Could BlackBerry 10 kill Windows Phone?

I work for one of the biggest retailers in the uk and in July we moved from blackberrys to windows phone

so everyone above a level at our company now have lumia 800s, the companys reason for change was the cost price, ?200 cheaper per contract over sa set number of years (3 i think) and the sync of outlook as we have now moved from lotus notes to outlook for emails

I hear of many other businesses making the same move

not really seen the OS of BB10 so will go Bing it now :) needsless to say i have seen screenshots though which makes it look a lot like android/ios and very boring
BB10 is just a copy of IOS and Android put together.

Some of the swipe features are cool, I'll give them that.

That home screen though Is like... Wtf? :/ It's like a failed live tiles.

BB10 is too late. The ONLY thing RIM has going for them is BBM. But one by one, people are slowly leaving.
Not sure if BB10 will kill WP, but it could certainly relegate it to never being anything more than a niche player.
I won't kill WP8, but it will pull ahead of it. The quality and features of the OS are way ahead of what anyone else on the market has currently, including iOS and Android. The build quality is also excellent on the Z10. The browser is currently the highest scoring available, even on the alpha prototypes. The one and only thing BB10 doesn't have is 600k apps. But they are coming right out the gate with a solid 100k and they've convinced pretty much all of the important players to be on board, and if my sources are correct, they're currently in negotiations with any remaining who haven't. The team in charge of BB10 really have their **** together well. You can smell the enthusiasm coming from them, they're very communicative with the public on social network, unlike Ballmer and his stodgy old fart regime :P
It all depends. The folks who had a locked down company-issued BlackBerry on BES who could not even use AppWorld might be turned off BlackBerry entirely. Those folks might associate BlackBerry as a "corporate leash" good for nothing but getting their work emails, and something that kept them chained to their jobs 24/7/365.

A lot of younger folks might be Xbox fans. Windows Phone might appeal to them for the Xbox tie-in.
I'm convinced the Xbox tie in is not all that attractive to gamers. Its the number one feature I tout to my gamers friends when I tell them about WP. On gaming sites, its the feature im talking about in the comment section of WP articles. The reaction is "Oh, that's cool" followed by the issue of lack of apps and the perception of mobile not being"real gaming" that indicates they just aren't interested. I can't even get achievement whores to bite
In the end this will come down to ecosystem and compatibility. Blackberry doesn't really have an ecosystem per say at least not like Apple and Microsoft do. If BB wants to compete it has to develop an ecosystem or remain highly compatible with iPhone, Android, and Microsoft ecosystems. How will all of this integrate, how easy will it be to use and how interested will the other OS's be in assisting with integration. To me the big thing about BB for me when I had one was the qwerty for emails. Will not having a hardware keyboard kill BB10? I think that is the question we need to be asking. My Mother in Law still has a BB from her work she has to turn it in soon she is retiring. I got her on a L920 she loves the device and the OS because of its simplicity. What she does miss is the hardware keyboard.
In the end this will come down to ecosystem and compatibility. Blackberry doesn't really have an ecosystem per say at least not like Apple and Microsoft do. If BB wants to compete it has to develop an ecosystem or remain highly compatible with iPhone, Android, and Microsoft ecosystems. How will all of this integrate, how easy will it be to use and how interested will the other OS's be in assisting with integration. To me the big thing about BB for me when I had one was the qwerty for emails. Will not having a hardware keyboard kill BB10? I think that is the question we need to be asking. My Mother in Law still has a BB from her work she has to turn it in soon she is retiring. I got her on a L920 she loves the device and the OS because of its simplicity. What she does miss is the hardware keyboard.

There were leaked photos of possibly the BB10 with physical keyboard.
I wonder how many who are dedicated to the brand are dedicated to the physical keyboard (my wife hates touchscreen keyboards).

As I see it, I think the 3rd spot is Microsoft to lose, not RIM to gain. I'm hoping WP8 is a positive sign that MS plans to put massive dollars behind this channel, one that is growing. RIM, on the other hand, is bleeding, and will rely on technology that frankly has been out for so long now. I remember reading a quote about a year ago from a RIM MKTG manager how the full touchscreen is not the way to achieve success, just as another member of their org was introducing the full touchscreen.

I know devoted BB fans who have moved on to iPhone, for instance. And the more I show them WP, the more intrigued they are. I don't see RIM getting that 3rd spot.
MS has Windows (7/8/RT) and all the integration you get with that.
I personally think it would be a matter of preference.
If you have a surface, and desktop running W8 everything is just smooth unlike the other OS's (Android,BB,Symbian,etc)
What integration are you speaking of?

