I don't like how it doesn't let you save curse words.
thanks, I only added a few words, so this works for now.Goto Settings/Keyboard/Type Settings/Reset Suggestions
This removes all your saved words so you have to start over just to get rid of one.
I'd like to remove a built-in word. In Swedish the cretin that is responsible for the dictionary autocorrects the word meaning 'good' to the name of an NGO which admittedly is not too dissimilar, but, in context NOT VERY LIKELY!!!
Translated it would look like this, sort of: "I saw No Country for Old Men again on Netflix last night - I had forgotten how ACLU it is.". WAT
I guess nobody has a solution for this?
In my case there is a similar problem. I'm German and I often type the word "f?r" (which means "for" in english, so you got an idea how often Germans need that word). But typing an "?" is unhandy so I always type "fur" and want my phone to correct it automatically. But for that I have to remove the word "fur" from the dictionary. Is there any way?
Nevertheless I'm glad the dictionary is that great because I just type all words with ?, ? or ? without them and they get corrected.
I know the thread is old, but FYI: WP 8.1 does "correct" fur to f?r in german...
Hey man, it's restricting my vocabulary lol.
There is a way but its with Cortana and its "Stop getting to know me", then toggle it off then on again, and it should wipe the dictionary. Editors did an article about it awhile ago. Hopefully MS will make it easier to do, cause even i was struggling to find it today...