Die hard windows fans

Broke my 950xl amd still bought another one on eBay for $260. Best camera around for under $300!
using a lumia 920 and loving it, the os fluidity, the tiles, there is something about windows phone that is like eye candy to my eyes, I can have a custom launher on Android and modify the way it looks but there is functionality and sexyness of the tiles that makes it for me

I just wish everything would have turn out different for Win10M. sadly we all know how everything is going
I have myself, wife and kids all on windows phones. I'm using a 1520, wife uses 830 (but just bought a icon on ebay this morn), kids using 920. I love the family safety feature that MS has. They can't go on google and look bad crap up. Also don't struggle with the app gap because the main apps are present and made well enough...Facebook, Messenger, Intragram, Maps, Groove, Onedrive, Onenote and so on.

I too think it's the easier of the 3 systems to use. I love live tiles that are showing me my emails, love that. I realize they're all similar but I have less issues with MS than I have with Apple or Google. For example, my first android phone could not d/l google play apps because I already had a Lenovo A1 tablet on that account. I could never remove the Lenovo A1 so I went back to the store and they told me, make a new account. I told them shove it! REFUND! Then I tried WP 8 and found I could have lots of devices using the account with no fuss. With Apple, I have an Ipad and it constantly wants me to put in my password. I'm thinking it's because I used a Hotmail address. I see no reason why iOS should need to verify that every 5 minutes. We hardly use it so I don't care. But yea, I found the family safety feature and have never looked back since.
I like the Family Features as well, but since my wife swapped the 950 for an iPhone it seems that Microsoft integrates well with those features outside of browsing history, not that I check that. The iPhone does have parental controls but nothing like I see on the Microsoft Family section.
Still using the Lumia 950XL running the latest Insider fast ring. My suffering is definitely the battery issue and I need to carry a battery bank with me at all times because of it. The latest build "shuts down" the phone like clockwork when I'm at 30% battery life. The app gap isn't that much of an issue for me since I've adapted to using the web versions which are looking and functioning very similar to native apps each passing day. Frankly, the less I need to install on my phone, the better because having to hard reset my phone takes so much longer the more apps I list.
You aren't alone. That is what I liked about my Palm Pre 2, the size. I have a 735 now and it's size is one of the things keeping me here. Tbh though, I have never used a bigger phone and should give it a shot maybe.

Twitter: @PhotographyET

I was also a Palm Pre owner - in fact I was probably one of the last of them. Though they were poorly constructed and broke often, there was never a shortage of them available on Craiglist and eBay. I then switched to Windows and it's like deja vu all over again. I'll probably be the last one out again, turning off the light, because I can't imagine switching to Android (until I absolutely have to), and won't ever buy an Apple product. Maybe I just like being the underdog.
It seems Apple may have laid an egg this week with the iPhone 8 release. I hope the coming Surface phone is ready shortly...maybe they could release a teaser?
Hej hej.
I have Lumia 730 for almost two years now and it was until last week that I was considering changing it just because a battery issue but I was smart enough to repair it. Now I have another problem but I have read about an update and some other solutions for it.
Honestly there is such a bug offer out there that I wouldn't know what or why exactly I would change mine. Yes, there are some apps that doesn't work here but honestly speaking, even though I spend a lot of time on my phone, the apps are not something really needed.
I love this phone and now I wouldn't dare to change it. I just remembered how much I missed Lumia when I said goodbye to my Lumia 710 a couple of years ago. Later I had Android and Apple but no one made me as happy as this one.
It seems Apple may have laid an egg this week with the iPhone 8 release. I hope the coming Surface phone is ready shortly...maybe they could release a teaser?
Compared to what? Any company not named Samsung would kill for the iPhone 8's weak sales. I'm a Windows fan through and through but let's keep it real.
Yah, I do use the speakers. The camera really blows. The colors and lighting are all over the place. I can take good pics, but it sometimes takes a few trys. I've heard TMo hot spot doesn't work with X3, so I'm holding off on purchase.
Yah, I do use the speakers. The camera really blows. The colors and lighting are all over the place. I can take good pics, but it sometimes takes a few trys. I've heard TMo hot spot doesn't work with X3, so I'm holding off on purchase.