Blackberrys were always good business phones. Yet they are trying to compete against consumer devices.

They need to go big on business, do something iOS, android, WP, etc can't, I just don't know what that is.

And that's what BB Balance is no1 else has that ability
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No cloud storage, no true laptop/PC connections, and this is based on the same OS that didn't light the world on fire with the Playbook. Also, as a general rule, BlackBerry tends to be more expensive. These are the things they must overcome.

A HUGE fan base, and decent profits still rolling it. These are their advantages, and they are HUGE advantages.

I think RIM is still in the same boat they were two years ago: How can RIM innovate fast enough? They control and invest entirely on their own. Both software and hardware. As Android OEMs and WP OEMs invest in the hardware and allow Google and Microsoft to shoulder the cost of software development. It is truly a quick moving, more efficient way to handle the mobile world. Even Apple is having problems innovating. iOS has not had a major upgrade in years. They milked the iPhone 3 basic hardware for three years before giving the iPhone 5 a new chassis. This was all due to wanting to keep cost down and profits high. Now Apple HAS an entire ecosystem, and iTunes and that ecosystem is keeping Apple hugely succesful. RIM doesn't have that or anyone to share their costs to development.

I see BB10 selling extremely well in 2013. I see the CrackBerry faithful driving it to great numbers. And I do not want RIM to die, so that is good. It is late 2013/2014 that I see the true measure of their investment. If nothing comes out as a follow up fast enough, or if the Z10 (the rumored name for the full touch screen device) does not get some Android/iOS converts, then BB is in trouble. They can't get new devices out as fast as WP/Android hardware makers can, nor do they have to offer what Apple and MS do as far as ecosystem. I still worry for there future.

WP needs a strong 2013 in Tablets and cell phones, and they will be fine. All people have to do is get used to the Modern UI. That is a huge hurdle, but once it is jumped the ret should take care of itself (like app and ecosystem development). BB does not have that luxury.
If BB10 sells well they will easily regain 3rd spot. Especially if a lot of former BB users return. If iPhone and android users move over then the world is their oyster.

My problem with BB10 is that they are screaming innovation yet I don't see too much (yet) the active frames, clock. Calendar etc is taken from Meego (Nokia N9). Their timeshift camera isn't unique either, Nokia Smartshoot does it too.

Its kinda Nokia N9 meets BBOS 7.

That said, I have a Blackberry alongside ny 820 and may consider BB10, BB notifications are way ahead. I do not however like the look of the active frames homescreen. I see it's purpose but don't find it attractive.

I wish them well.

Wp8 will still be around but may not achieve lofty heights until they improve further.
What?! Seriously?

Again what?

Yes, explain the integration and its benefits...BB10 has newbay so expect to see cloud services from them if that is the only integration your referring to. Why doesn't Microsoft make the Surface run off your phone's 3G/LTE connection no hotspot or connect your surface to the TV open something from your phone and use your phone as a mouse to control your surface while hooked up to your HDTV. That is useful integration to me.

BB Balance allows work profile and personal profile on one phone. Look it up dont feel like typing a book
When talking BB10 we all have to remember, everything isn't known yet,we have rumors and leaks to go off of but not all confirmed services will come as they do own the company NewBay ..instead of doing things on their own, they've brought some of the best together
Yes, explain the integration and its benefits...BB10 has newbay so expect to see cloud services from them if that is the only integration your referring to. Why doesn't Microsoft make the Surface run off your phone's 3G/LTE connection no hotspot or connect your surface to the TV open something from your phone and use your phone as a mouse to control your surface while hooked up to your HDTV. That is useful integration to me.

BB Balance allows work profile and personal profile on one phone. Look it up dont feel like typing a book

"Useful integration" is using a smartphone as a mouse to control a tablet to display on a tv? Wow. You and I have much different definitions of what useful integration is.

BTW I can tether from my windows phone to my surface neat as you please.

I'm not sure what you are getting at.
Blackberry Bridge only really came to be as the Blackberry playbook had no email, BBM etc at first. It was a way to get those onto the WiFi only Playbook.

Now that playbook will get all this with an update to BB10 the Bridge app will be used less. After 2 years on the market the Playbook is finally going to get BBM!
Im just trying to educate myself, Sprint doesn't have WP8 so i couldn't check one out when i went there the other day. I'm sure you can tether to your tablet, is it a Hotspot added to your bill?

Yes i find that pretty useful to browse a website on my TV while sitting in my couch from my Tablet or replying to my text messages from my Tablet and receiving an alert when my phone is ringing...i still havent had my question answered tho

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