up her new phone i'm not sure how her contacts didn't re appear.

I have flashed ROMS and completely wiped my phone and sure enough after signing in again to my live ID, my contacts just appear from my live account.
When she seen my phone, she was like "Why is your screen so much brighter & vivid than mine? Where did you get it from"? Then she said, good now you can answer any questions I may have about it and said she loves her phone so much! Will let her know about the contacts info later when I get to work.
I know Apoc, i'm still in love with my Omnia screen too, it's fantastic. :)

Pop back in and let us know how she got on, i'm sure her contacts will re appear when she set's it up properly. :)

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