TMO hotspot worked fine for me and works perfectly on my wife’s x3.
I was happy with Lumia 930. I even replace charger connector inside phone and repair microphones. But week after that microphones died again. i had idea to buy HP Elite x3 but when i hear that Microsoft will not update it to the next version of Windows Mobile (Andromeda?) i decide to wait a bit. Yesterday i replace my Lumia with Android-based phone (ALCATEL Shine lite 5080x) just as temporary device for the next year (hope MS will release new OS in 2018 and i can buy something on Windows). From one side i see a lot of apps which i miss on Windows Mobile (mobile bank, new Uber and so on), battery life also good. From other side i don't like UI. Not intuitive.
Still using the Lumia 950XL running the latest Insider fast ring. My suffering is definitely the battery issue and I need to carry a battery bank with me at all times because of it. The latest build "shuts down" the phone like clockwork when I'm at 30% battery life. The app gap isn't that much of an issue for me since I've adapted to using the web versions which are looking and functioning very similar to native apps each passing day. Frankly, the less I need to install on my phone, the better because having to hard reset my phone takes so much longer the more apps I list.

I don't know why you are having your battery issues. I'm running 15252.0 and couldn't be happier. My phone is super snappy. Camera is the best! Every time i show friends my pictures, they comment on how great they look. My battery life seems just as good as before (on earlier builds)
Long time WP user on Verizon. Started with the HTC Trophy, then the 822, 928, and now a 735! I have moto z force that I use, but couldn't resist the tiles! I keep hearing people talk about the app gap, but I don't see it for me. Probably going to get an icon on eBay for cheap. I'm quite happy with the 735...$40 with a case on eBay!
Lumia 950 XL user. I love my phone. Not missing any apps for now. I use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. All working well. Hopefully Microsoft will make more phones so when my Lumia 950 XL in like 3-5 years need to be changed I can buy another great Microsoft Phone. They are really good quality.
UPDATE not looking like any new phones coming out... Well Android or ios it is.
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I finally had to throw in the towel. I stayed as long as I could but I've decided to move to the Galaxy S8 Plus like Bill Gates has done.
I've been using Windows Phones since the first Preview build was launched, gone through 4 phones. My motivator for leaving is my 10 year old Type 1 Diabetic son. He just got a Dexcom which monitors his blood-sugar electronically. I need to use an app to monitor the device and of course, only iOS and Android are the options. I refuse to go Apple so Samsung here I come. I will still participate in the Windows Insider builds with my phones on WiFi, but my primary is switching. I will miss my Windows phones, but my son's health comes first.
I finally had to throw in the towel. I stayed as long as I could but I've decided to move to the Galaxy S8 Plus like Bill Gates has done.
I've been using Windows Phones since the first Preview build was launched, gone through 4 phones. My motivator for leaving is my 10 year old Type 1 Diabetic son. He just got a Dexcom which monitors his blood-sugar electronically. I need to use an app to monitor the device and of course, only iOS and Android are the options. I refuse to go Apple so Samsung here I come. I will still participate in the Windows Insider builds with my phones on WiFi, but my primary is switching. I will miss my Windows phones, but my son's health comes first.

That’s a no-brainer Mark. Children come first regardless.

I would’ve suggested an iPhone because iOS is close, very close, to being a complete mobile solution. Android is treading water with some fancy new features on their phones but not much with the UX.
That’s a no-brainer Mark. Children come first regardless.

I would’ve suggested an iPhone because iOS is close, very close, to being a complete mobile solution. Android is treading water with some fancy new features on their phones but not much with the UX.

I just cannot bring myself to use an Apple product. Some things will never change. :)
It is opening peoples eyes to that apple is actually just great at marketing and releasing conservative/reliable tech, not innovation

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