Cortana: Tips and Tricks (Halo Questions in OP)

This isn't a new tip, but it's new to me. I finally looked through the suggestions of what you can say to Cortana (useful stuff, I've already done all the funny stuff), and learned a bit. Then I saw the apps and for some reason I've never thought to tap them in the 2 months I've had my phone, but now I have discovered all the amazing things individual apps can do with Cortana. That is so exciting! I can't wait to use Wikipedia to look up something for my android family and have her read it aloud. I'm also loving the local places suggestions. There are places I didn't even know of. What fun!
I have the same issue, I can't find Cortana as a contact in people hub...

I read an article in here recently about contacting Cortana via your Bluetooth connection in your car. I can't figure out how to do this. How does this work. I tried adding Cortana to my speed dial list, but that doesn't work. By the way, the phone works great via my Bluetooth connection, just trying to incorporate Cortana into the mix. Has anyone had success with this and how did you do it?
I've had luck with Chevy MyLink using the prompt 'Voice' which immediately connects me with Cortana. Works great with sending messages.
They should add a feature to save the place were we are at the moment. Something like "save this location as home" or "i'm at home right now, memorize it". Much easier than look for my address :(
They should add a feature to save the place were we are at the moment. Something like "save this location as home" or "i'm at home right now, memorize it". Much easier than look for my address :(

There is a roundabout way to do this. Open Bing maps (not HERE maps). Hit the "Me" icon and it'll show where you are. Tap on your position on the map and it will give you the option to add as a favorite. From there you can choose it as "Home" (or as Work or anything else)for Cortana to recognize.
Thanks. That works! :D

P.s: does anyone knows how to ask Cortana to turn on/off mobile data connection? I tried 10 different ways and nothing :(
Damn. If she can turn on/off wi-fi it would make sense to let her do the same to mobile data...

2 years of WP8, 5 or 6 updates and we still don't have a shortcut to turn on mobile data. Makes no sense to me.
I read an article in here recently about contacting Cortana via your Bluetooth connection in your car. I can't figure out how to do this. How does this work. I tried adding Cortana to my speed dial list, but that doesn't work. By the way, the phone works great via my Bluetooth connection, just trying to incorporate Cortana into the mix. Has anyone had success with this and how did you do it?
There is a thread discussing this at I had this same problem but was able to get Cortana to work in the car by selecting "Advanced" and then checking "Use and alternate Bluetooth audio connection for Speech". Not sure why, but it works great now.

UPDATE: Cortana works great, but I can't make calls with Cortana.. It will show the name and look like it is dialing, but nothing happens!?! Contacts are uploaded into cars phonebook so I can still make calls with voice commands by using car's system but not Cortana. It's a shame because Cortana understands me better than my car.
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Talderon, when is Cortana able to read, compose and send emails from livemail and other mail services? Is this part of Denim update or will it come within cortana beta us own updates?
i want some about Cortana reminders. Tell some tips for Cortana reminders.
Try asking "are you afraid of a low battery?".
Cortana response either "Um. No." or "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.".
Posted on Lumia twitter feed.

Just also asked "Do you have a bad back?" - totally random I know!
Response: "Words fail me."

Re: WP8.1 Tips & Tricks

Holding down the search button for a couple seconds opens Cortana, useful if I'm doing something and I need to set a reminder. I'm quick to forget things haha
I don't think you need to save every "commercial place" like COSTCO or Lowes as a "my places" geofence. I don't have Lowes set up as one of my places, but she fired off the reminder just fine when I entered the parking lot.
Have you ever tried to talk to her in whisper? I've tried several times: the way she interprets the whispering sounds is different from normal talking sounds )
Cortana can fully terminate the music playback app with the command "stop the music" I found this helpful cause it kinda bugged me that the music app stayed paused in the background and I could see it when I adjusted the volume.

Edit: for some reason I cannot get her to do it now but I am sure I've done it in the past

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