Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I am giving up and switching to Android, after being with Microsoft and Nokia (at first) since nineties... Happy with PCs, and Symbian, then finally Lumia 920 since 2012 and Lumia 950 since 2015 - back at happy times when i thought Microsoft was pushing its own platform but to no avail. Instead, I see Microsoft selling Samsung phones in their shops... so if Microsoft is convinced, so am I...
But it is not loyalty only. it is the app gap for sure. Since I bought Lumia 950, I was carrying my second cheap Huawei Android with me. Why? Simply because my bank, my car, my you name it... don't have Windows app... and could not care less to develop one - and why would they, if Microsoft itself couldn't care less.
I still use my Lumia for calls, sms, emails and photos. And one drive works more or less fine (to fancy for my taste if you ask me but nonetheless...). Still, this ads up to some 20% of my phone use. The remaining 80% is with the chep dirt Huawei Android...
The cherry on the cake was when my wife informed me that she can't login any longer to Skype on Windows 8.1 device, as simply Microsoft stopped it... similarly, family members back home reported the same problem... so what could she do? Get another dirst cheap Android just for Skype. I told her it would be lunatic if she went for another Win 10 mobile phone, where Skype (still) apparently works...but for how long?
Microsoft did not ruin Nokia, it seems they ruin every other company they acquire...
And Nokia is in the game again, fortunately, and may be one of my final choices for Android... if not Samsung, sold in the very Microsoft store...
Microsoft, go figure..