Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone 1; Inactive)

Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Let your phone complete all core app updates and syncs. don't reset it again

what has core apps have to do with the settings menu? this SS was taken when all the core apps and 3rd party apps completed installation.
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

what has core apps have to do with the settings menu? this SS was taken when all the core apps and 3rd party apps completed installation.

Most core apps show themself in that menu. For now try a soft reset
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

My 950 is now super slow to respond to double-tap on lock-screen.
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

There should be home screen in windows build just like android to set a beautiful wallpaper
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

There should be home screen in windows build just like android to set a beautiful wallpaper

Downlod Dynamic Theme app, it change lock and home screen pictures automatically according to Bing and other settings
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

(Sorry if it's kind of tl;dr)
I would like to confirm my suspicions on the condition of my phone (so that before I go to the MS store here in our country, I can tell them the problem correctly lol). So it started happening after I updated my 950 XL (dual sim) to the previous cumulative update (just before 14393.67) for the Anniversary update. My phone would restart (or most of the time, shut down) randomly. It occurred more often when I use my cellular data on apps like FB (beta) and Messenger (beta). I was advised to stop them from running in the background. After doing so, the random restarts/shut downs happened more and more often, most especially when my phone's battery reaches 20-30%. Again, on a forum a here, a user told me that it might be a battery problem. When I checked the battery, it seemed to be bulging a little. And after that, the restarts/shut downs are just observed when my phone is discharging. So, is the problem really the battery alone or should I still consider a software bug as part of the problem? (Updated my phone earlier to the latest cumulative update but the problem still persists) Thanks!

Either a battery problem, or maybe some loose connection problem (between the battery's and the phone's pins). Either way, if you'd really like to know if it's a hardware problem or not, do a hard reset without restoring from a back up. If it's still there, then that means something is wrong with your phone's hardware. If not, then congrats! You now have a working phone (although it might be a hassle to re-install all the apps and whatnot). But at least, it saves you from having to deal with sending your phone to Msft and left with nothing for a few days (or even weeks!).
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

my 950 XL running on .67 also has battery drain issues
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Is the battery drain issue just after you updated to x.67 ? Isn't this the time when the OS runs some background optimisations (maybe .NET JIT) or something like that, and you should wait for some time for the battery to settle down?

I waited a day and can confirm battery has taken a hit for whatsoever reason even on my 950XL! I used to easily make it to the evening but with similar usage, I've had to charge my phone today and it's hardly mid day.
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

> A couple of apps are no longer in the Action Center: (e.g. Action Note, Notiny).

> OneNote is NOT maintaining my Notebooks (and I don't know why?

> China is no longer available for download as an Offline Maps...big bummer!

I am hopeful that Groove over BT was fixed, will check during todays run.

Overall; AU, on all devices, is pretty impressive, IMO; yes! still needs some fine tuning, but I see the light.
8:00 a.m. eastern, just saw an update for OneNote for ya from the app store. Fingers crossed.

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.67]
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Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Oh how I envy you. If you look in the feedback hub, it's obvious many people are facing this issue.
Oh believe me, I have left feedback about this, I've upvoted others' feedback about this, I've tweeted Donna about this. It's as you say, they clearly don't care ☹
WOW!!! Man I'm sorry; I was just half kidding. I've been to the feedback hub a couple times, not to report problems just to look around.
Ever since I did a Hard Reset long, long ago, my ICON hasn't had a problem a Soft Reset didn't fix. I've just been cruising for a long, long time.
Sorry about your troubles, man.

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.67]
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

8:00 a.m. just saw an update for OneNote for ya from the app store. Fingers crossed.

Peace. Alan
MS Lumia ICON 929 [Win10 M, Insider Preview, Redstone 14393.67]

Thank you Alan, I saw; and downloaded it immediately, I have not had a chance to see its affect for I have a MAJOR Crash issue on a notebook I updated last is in major fail mode:(

I also had a Restart request last night on my 950XL, but after the gears were done spinning, the build was still at 14393.67; so I don't know what that was all about?
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Works fine on my 950 xl. Tile shows the date
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Add one more bug. My band 2 doesn't stays connected via Bluetooth to my phone. Not sure if its my band or the update. When I tell my Band to pair it asks if I want to pair to an iphone, never owned an iphone before.

Sent from mTalk
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Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Two reboots in a 15 minutes row. Never seen before on my 650. (during Edge streaming music)
Re: Cumulative Update build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone 1; Fast / Slow / Release Rings)

This mail bug has existed since before. I reported it through feedback.
goT a mail bug right after the update-SOFT RESET DIDN'T FIX IT EITHER >

Edge bug has been fixed where it would crash if tried to copy paste on address bar . cortana live tile is functioning properly now. ^_^ all good at present
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

I gave up on using my 950 for playing music through Bluetooth.
Undusted and loaded the N9 with music and use that permanently in the car. It has good ouput and THD and noise figures.
Sorry, I had written in previous posts that I was having trouble hearing Groove via BT on one of my HS; first, it was cutting out; then yesterday, failed to connect to the HS I was using via BT at all - while, at the same time, another Music Player was connecting but it too was cutting out. I has hopeful that with last nights .67 update, it would have fixed "my" issue, but it hasn't... as of yet.

I guess I removed too much of the Quote in the last Post...sorry for the confusion:)
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Add one more bug. My band 2 doesn't stays connected via Bluetooth to my phone. Not sure if its my band or the update. When I tell my Band to pair it asks if I want to pair to an iphone, never owned an iphone before.

Sent from mTalk

It is by default because of whatever iPhone Bluetooth tech is involved. You can simply tap no and the next option is pairing screen where generic androids as well as windows phone device pairing will be used to pair your device with band. As long as you put your Band2 in pairing mode and you are on the Bluetooth screen of your phone after the earlier mentioned tap, you should be golden.
Re: Cumulative Update: build 14393.67 Discussion (Redstone Branch; Fast, Slow & Release Rings)

Welcome to Windows Central, Khurram.

There should be home screen in windows build just like android to set a beautiful wallpaper

It has always been there, my friend. Always.

It's called the Start Screen. You can pin as little or as much as you want to it. If you want to leave it bare and just look at the wallpaper you have chosen, you can do that. Pick your wallpaper, go ahead.

Unlike Android there are no panels you swipe left and right to get to. Instead you have infinite scroll. Fill the top part (all that is visible in "one screen") with blank transparent tiles. Pile up tiles under that for more "screens" as you scroll down.

There are a lot of apps in the store to help. Skinnery Themes and Start Perfect are popular ones.

Check out all the things people do with their Start Screen here:

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