Die hard windows fans

Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I've had the same Windows Lumia 640 for the past 3 years. Before that I went through 4 iphones within a 2 year course due to cracked to screens.

SD Card capabilities makes any phone a winner, but what I realized while owning a Windows phone was the "mindless downloading of time-wasting games" became more and more obsolete to the Windows "eco-system". I can't believe they use that term in tech, but anyways let's continue with this vine. The Windows phone actually boosted productivity by not limiting where I can download music from. When I first acquired the Lumia , there wasn't even a 1st party instagram app. So the need to post and share and stare wasn't on my radar for some time.

Durability is another feature that Windows phone doesn't get enough credit for. This thing has jumped out of my pocket while biking and dancing with the occasional back pocket sit-n-press and still displays no sign of it. Whenever the phone hits the ground or floor, it jumps disassembles into the 3 main pieces; phone, battery, case. Every time i misplaced this thing, i didn't freak put. You can find, erase, message your lost windows phone much easier than Apple's find my phone (which has to be activated before losing). The finding of a windows phone can be an afterthought and that's settling to the user. Also, they retail for a fraction of the most popular phones. I was always ready to buy a new Windows whenever I lost my phone but it was always in the same place. Call me a creature of habit but I'm keeping my Windows phone. Although there is a new update that requires a newer device, I'm fine with that. It'll bring me nowhere near that hole, known as dropping a grand on a phone that'll deem itself obsolete in 3 -4 years. Windows understands that there are people who respect tangible tech over conceptual UX. FTR, I own a macbook pro and ipad and they do what they do just fine. I just dont need to spend $1000 to text and check emails when im not home. I barely use the phone to talk.
Lurking just outside of the lighted circle, Aximtreo is crying under a tree. Seems he keeps selling his windows phone only to realize that he misses it very much. He looks down at the LG V20 he just purchased a few days ago and wonders what could have been. He slowly takes the SIM card out and puts it in the iPhone 6s+ that he has for no other reason than to say he is an iSheep. A look of anguish comes over his face when he looks at what he holds in his hand and does not see Live Tiles and that beautiful home screen.

A thought suddenly comes to his old and feeble mind; hey, CL and Swappa just might have something that can make live a bit more tolerable. So off he goes to his trusty Dell Laptop and begins the search; again for the umpthteen time. So goes the life of a spoiled Windows Phone user. "sigh".
I've found my lost twin!!!!

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
iPhone's are overpriced phones, but at least thet get proper support.
Also, I can then use some apps that I can't use now. Nothing I can live without, but nice too have.

I have my Lumia 950 for almost 1.5 years now. But most apps feel slow to open.
Facebook, Whatsapp all take ages to open. Looking at people with similair aged Android and iOS phones makes me want to move even more :-(

Just ordered an iPhone 8 Plus myself, a superior choice to Android, in my opinion. Sure, these devices are INCREDIBLY expensive, I hemmed and hawed for several minutes before finally hitting the button to confirm my order, however, resale value takes some of the sting away. In two years a well-cared-for iPhone such as this will probably still be worth $200 or more. What brand-new Lumia was ever worth that much even five minutes after unboxing?
GIve up on Windows phone? Not likely

Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I actually tried switching to a Samsung S7Edge, but gave up after two weeks. The UI is inferior, the screen is over-sensitive, there are no active icons (similar to live tiles). Everything takes at least one more step to do. It will not read me my text messages (I dont like typing on that tiny KB), will not auto-mute, auto-speakerphone. I missed all of the little refinements to usability in my 950XL.
Switched back, very happy.
The Galaxy looks much better, but for sheer usability, nothing to beat the Lumia.
If only the marketers at Microsoft got their act together...
Re: GIve up on Windows phone? Not likely

You're not alone. I'm sticking it out, but then I have three active lines running on Android, iOS, and Windows devices. The first two are for work, while the Windows device, a Lumia 640, is personal. So like some commenters, I have a foot in all three OS worlds and can take advantage of the strengths of each device. (Similarly, I run a mix of Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows at home.)

The rest of my family is on iOS, and they all tell me to upgrade my Lumia to a new iPhone, but the Windows interface is wonderful: I love the Edge syncing, live tiles, Messaging integration, Office functionality, etc., and even small touches like the Bing lock screen. Plus I bought the 640 when they were just $30 last year, so I picked up three of them. I upgraded myself and my mom from a Lumia 520, and I keep one in reserve. We are all on AT&T.

For me the app gap is mitigated by having access to my other devices, but if I had to forego iOS and Android I think I would personally survive just fine. As an example, we live in the US and drove to Canada this year, and I only carried the 640, which worked well. We did have a dedicated GPS unit to free up our phones for other uses and also because roaming on Bell or Telus was spotty at times (though free). I did use the Maps program on my 640 to navigate bus options in Mississauga so that we could get back to our hotel--it worked flawlessly!

