Nokia Lumia Icon, on Verizon in Wisconsin. Haven't gotten the full Cortana update yet.
This morning I rolled back to WP8 using the Nokia Recovery Software. I did not restore from backup, then installed WP8.1 again. Installed all updates.... Still haven't gotten full Cortana update. I see some of the new animations but don't see the lines between cards.
I did all this to try and improve issues with my phone randomly rebooting but was hoping I might luck out and get the Cortana updates as well. Oh well... Back to patiently waiting!
Please guys STOP doing any roll back, hard reseting or things like that to get the cortana update. This is totally useless because the update is server side. No code is changed on you phone. If anyone says that he got the update after doing such things this was only luck in my opinion because the maybe got luckily to another server with their next cortana request.
Mine updated some hours ago!!!
Sent from my RM-885_eu_france_266 using Tapatalk
Where did you get the first one?
I forget to take a screenshot. But show like as "card". That Cortana want to know more about me. I think that have a screenshot in the forum of this.
And no button for feedback!
I just received the update by doing this:
1. Uninstall Bing finance
2. Wait a couple of minutes
3. Install it back and open the app
4. Do some changes on your finance watch list
5. Cortana should shows all the watch list you set
6. After a couple of minutes I got full the update!
Here's another thing I just found out.
Finance isn't the only app that directly connected to Cortana (watch list), but sports as well! All my football teams are now shown on Cortana as well without doing something. Not sure does this apply to Travel and Food&Drinks.