Did Denim update improve battery life on your 930?

Stephen Lynam

New member
Jun 12, 2014
I think my battery is lasting a lot longer since installing denim... I usually get a day and a bit out of it but since I put denim on it im getting nearer 2 days, and ive been playing with the new camera features etc?
Anyone else notice this?
I also think it has gotten a longer lifetime. I'm still doing some research, and it might also be the new "celluar data" on/off thing i'm using now with LTE, but so far it seems good since i now also use hey cortana, new camera features and stuff... But still, the battery life time improved from my average 1 day 3 hours to 1 day 6-10 hours. Looking good
I am charging battery overnight and faced no issues so far. Also, the battery timings are great for me.
It seems better but I haven't plotted it or anything. I use charging plates to keep mine topped up - like 2-3 short charges a day as this puts less stress on the battery I believe (heat is a slow killer). I rarely let mine fall below 50%. Standby drain I find is pretty awesome usually only 2-3% overnight.
The Denim update has made my 930 battery life terrible. It's funny. I could not be happier with this phone. After the update my phone gets very hot to the touch and the battery lasts about 2 hours while the phone just sits there.
I've seen some posts about removing Cortana from the start screen.
Maybe I should do a reset?

Any suggestions?
The Denim update has made my 930 battery life terrible. It's funny. I could not be happier with this phone. After the update my phone gets very hot to the touch and the battery lasts about 2 hours while the phone just sits there.
I've seen some posts about removing Cortana from the start screen.
Maybe I should do a reset?

Any suggestions?

If you've done most everything else, hard reset, something went wrong obviously.
Removing Cortana is worth a try, but all else fails...
The Denim update has made my 930 battery life terrible. It's funny. I could not be happier with this phone. After the update my phone gets very hot to the touch and the battery lasts about 2 hours while the phone just sits there.
I've seen some posts about removing Cortana from the start screen.
Maybe I should do a reset?

Any suggestions?

This is my second time with the 930. The first time battery life was TERRIBLE. This was before Denim. I just got my 930 yesterday! I couldn't be happier. It went from 8PM yesterday until today 12PM from 48% until 10%. Then I unplugged it at around 2, and now it's nearing midnight and I'm sitting pretty at 63%. I have to say, I'm pleasantly satisfied with the battery. Of course, I'm going to need to charge it up and down a few times to fully wake up the battery! But if things stay as they are now, I'll get MORE than a day of use! Yay! And I'm still in the honeymoon phase, always playing with it.

Anyways, what I did was update EVERYTHING right out of the box, and then did a hard reset. The whole, unplug, volume down and power on thing... And then the volume + power combo that you can easily find on the internet, and I reset it completely. Ran through setup again, and that's how I've been using it today. But to be honest, the first 10-15% drops REALLY quickly, and then it sticks to a very constant drop throughout the rest of the day.... I'd give a reset a chance...
Just do a full wipe after you updated,then the battery works fine again.
@Lumia 930
Battery issues solved!!! Apparently when I did the update, Denim turned a host of things I had turned off after I customized my 930 for use. I did pull the Cortana tile off of my start screen. I ran the battery down to zero% and put it on the wall charger until the trickle charge was finished. I started it up....No Heat issues...the Charge went the whole day, ( moderate use, heavy texting, web surfing, streaming radio and music ) without plugging it in. I'm very happy this worked.
The Battery issues have been fixed with the update. Look for answers here at Windows Central. I appreciate the great information that's here.

The 930 has been a terrific phone and I still can't get over how great the camera is.
Glad to hear! Hehe. It is a fantastic phone. I haven't had too much time to play with the camera. This weekend I will😋 enjoy it.

sent from my Nokia Lumia 930
I did a complete flash on mine to change country variant. Since Denim the battery is holding up a LOT better. I turn off 4G (only 3G), mostly WIFI, no BT, no location services (which implies no Cortana).

I mainly use the phone for emails and whatsapp/messenger. No games. I did notice a LOT less heating. On one charge I can get 2-3 days. At night with flight mode on the decharge is only 1-2% which is "BlackBerry" level :).

I'm very happy.
I have to say that my battery life is bad. I am not even getting a day out of my unit. I am sure there must be a rogue app somewhere :(
I've never really thought about my 930 battery life. I just use it and charge it whenever and never found myself annoyed about battery life. When it was short, I knew I was using data a lot and expected it. I've had my 930 since July 2014.

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