Cortana not working at all with new update

Cortana on last Redstone in Italy came back flawlessy, just to fix a little slow reaction when receving a messages (I guess the time needed for reaching voice central server).
And maybe adding a function when multiple messages of same conversation are coming, so she can read all togheter as a one only long message
Not sure if you were responding to me but I had no idea that some phones didn't have that. I thought that Cortana would have that built in by nature. Ultimately this work-around didn't work for me, because when I went to this app int he store it said it wasn't available for my phone. We're getting to the end of the week here, when mobile releases usually come out, so hopefully we get one soon that fixes this!
I have now noticed that HEY CORTANA is NOT in the Cortana Settings on my phone as it is on my PC. Since I did the download it is located in SETTINGS - HEY CORTANA, Maybe that's why its working so well for me.

Using a Lumia 930 in the UK with the VoiceActivationUI app installed.
Using the latest release build in the UK, and Cortana works fine on my W10 L930. As mentioned above, you do need to download the Hey Cortana system app (search for a link on the web, as you cannot search for this in the store for some reason, probably MS making things more 'exciting' and 'cutting edge' again...). Then, assuming you're in a country MS knows about, it should all work.
Originally posted by Maurizio Troso
Cortana seems working only in few countries like USA, UK, etc.
No more italian support in last fast build, guees the same in other countries ( I read India too)

You can scratch the UK Maurizio. It is a car crash here. It has been since win10 was released as an insider build! It still won't track flights, parcels etc, the live tile dies and you have to tap it and it works again, for 10 mins, then stops again. The only way to keep it working is to have news as a preference ( how depressing ). It doesn't update football scores, even with your favourite team selected in sport interests. You can set a reminder, and it comes up 24 hours after the event.. Really???? Yep, really...

The good news is, it does read out texts and allows you to respond.

This happens on all fourteen devices in my business!!
You can scratch the UK Maurizio. It is a car crash here. It has been since win10 was released as an insider build! It still won't track flights, parcels etc, the live tile dies and you have to tap it and it works again, for 10 mins, then stops again. The only way to keep it working is to have news as a preference ( how depressing ). It doesn't update football scores, even with your favourite team selected in sport interests. You can set a reminder, and it comes up 24 hours after the event.. Really???? Yep, really...

The good news is, it does read out texts and allows you to respond.

This happens on all fourteen devices in my business!!

My post was too old. Now it woks perfectly , Cortana included :D Updates made their bugfixes
Andy, thanks for backing up my theory. I posted this advice earlier..... (add the www. before, as normal. I couldn't add as it came out in gobbledygook)

Download the app and install..... It works great
Mad Cabble - That is a fair assessment, however with a little SELF HELP and virtually none from MS, my Lumia 930 now works and responds a treat.
I agree about the live apps - indeed SKY NEWS won't work at all (I wonder why, when MS news is installed as a default - perhaps I'm being cynical?)

I've also noticed Cortana has now become a little prissy, Text arrives and she informs you. SHALL I READ IT OR IGNORE IT? Previously IGNORE was sufficient, Now she requires IGNORE IT, and keeps asking, until she uses the MS ultimate statement.... I'M NOT GETTING IT, then I tell her to go away "in short sharp, jerking movements" lol
All in all I now have a usable phone..... Small Mercies from SATYA & CO
Update - Cortana working perfectly now on my 950XL latest RS.

She managed to sort herself out after a couple of days of not talking :-)

Seems she didn't like the 'Hey Cortana' being switched on....
I installed the 14332.1001 on 640 LTE, I also have unbranded it and am running LTA 7R CV in the eastern US, Cortana runs good.
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A journey to Lourdes?

She would probably take me to Lords cricket ground in London!!

I can: Get to read texts, I can send texts using voice commands, I can ask how far something is, I can ask for a joke. BUT, I cannot track a parcel, although it did once until I went back to start screen, then she lost it. I cannot, and haven't been able to track a flight since 8.1, which was superb. My football scores never get given by notification, and the live tile just stops. I've tried allsorts, and still no joy. I even changed region to US and she still freaked me out!!

I am, ermm stumped
She would probably take me to Lords cricket ground in London!!

I can: Get to read texts, I can send texts using voice commands, I can ask how far something is, I can ask for a joke. BUT, I cannot track a parcel, although it did once until I went back to start screen, then she lost it. I cannot, and haven't been able to track a flight since 8.1, which was superb. My football scores never get given by notification, and the live tile just stops. I've tried allsorts, and still no joy. I even changed region to US and she still freaked me out!!

I am, ermm stumped

I tried her now, here in Italy. She got flights, trains and navigation.
About events, she gone to bing.
Then I asked here "Where I can hide a corpse?" she replied "What kind of assistant you think I am????"
I tried her now, here in Italy. She got flights, trains and navigation.
About events, she gone to bing.
Then I asked here "Where I can hide a corpse?" she replied "What kind of assistant you think I am????"

I will do it, how much are you paying for a personal assistant and by the way, try the catacomb's of Rome, should be easy enough to hide a body down there...........
One would have thought that Microsoft would have made Cortana reliable by now. Who in hell is going to bother to continue to use her if she's not there when needed? I'm thinking back to one of the company's first faltering presentations at her inception which was embarrassing to watch but at least forgivable because it was early day in her development. Fast forward to now and the situation hasn't gotten any better it seems. There are no excuses for this and, imho, it appears that they're simply a bunch of incompetant klutzes!
I use Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google Now religiously.

Cortana started strong out of the gate. It has since fallen behind in reliability and usability vs. the other platforms.

On three W10M phones with varying builds (release, fast, slow rings -- 950, 950xl and 640), it crashes the most when launching from the quick navigation magnifying glass (most convenient place to launch it!) - you start a search soon after it displays (text or speech) and it simply closes.

On the off-hand time that it DOESN'T crash, searches more often pull up a web search rather than a contextual response.

"What movies are playing near me?"
"When is the next Captain America showing?"
"What were the top songs released this weekend"


They all pull up a bing search. Siri, GoogleNow, Alexa - all yielding in-context replies.

So when it doesn't crash, doesn't give a "Whoops, I'm not sure what happened", it mostly just does a web search.

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