That being said, I do not fault folks for moving to or choosing Android or iOS because of app criticality, familiarity, or preference. For example, through trial and error we found it best to keep my wife in the Apple ecosystem. I do hope that something interesting in the Windows mobile space will appear soon, as I am attracted to the idea of having a pocketable PC that would permit me to travel lightly on my motorcycle and lightly/quickly on airplanes. Redmond, are you reading these forums?
I've found my lost twin!!!!

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk

Got a 950xl off Swappa today. Could not resist. Now, anyone looking for an iPhone 6s+ 64 Mint or an LG V20 with case, spare battery and battery charger PM me.

I'm so bad. LOL
Got a 950xl off Swappa today. Could not resist. Now, anyone looking for an iPhone 6s+ 64 Mint or an LG V20 with case, spare battery and battery charger PM me.

I'm so bad. LOL
Go on with your bad self.....rock the boat.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Just ordered an iPhone 8 Plus myself, a superior choice to Android, in my opinion. Sure, these devices are INCREDIBLY expensive, I hemmed and hawed for several minutes before finally hitting the button to confirm my order, however, resale value takes some of the sting away. In two years a well-cared-for iPhone such as this will probably still be worth $200 or more. What brand-new Lumia was ever worth that much even five minutes after unboxing?

It depends on where you live though, cos a 3yr old 1520 has decent resale value.

... !
Got a 950xl off Swappa today. Could not resist. Now, anyone looking for an iPhone 6s+ 64 Mint or an LG V20 with case, spare battery and battery charger PM me.

I'm so bad. LOL
This is hilarious. 😂😂😂👍
But, awesome.
I'm thinking of doing the same thing.
I love my 950 XL! Best camera around! Got the 'International' version for $425 Canadian on Amazon back in January. The iPhone X will sell for about $1350 up here; that's insane. There's no way that phone is worth 3 times mine. I'm never going to pay more for a phone than what I spend on a laptop. (my Lenovo Yoga 2 pro was cheaper....)
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I brought A5 2017 this week, its amazing!! Its things like facebook regular update with all features! it has like AOD on it like windows too, I couldn't hack 10 anymore.:eck:. I don't use 1000s of Apps but there is about 15 nice Android ones i regular use now.
Give it up??
No way!
Both my 950 XL, 1020, 640 and a couple of 920 still works great.
Give it up for what? An iPhone? Any Android?
Just laughable...
Mobile payments work for me on my 950XL, guess it depends on what bank you need. I have a Galaxy Note, but the 950XL is my main device. I'm sadden, disappointed and even Mad at MS, but I already paid for all of my Lumia's, so I'll be using them until i can't any more.Wish i could send a strong message to MS and not use Windows Mobile at this point because of the lack of support and vague messages on future mobile, but like i said, they are already paid for and still work Great. I unfortunately will switch to Android when and if they stop working.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

Ive been an avid fan for a couple of years already. My wife is still enjoying her Microsoft Lumia and mine is a locally manufactured Windows Phone 8. You might surprise how I am still enthusiastic with the platform. It started when I worked before as a CSR for a US Telco, i am impress with the potential yet sad to say some people are not aware and didnt even tried. I hope that MICROSOFT will explore more of its opportunities
I have used this platform for a while. I am used to it and find my experience to be frustrating but interesting. It still play with my 520 but use a 950xl daily. I have recently purchased an android tablet for holidays and truly wish that MS had a small tablet for holiday fun. I want MS to continue with Mobile. I will continue to use W phone.
I'm a long time android user that switched to an Alcatel Idol 4S on TMo six months and couldn't be happier. My only complaint is with the camera and now considering a used 950xl or HP because of that. I love the OS.. Far superior to Android. Live tiles rock! Disappointed OS is now in maintenance mode with no new features planned. Regardless, I'm staying with OS until bitter end or when I can purchase a Win 10 PC that fits in my pocket and makes calls. I knowingly jumped on sinking ship and have no regrets.
I'm a long time android user that switched to an Alcatel Idol 4S on TMo six months and couldn't be happier. My only complaint is with the camera and now considering a used 950xl or HP because of that. I love the OS.. Far superior to Android. Live tiles rock! Disappointed OS is now in maintenance mode with no new features planned. Regardless, I'm staying with OS until bitter end or when I can purchase a Win 10 PC that fits in my pocket and makes calls. I knowingly jumped on sinking ship and have no regrets.
The x3 camera is not much of an upgrade over the Idol. The phone itself is better but the Idol has those amazing speakers.
Got myself a 640 xl to add to my inventory of Windows Phones. At a steal of a price too. Parts are cheap on most Lumias and the phones go for a fair price. Its easy to maintain them. Windows 10 mobile has life in it yet and will soon get more life added here in October. Very interested to see what Microsoft has in store.

For a 1GB Ram Snapdragon 400 device... I'm impressed with this phone, how it handles it's screen and battery life. Almost a 3 year old model and it rocks with the best of them.

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