Die hard windows fans

I thought I would be one of the last to go. Due to an unfortunate 950XL fall from the top row of a baseball bleacher, I have moved on. I'm loving my OnePlus 5 with OxygenOS.

Now, I can unlock my Kevo deadbolt with my phone. I can drop-in to my Echo Show. I can review my Ezviz security cameras and play my favorite cardboard VR games. That's the short list.

Despite some lingering frustration with Android, I doubt I'll ever go back.
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I've been a Windows Phone fan from the beginning, but I never bought a phone because I was a "fan". I bought my Windows Phones because they were always the best option for me. After losing a few apps and trying to setup home automation that will work with my phone, Windows Phone is no longer the best option for me, so I've moved on.

I still think Windows is the best OS on a phone, but without 3rd party support, I cant do it any more.
I have two 950XLs that aren't going anywhere but I'm struggling to keep my friends (who haven't already jumped ship) to stay on the Windows waggon. Will probably try out either a Note 8 or iPhone 8/X on the second line but still hope for Microsoft (or someone else) to offer us something...
Even if they do not make anything after L950 XL. It does everything I need.
I love the start screen with the Live Tiles, the desktop fell in settings. It is simple to use. For my use case scenario, when it comes to App needs.
All my go to apps are there.
Groove, Office Suite, WhatsApp, Facebook and messanger, Skype, Sway, MSN News, MSN Sport, Occasional Flipboard (which might be leaving, will miss it, but not too much), Spotify, Office Lens, Maps, Photo, Overdrive, MSN Weather, Netflix, Solitaire, Instagram, Twitter, Scancode, LI, File Explorer, Tubecast,All kinds of Bible Apps.
As one can see, I am heavy on MSFT services and Apps as such I am covered (Remember, my use case)
SO, once again, I have no reason or inclination to leave Windows phone anytime soon.
All my family use Windows phones and frankly until they break down and I can't get a cost-effective replacement I won't be moving to Android or IOS. My whole workflow is Microsoft so it makes sense. Just copying stuff off to a mac is painful and with android I'm never sure whether the OS will fritz out on me at any point. I'll wait and see what MS come out with and if it's stupid money and no-one produces a low-cost version I'll look at other options then.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I got fed up with my Lumia 730 after it stopped receiving GSM signals for some reason. Switched to Moto G4 Plus a year ago. The 730 is still running as a PDA, with amazing audio and battery life, but I can't imagine my life in Windows again. The app gap is very real, and you realise that when you actually switch to Android/iPhones. Nobody deserves a life like that, it only hurts them. Keep your windows phones as souvenirs, but taste the life outside: they aren't lying about the app gap.

App gap was what killed the platform in the end. I'm not returning till they do close the gap.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

I am giving up and switching to Android, after being with Microsoft and Nokia (at first) since nineties... Happy with PCs, and Symbian, then finally Lumia 920 since 2012 and Lumia 950 since 2015 - back at happy times when i thought Microsoft was pushing its own platform but to no avail. Instead, I see Microsoft selling Samsung phones in their shops... so if Microsoft is convinced, so am I...

But it is not loyalty only. it is the app gap for sure. Since I bought Lumia 950, I was carrying my second cheap Huawei Android with me. Why? Simply because my bank, my car, my you name it... don't have Windows app... and could not care less to develop one - and why would they, if Microsoft itself couldn't care less.

I still use my Lumia for calls, sms, emails and photos. And one drive works more or less fine (to fancy for my taste if you ask me but nonetheless...). Still, this ads up to some 20% of my phone use. The remaining 80% is with the chep dirt Huawei Android...

The cherry on the cake was when my wife informed me that she can't login any longer to Skype on Windows 8.1 device, as simply Microsoft stopped it... similarly, family members back home reported the same problem... so what could she do? Get another dirst cheap Android just for Skype. I told her it would be lunatic if she went for another Win 10 mobile phone, where Skype (still) apparently works...but for how long?

Microsoft did not ruin Nokia, it seems they ruin every other company they acquire...

And Nokia is in the game again, fortunately, and may be one of my final choices for Android... if not Samsung, sold in the very Microsoft store...

