(Sorry if it's kind of tl;dr)
I would like to confirm my suspicions on the condition of my phone (so that before I go to the MS store here in our country, I can tell them the problem correctly lol). So it started happening after I updated my 950 XL (dual sim) to the previous cumulative update (just before 14393.67) for the Anniversary update. My phone would restart (or most of the time, shut down) randomly. It occurred more often when I use my cellular data on apps like FB (beta) and Messenger (beta). I was advised to stop them from running in the background. After doing so, the random restarts/shut downs happened more and more often, most especially when my phone's battery reaches 20-30%. Again, on a forum a here, a user told me that it might be a battery problem. When I checked the battery, it seemed to be bulging a little. And after that, the restarts/shut downs are just observed when my phone is discharging. So, is the problem really the battery alone or should I still consider a software bug as part of the problem? (Updated my phone earlier to the latest cumulative update but the problem still persists) Thanks!