Describe your smartphone environment

My friends know that I am a BlackBerry fan. But in my work circle, we do not talk about the phone ever. It also does not help that my job is not technology dependent.

I mostly see Iphones in my social circle.

I have converted my family members into getting BlackBerry 10 devices so that we can do BBM Video chats. But other than that, I do not usually talk about phones.

And I have never seen a single Windows Phone in the "wild life" in Vancouver Canada.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10
My friends know that I am a BlackBerry fan. But in my work circle, we do not talk about the phone ever. It also does not help that my job is not technology dependent.

I mostly see Iphones in my social circle.

I have converted my family members into getting BlackBerry 10 devices so that we can do BBM Video chats. But other than that, I do not usually talk about phones.

And I have never seen a single Windows Phone in the "wild life" in Vancouver Canada.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10
I've never seen a single BB10 device in the wild here in Cleveland, Ohio. The only BB10 device I've ever seen in a store was the Z10, back in 2013.
I'm in a Samsung/Chinese phone landfill... Almost everyone around me uses these. If they have a 2nd phone, it's usually an old Android or Nokia Symbian. It's the same at work, although my office dept with a staff of 15.. There are three WP users, one die hard BB while the rest are Android (mainly SSG, a few Lenovo and Xiaomi) No iPhones at all.

My estimate for the entire office of 400 people... it's still an android landfill. Haha. IPhone won't have more than 5-8%.. and WP even lower...
My friends know that I am a BlackBerry fan. But in my work circle, we do not talk about the phone ever. It also does not help that my job is not technology dependent.

I mostly see Iphones in my social circle.

I have converted my family members into getting BlackBerry 10 devices so that we can do BBM Video chats. But other than that, I do not usually talk about phones.

And I have never seen a single Windows Phone in the "wild life" in Vancouver Canada.

Posted via the Windows Central App for BlackBerry 10

I actually think I would get more respect if I had a Blackberry. People think Blackberry is unpopular, but people assume Windows just doesn't work. That's a much steeper hill to clink. There was a sketch on the Nightly Show where they made the joke that Windows Phones can't even text. So yeah, very steep.
You have to remember people can be as stupid as they want to be. It is not even against the law. Its not even a sin. LOL.
This thread is very interesting.

I would say that I live in a bubble. At work, some people notice that I frequent tech sites (Windows Central, Android Central) because we share computers. As far I know, Android slightly wins. I was the only one with Windows Phone. Most who have Android, have Samsung usually. In my friendship circle, most of my friends are Android, with some iPhones in the mix. I was the only Windows Phone user (notice a pattern?) . It's a mix of HTC, Samsung, and I don't know what else, because I never see some of my friends phones. I do have a friend who has a feature phone with the whole slide out keyboard thing.

None of my friends know/notice that I have been trying phones in the past few months, and that I'm "trying" a new phone, but I don't know if it's a trial anymore though. lol. >.>
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I don't know, because I'm too busy living my life to care what smartphones people around me are using.
Remember, something like 45% of the phones sold in the USA are iPhones, so if you aren't seeing a lot of them your environment is not typical. I look at email statistics all the time and for most mass emailers mobile opens are in the range of 80% on iPhones and iPads. That correlates well with what I see in business environments. At work if someone says "phone" they mean iPhone--they just assume everyone has one. The Apple devices account for most of the revenue in the industry, one way or another. Androids may rule in sheer numbers worldwide, but Apple rules on the revenue side.
What is it like owning a smartphone where you live? Do you constantly find yourself debating all your friends about different phones, do you live in a bubble, are you the nerd that won't shut up about your phone?

I blab a little to the wife (who could care less) about phones.
My neighbor is back to his 635 after accidently smashing the 535 I gave him and his AT&T Asus 2E.
We talk here and there about how to do something yet not often.

When the wife was working in the semiconductor manufacturing business she would come home complaining about the tech nerd battles.
I guess the engineers and other maintenance people drew lines in the cafeteria based on what people had.
Got her an Android tab to use for gaming/reading and she had to lay down the law to co-workers saying she just worked there and wouldn't be part of any club.
Never realized how nutz some are about platform choice until hearing the wife's stories.

