Cortana: Tips and Tricks (Halo Questions in OP)

For some jolly good fun, nickname your home or work "Uranus". Cortana understands me when I tell her to remind me to ___________ when I get to Uranus.
This is from a separate Post I made in another Tread, addressing a problem that has many scattered threads in the Form - choosing what calendar to have Fortuna add appointments/meetings/reminders to.

I was deeply vexed by Cortland insisting on adding my Meetings/Appointments/Reminders only to my "Hotmail" (really?) Outlook calendar and not to my Exchange Calendar. After searching around I found many threads complaining about this, and eventually I found two threads that gave different versions of the same fix. I thought I'd pull these together under a Thread that would show up well in case anyone else was searching for a solution as well.

To be clear, I take NO CREDIT for figuring this out. That belongs to the two members named below.

Fundamentally, Cortanta just needs to be told which account you want to use. Once that is chosen, she will add all your events to that Calendar until you choose another one, which will then become the default. Here are two ways to do this:

1). From WPCentral Forum Member amgrey86:

"I also have an exchange account set up for appointments and all you need to do to use Cortana is tap the account after you tell her what the meeting is. It will bring up a menu of all your accounts, just choose which one you want the appointment under. Works great!"

Second Method:

2). From WPCentral Forum Member Shawn Lukaschuk:

"Add an appointment on the phone (non-Cortana method). Change the calendar to the one you want in the appointment (its a drop down in the MORE DETAILS section). SAVE the appointment.

Now the correct calendar is the default for new entries AND CORTANA!"

I have tried both and both work. The first doesn't require you to use anything but Cortanta, and also teaches you how to change the default Calendar "on the fly" if needed, so I like it a bit better but both are fully functional!

Thanks to both amgrey86 & Shawn Lukaschuk for working these out and sharing them. I hop the Mode will add these to the hints and tricks for Cortana!

Just a little one, but when you're playing music you can open cortana and say next/previous track.

Another one: I just tried saying "mute sounds" to see if that would turn off the volume. That didn't happen - instead, Cortana said "And now, silence" and started playing a track on my phone called "Silence" by Portishead. Very weird but kind of makes sense at the same time...
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Ok, I have a few questions. One, what are the commands to make facebook work with Cortana? What facebook app is needed? Can I have cortana call a Skype group instead of one person? These are some of the things I would utilize more and feel are missing or very hard to figure out. This thread of people seem awesome so let me know.)
O and one other question, So such as "Tell me a joke", she thinks by tell I mean text someone. Sometimes you can get around it by saying "Say a joke" but wont work with all commands. Thoughts?
Ok, so what commands make facebook work with cortana? What facebook app is needed? Can you get Cortana to call a Skype GROUP instead of an individual?
Talderon i have a question about Cortana and Interest: i know that she is actually released to work in the USA, but i want to know... i live in Argentina, and for example i want to search in News for interest the newspapers from my country (i even typed Argentina) and i didnt get any results. Another example, i never received warnings of traffic, but here is the curious thing if i open here maps o maps, they show the traffic of my city (Buenos Aires)... just to know, this features are only for the USA, and next for the countries where Cortana will be realized or just for USA??
Talderon i have a question about Cortana and Interest: i know that she is actually released to work in the USA, but i want to know... i live in Argentina, and for example i want to search in News for interest the newspapers from my country (i even typed Argentina) and i didnt get any results. Another example, i never received warnings of traffic, but here is the curious thing if i open here maps o maps, they show the traffic of my city (Buenos Aires)... just to know, this features are only for the USA, and next for the countries where Cortana will be realized or just for USA??

Can't say about the news part. But warnings of traffic should work no matter where you are. Regarding to work, cortana will eventually "get your routine" and go with it. This features needs both home and work configured on here notebook, and a while so she knows when you leave work. I'm not 100% sure, but that's most of it.
Can't say about the news part. But warnings of traffic should work no matter where you are. Regarding to work, cortana will eventually "get your routine" and go with it. This features needs both home and work configured on here notebook, and a while so she knows when you leave work. I'm not 100% sure, but that's most of it.

Hey, thanks for answer. I will wait until she notifies me. Just an little thing i noticed: If you select a text, don't press the copy button and then press the search, Cortana will automatically search the selected text!!!
I have another question/s:
1. I read that a lot of persons receives an alert from Cortana telling them that they have to start leaving their location ("time to go") to arrive to home or work in certain time or to not be late for an appointment. and this is the reason for the second question (complain):
2. if i add an appointment in the calendar or with Cortana it is no posible to add a Location (that serves to Cortana), i mean if i type in the location?s field: home or my home address there?s no autocomplete like in the maps App. Please Microsoft make this posible
Not sure if this is new or not, but I just came across a website saying Watch Dogs was being released on the 20th rather than the 27th. In any case, I asked Cortana and got an actual answer rather than just a Bing search.
What are the consequences of using Cortana if you are outside US and changing the region of your phone from Philippines to US?
Actually i have just updated my Lumia 1320 to 8.1 and got Cortana working, she appears to work while the screen is locked by holding down the search button on the phone

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