Cortana not working at all with new update

Same problem. Been getting worse with every build and latest build just made mine non-functioning at all. All I can do is open it and type something in, as soon as I do that it crashes.

950XL in US on latest fast build.
Hey Cortana working for me with 14322 on a 1520 in the UK.

For the OP, would it be a good idea to call the thread something like "XXXX not working on build XXX" rather than using the words "New update", with three builds in not much more than a week, I have no idea what build you are having an issue with.
in the USA on my 1520 cortana is not working at all on build .332. have tried all settings and nothing is working. my wife has a 640 XL and its not working on hers either.
My Lumia 950 is working fine with Australia as the only speech language on the phone on build 14332. So talking to Cortana and typing both work. Including reminders, calendar appointments etc.

My Lumia 930. Has UK and US installed but Australia which was there prior isn't now and is failing to download (they did say speech packs were having issues in this build). So no Cortana on my 930 including web searches. She did work previously.
My Cortana on a AT&T GoPhone Lumia 640 in the USA running build 14332 does not function at all, as described above.

What I would like to know, has a hard reset fixed it for anyone? I don't want to do the hard reset unless it fixes stuff. Could someone report if they have tried it and if it worked?
@bobvfr, yeah, would've been a good idea. I'll change it if possible, just don't see how.

One build ago, I tried changing my region to the UK, but the language pack wasn't downloading, which we know was an issue. But even still, Cortana wasn't working. A lot of you are actually having more problems than I am. My biggest problem is Cortana's core function of search. I open it, type something in, and when I hit enter she just spins, no results. And trying to talk to her doesn't work at all. I can send texts through the action center, all of my interest cards appear when I open her, and I can set reminders by going directly to the reminder notebook. Everything else on this new build is great, though. Much smoother than the last two, and quick. It's just this now.

If anyone hard resets and it fixes it, please post. Hard resetting is always a last option for me because of limited time I have on my hands right now.
Yeah, I have the same problem with Cortana not working on my 640. It started at the beginning of the last 2 builds. My Groove music doesn't work either and I'm paying for it. This is annoying.
Yeah, with my 950 XL, saying "Hey Cortana" will get it to launch, but it won't actually listen to any commands. Tapping the microphone just causes it to flicker, and if I type in a search, I just get "Thinking..."
Cortana not working "Somethings not right..." on pc build 14332 in UK. How can MS miss such an obvious and widespread bug? I know that Insiders are testing for evaluation but surely MS do some testing before fast ring release???
Felt like chicken little there for a second.I thought I was the only one. As soon as I purchased the Lumia I upgraded the OS to 10, so Cortana has never worked for me. I know she works beautifully on my laptop, so soon the phone was going back. Well now it's been saved from execution. My native apps won't update, Miss Contana doesn't work and Outlook won't take my Hotmail. But my Indigo app works like a charm. Not all is lost.
I hope all the problems are being logged with Windows Insider Feedback. We all know very well that with each build that's being released, there will be improvement and there will be side effects simply because the developers can't make the fixes within the time they are allotted before a beta build is finalized. After all, we are test users of the Windows Insider Program aren't we?
@Keith Blackwell, when I saw your post that Groove wasn't working I thought it was interesting because that's one problem I haven't had. Then I went and tried to use it this weekend and it didn't work at all! There's definitely a certain amount of patience you have to have for agreeing to sign up for the fast-ring. Just keeping my fingers crossed that the next build will take care of some of these major issues.
I'm having the same issues as well. I've never had a major problem with any of the fast ring insider builds but this one is the worst. Cortana searches don't work properly and I have a number of apps that won't even open anymore. I know we're helping to test the software as a community but surprised something this buggy got the point of release.
Yep, I've stayed on the fast ring because I've never had any major issues. But I think this time we're looking at problems because this was a somewhat major release or new features, whereas before the updates were much more minor, a new feature here or there. Again, sticking with it because the phone is mostly usable, and I don't really have time to hard reset to go back to the production ring.
I've been frustrated by this since the upgrade..... HEY CORTANA supposed to be downloadable from App Store - Utter TOSH.

Until. I found a work around.. (add the www. before, as normal. I couldn't add as it came out in gobbledygook)

Download it - install it - Reboot - and we say in the UK "Bob's your Uncle" it works.
She told me the weather and two jokes.... Great to have her back, I've missed her
That is already built into Cortana Settings on the latest build, no need for a separate app

Posted from Windows Central for Windows 10
Installing that app will suddenly make 'Hey Cortana' work, even though it's already built in to Cortana? I'm hoping the new redstone build that went out to PC's last night will come through to mobile today and fix this. You don't realize how convenient it is to hit the search button on your phone to go to Bing directly, as opposed to needing to go through Edge to search. It's really frustrating to not have Cortana work.
It seems the VoiceActivationUI app needed downloading, as some phones did not have it. So your GENERAL statement that is is in the latest built were NOT correct, but thanks for your 2p worth
Originally posted by carryonvending
Not in my UK build, otherwise I wouldn't have tried to find a solution. MS reckons it was an OEM glitch
I'm also on the UK fast ring build and that app was already built in, although it does appear to be broken.
Since trying it Cortana has also stopped working for me and she has lost her voice.... which is nice.....

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