Microsoft, go figure..
One would be a fool to abandon king strategist like Microsoft. So, why should I give up on Windows Mobile. Have patience, you will definitely be rewarded. I have a 950xl and wouldn't want any other. Thinking of getting the HP Elite X3 as a second device.

How would you be rewarded any more than if you left and then came back later?
I am on Verizon and I am currently on my 2nd Lumia Icon with the most up-to-date version of W10 mobile I can have. I cannot let go of it. I love the UI. I hate the mess of icons that is iOS and Android. I will hold onto this thing until it is impossible for me to not have it. I am just waiting (maybe forever) until the new savior of Win10 on ARM with c-shell comes out. Maybe then we can have devices to fit our needs. But considering I'm on Verizon I won't hold my breath.
Die hard windows mobile fan

Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

Now, from another Windows Junkie: I purchased my first Windows Phone, not sure how many years ago, because (aside from being a useful phone) it is actually a small computer with Microsoft Office apps like Excel, Word, and Powerpoint. I do a lot of engineering work and was anxious to try out some of my Excel spreadsheets on a mobile device -- great, it worked. I was even able to update and rehearse some Powerpoint presentations while riding in a taxi. Also, updated and edited Excel spreadsheets while on the move. I'm not into mobile games (not too much, anyway), so these more serious applications were a good fit for me. Everything's still available to me on my OneDrive. When I take photos with the Windows Phone, my pictures are waiting for me on my laptop in the Camera Roll on the OneDrive. Great features that I refuse too give up on. Please don't let it die. Sincerely, LOD
I gave up on it ... at this very moment i`m taking pictures to sell my Lumia 950 ... been trough all Android / WP / iPhone ... i`ll stick with second hand iPhones (way cheaper than brand new)

I`m just tired of MS lack of interest and lack of apps ... at first i didn`t care that much about them but they for sure start to add up ... also i`m using a lot Disqus forums where Edge support is simply atrocious ...
For all the reasons given above I'll stick with my 950XL for as long as it works. Another reason I'm in for as long as i can hang on is I've never cared much for the herd mentality. I enjoy being different. A lot of the younger folks where i work, especially the Xbox game fans are constantly asking me questions about my device. Microsoft knows the importance of mobile. I'll hang around a bit longer and see what they come up with.
I guess I'll have to give it up when my 950 craps out for good, but certainly no sooner. And even then, I may be able find a used one. Having a device that's part of the same ecosystem as my laptop is a HUGE benefit.
I just got my dinosaurs lumia 810 (4 total) from Win 8 (yes 8) to Win 10!
I am now on 10.0.15063.297!

I am glad I did not switched! I was almost there! I do not need latest and greatest very expensive toys!
About to give up on Windows 10 Mobile too. I love the interface, but lack of interest and lack of vision from Microsoft is enough.
I hate Android for several reasons, so iPhone it will be. Even though I really, really going to miss the interface.
One thing I also will miss is the Dark Theme. It's simply not available in iOS. Inverted colours just isn't the same thing.

iPhone's are overpriced phones, but at least thet get proper support.
Also, I can then use some apps that I can't use now. Nothing I can live without, but nice too have.

I have my Lumia 950 for almost 1.5 years now. But most apps feel slow to open.
Facebook, Whatsapp all take ages to open. Looking at people with similair aged Android and iOS phones makes me want to move even more :-(
Still rocking my Lumia 735 here on VZW (Of course I think its the only one they still have but I don't think you can get them anymore at all). Will be using it until I cant get replacements for it anymore...hope the rumor of an HP x3 coming to VZW is true....if so I will go for that one....
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

"Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent, not at this juncture"

Ironically, my 16 yo son and I are both diehard WP and band 2 enthusiasts (had to perfect band strap reinforcement and battery replacement), we don't follow the crowd, don't need the apps. I'm sticking with my 950XL and repairing/maintaining his 925 (he wishes he could have the released WP10 on his 925) I still have the beta wp10 on another 925 serving as my backup. I did however lose my older son to the idark side (he's a follower more than a leader)

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