Dell Venue 8 Pro with Windows 10 will not start after sleep


New member
Aug 11, 2015
Just installed my Win 10 from Microsoft. All went well on the Venue 8 pro. Win 10 worked well with the Dell VN8P but if you put it to sleep by pressing the power button or it enters sleep itself after the time you set, it WILL NOT start back up when you press the power button. LED back light on but screen remains black.

You need to hold down the power button > 10 sec to shut down completely. The you can reboot and all works fine.

Tech support had not heard of this.

This was unacceptable for my use so for now I back out of Win 10 to Win 8.1 which works fine.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Tried all kinds of Windows power settings and options. Nothing works.
Whenever I have awakened mine from sleep mode, I pressed the Windows button located on the side, not the power button.
I am having the same issue and it is really a big problem. I have to restart the tablet every time. I work in healthcare and it is a serious issue that needs to be resolved.
had the same problem, but it worked again after I downloaded some updates from the Dell-Update site. I updated the bios and the chipset drivers, but I'm pretty sure it already worked again after the bios-update.
I had the same issue after the upgrade to Windows 10.The update went well, but sleep would not work with button. Someone had mentioned a firmware and bios update from Dell website. Go to, download both and install. Works fine now.

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