Cortana not always showing current location weather and local news


New member
Jun 13, 2013
Is anyone else having issues where Cortana is not always showing current location weather and local news stories? I keep seeing info from cities that are no where close to my current location. This is occurring mostly on mobile. Running W10 current build 10586.29 and I'm not on WiFi. AT&T LTE Lumia 830. I never had this issue on WP 8.1.

In Cortana settings I have everything turned on. Weather cards and Nearby Forecast is on. Yet I see weather for areas like Detroit or Ohio when I am in Rhode Island.

I'm thinking this has to do with Cortana syncing with my desktop W10 PC which has a wired internet connection and it could be that it's picking up the location of my router's ISP location instead of actual location. Seems like this is affecting mobile and it should not be.

Anyone else experiencing this? I have not seen many complaints about it.
After installing W10 mobile, you have to soft reset it ones. So that you can get proper working and full features of W10. If you didn't reset it. Please try to reset from setting> system> about> reset. Then may be cortana will work properly.
After installing W10 mobile, you have to soft reset it ones. So that you can get proper working and full features of W10. If you didn't reset it. Please try to reset from setting> system> about> reset. Then may be cortana will work properly.

When I first upgraded to W10M two weeks ago on my L830 I did a hard reset to 8.1 first, then updated to W10M, then another hard reset, and finally a fresh install. No restore.

This Cortana issue is really the only major issue I've noticed that never happened on 8.1. Might be related to the sync with desktop PC Cortana. I see others complaining about it online and in Feedback.
Anyone else experiencing this? I have not seen many complaints about it.

THIS happens to my all my phones (but not all the time) and only when I'm inside my workplace with my phone on cellular data only. Doesn't matter if it's 8.1 or latest win10 latest insider build.

I'm in Tulsa OK .... but while at work Cortana will show current weather from: Usually Arlington Texas, or Ft. Worth Texas. Same for local news headlines, local places to check out, etc... I've even had Denver CO show up.... and even some place in Kansas -- small place ... population 400 or so.

However, if I step outside of the building for a short while, Cortana 'sees' where the phone really is. Must be due to location pings. If gps can't get a reasonable location things default to some other place?
Yeah you're right, that was location ping. Whenever in India I'm in local trains. Maps shows my location far away from my location even on windows 8.1 and as soon as I get out from the train, it shows my accurate location.
I did reset my phone after upgrade to the new build.
Still, not working.


Finally, I managed to get it working as it should.
Need to set English - United States as language and region. Just one.

Please try and feedback.

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