Places I never go:
Gender preference

I'm home a lot so the only passion I notice one way or another is on-line.
The bottom line reality is that the people on the street don't care what anyone else is packing.
When the wife was working in the semiconductor manufacturing business she would come home complaining about the tech nerd battles.
I guess the engineers and other maintenance people drew lines in the cafeteria based on what people had.
Got her an Android tab to use for gaming/reading and she had to lay down the law to co-workers saying she just worked there and wouldn't be part of any club.
Never realized how nutz some are about platform choice until hearing the wife's stories.

Places I never go:
Gender preference

You can add sports to that list! lol

But it really is strange how people let seemingly unimportant things define them. I can perhaps understand religion or political leanings, but brand of electronics??? I wish I was joking, but far too many people take brand loyalty too far. To the point of mocking, flaming, and trolling. No one should care that much about plastic and silicone.
I wish I was joking, but far too many people take brand loyalty too far. To the point of mocking, flaming, and trolling. No one should care that much about plastic and silicone.
It's mainly on the Internet that you actually encounter this problem. Out in the real world where people aren't anonymous their phones are for the most part. Most phones are in cases, making them hard to recognize and unless you can get really close to them most phones look pretty much the same. I always laugh at all these discussions about how this phone or that phone looks, and the stupid "unboxing" half of phone reviews is totally worthless to me. As soon as I get a phone it goes in a case, so looks are irrelevant.
Full-on Geek/Nerd here living pretty much in my own world, if it's ailing/broke I'll do my best to fix, where I live most smartphone users care about communication in that calls, texting and emails take priority and anything else is just secondary.

As of late, in my part of the world, it is evident that iPhone rules with Android coming in at a slightly distant second (yep mostly Samsung's), BB is basically non-existent now and WP, weeell, since I came back onboard in late 2012 we haven't seen a single instance of one ever in that time out in the wild, those personally owned and seen at outlets not withstanding.

Still use my WPs (Ativ S/L102/L830) on a daily basis for work but jumped back onto the Android bandwagon with an LG G4, the latter fills the gaps that WP doesn't in a very refreshing way, we also feel like we're in the mainstream rather than sitting on the sidelines looking in now.
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Pacific NW Windows user here (HTC One M8 running W10M). Around where I live it's pretty much the same as everywhere, 90% of phones you see are either iPhones or Samsung Galaxies. I've run into a few other WP users but there aren't many.
I dole out my opinion when asked.

On campus its noticeably iPhone dominated but outside it really varies. Lot of Galaxies, iPhones, the odd 521, the odd Z30, etc.
I dole out my opinion when asked.

On campus its noticeably iPhone dominated but outside it really varies. Lot of Galaxies, iPhones, the odd 521, the odd Z30, etc.
Wow, surprised at those last two. The last person I knew with a 521 now has a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or 5, not sure, don't care. Can't recall the last time I saw a BB in the wild, aside from my brother's work phone.
Wow, surprised at those last two. The last person I knew with a 521 now has a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or 5, not sure, don't care. Can't recall the last time I saw a BB in the wild, aside from my brother's work phone.

Yea, I still see some old cheap Lumia's here and there but its getting harder!

Always seems to be the suits with Blackberries, I imagine its work holdouts. I remember one on the subway. It's been a while but I guess I haven't gone out enough.
At school there are a lot of OnePluses, iPhones and Samsungs, but on the bus, surprisingly, I frequently see people with Windows phones (550, 950 and 535 are the most common ones I see).
What is it like owning a smartphone where you live? Do you constantly find yourself debating all your friends about different phones, do you live in a bubble, are you the nerd that won't shut up about your phone?

It's very funny you asked that, I use a 640xl and I get wow it's that a new iPhone.
This I believe as because, I have set up the home screen with a good picture and NOT putting tiles in a certain place i.e. leaving arears blank so that the back ground picture is completed. This is what the UI of Windows is better at.

Some notes on users of Windows phone.
1: If they slide up or down, windows
2: A Camera bulge, Nokia
3; Their start screen has live tiles :love:
4; talking to their phone! Hey Cortana

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