Cortana: Tips and Tricks (Halo Questions in OP)

Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

Talderon, you mentioned that you can assign nicknames to Places, the same as assigning nicknames to People. I am right now looking at my phone and I do not see any ability to assign a nickname to a place. How would you go about doing that?
Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

Talderon, thank you for all your time and patience. You are a one man marketing team helping get the word about WP8.1 and Cortana out there. You should get a bonus!!!

I could not agree more..............Outstanding!!! :cool:

Interesting enough as I just received the latest updates......with the exception of the 'quiz' questions feature that others are reporting?

Thanks kindly..
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Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

Talderon, you mentioned that you can assign nicknames to Places, the same as assigning nicknames to People. I am right now looking at my phone and I do not see any ability to assign a nickname to a place. How would you go about doing that?

there should be a space for naming at the bottom of the screen everytime you add a new place or edit an existing one.
Where did the old Bing things go? Remember when you hit the glass you got city view? or could listen to music or scan a barcode?
WTF? just received an email an the sender wrote "next week". It was blue, so i touched. Cortana appeared and ask me if i want to an event for 25/06. Just Microsoft... :D
Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

1. No, Cortana cannot be accessed from the lock screen. :(
2. Cortana can do what you ask, but have to unlock.
3. Yes, whenever I set a reminder, Cortana verifies it verbally and asks me if I want to confirm (verbally) without having to press any additional keys.

with the most recent update for my nokia lumia icon running the preview I can tell Cortana to txt someone or play your music from a password protected lock screen and it works. any other command you try to initiate with a password on your lock screen such as "take me to [blank]" she will ask you to unlock your phone. without the password you can have your phone in standby mode and tell her to do anything with out an issue and she does it.
Where did the old Bing things go? Remember when you hit the glass you got city view? or could listen to music or scan a barcode?

Bing vision (scan bar code) is now a lens in your camera. to listen to music you have to open cortana and click on the music note in the upper right corner.
Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

Talderon, you mentioned that you can assign nicknames to Places, the same as assigning nicknames to People. I am right now looking at my phone and I do not see any ability to assign a nickname to a place. How would you go about doing that?

Go into Cortana's notebook, then into places. You can add them from there.
Activating Cortana from a Samsung ATIV S does not seem to work though - it's really sad, that there are still limitations to Windows Phone if you are not using a Nokia-device. One of the biggest issues MS needs to change fast!
Activating Cortana from a Samsung ATIV S does not seem to work though - it's really sad, that there are still limitations to Windows Phone if you are not using a Nokia-device. One of the biggest issues MS needs to change fast!

Actually, Nokia really pushed WP forward, while Samsung was focused on Android (still is). That's why there's a gap (and I presume there'll always be)
Re: WP8.1 Tips & Tricks

When asking Cortana to add an event to the calendar, she will add it to the calendar you last used when adding a calendar event manually. So if she consistantly adds your events to the "wrong" calendar, simply create one event manually to the wanted calendar and she will use that one from now on.
I read an article in here recently about contacting Cortana via your Bluetooth connection in your car. I can't figure out how to do this. How does this work. I tried adding Cortana to my speed dial list, but that doesn't work. By the way, the phone works great via my Bluetooth connection, just trying to incorporate Cortana into the mix. Has anyone had success with this and how did you do it?
Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

1. No, Cortana cannot be accessed from the lock screen. :(

I tried and Cortana can be accessed from the lock screen. Just tap and hold the magnifying glass button at the lock screen, and Cortana will open. (not sure if it works if u set a pin code)

Hope this is what you meant. ;-)
Re: Cortana: Tips and Tricks

You can access Cortana's voice commands on the lock screen even if you have a pin. Her functionality is slightly limited, but she'll ask you to unlock if she needs you to.
Why Cortana opens list of websites rather then giving answers. I asked few simple questions 1) who is the president of usa?
2) who is the prime minister of India?
3) who is the prime minster of England.
4) what is the time in Chicago right now.
5) what is the colour of sky.
Every time Cortana opened list of websites searched by bing.
If you are already in the search option of bing it will only give you the list. Try asking by long pressing the button and talking or press the search button and write the question. If you already got the answer and write a second question she will only show you the lists you're talking about (USA version).

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