Cortana takes two tries


New member
Jan 16, 2012
A couple days ago, I noticed that it takes two tries to use Cortana from my Band with my Lumia 920 (current OS through DP). On the first try, it thinks and tells me "Just a sec..." for a minute or two before telling me that it couldn't reach my phone. Sometimes Cortana is on-screen when I pull my phone out, sometimes not. Trying again immediately after, it works fine. Also, before the first try, it says that it's connected through Bluetooth, and I can get notifications just fine.
My 920 is having some serious issues (this is a very minor one) and I will be getting a new phone soon, so this is more than likely due to my phone. Have any of you noticed the same thing, though?

Edit: Current OS being before today's update. My battery won't last through an update (gone through two full charges today already at moderate use... yeah...), but I'll update after class. Hopefully that might solve it, but I don't think so, as this seems like a very minor update that won't bring a whole lot of bug fixes.
I've actually been noticing the same thing the past couple of days. This is with my Sprint ATIV S Neo which is not having any issues.

Just tried and yes, first attempt "failed to connect" then second attempt, reminder created no problem.
Hm. Interesting that it's not just me and my half-dead 920. And it doesn't seem like it would be a back end thing on the Cortana servers, but maybe? I feel like it would be between the Band and the phone, but that doesn't make sense if multiple people noticed it at the same time.

Also, I guess my phone decided that it just doesn't do updates anymore, so I can't update the OS to see if that helps.

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