Die hard windows fans

Me too.. using Lumia 730.. Waiting for the ultimate device :)
I also love this ecosystem and believe in One Windows dream, when all my accounts will be completely in sync :)

Future gonna be awesome :)
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
Own and use 950XL. Will use Win 10 Mobile till MS calls it quit. Don't use many apps. Just use phone for calls, texts, email, photos, insta and twitter.
One would be a fool to abandon king strategist like Microsoft. So, why should I give up on Windows Mobile. Have patience, you will definitely be rewarded. I have a 950xl and wouldn't want any other. Thinking of getting the HP Elite X3 as a second device.
After this phone contract is up in early December, I am going to try out the Google Pixel 2. This is after much consideration which breaks my heart because I love WP even though Microsoft doesn't. Half of the new iPhones copied what WP were going first. I love my start screen and third party apps. I will still keep my old phones (928 & 735) as backups. If Microsoft ever comes out with a new phone they support then I am in.
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.
I still love Windows, but unfortunately I switched over to Android, but I keep my old Windows phones around as back up. It just got too annoying that the apps we're outdated. I hope Microsoft gets their phones up to date. The start screen is the best, and the camera is excellent.
Sorry, I just noticed and had to ask.
Are you a fan of the former American Football player? Or just lucky enough to have the same name? ;-)
The first Superbowl I actually watched and got into was in 1991 Superbowl XXV. Even though he was injured, I got to know all about him that day from my best friend back then.

If none of the above apply, then just ignore me..lol
I'm perfectly happy with my Lumia 950, which is recognised here in South Africa as an excellent device. I also just bought my mother in the USA a Windows 10 Mobile handset from Amazon for her 92nd birthday. I have no doubt she will love it. I will continue with Windows Phone until Microsoft comes up with their next generation pocket computer with telephony.
Samsung Note 8 has most of the Lumia Features (Iris Scanner, Camera brightness change, etc.) MS also has their apps on Android - office suite, groove, and MS continues to create apps for Android. It has Glance Screen and Wireless Charging too.

With all the Lumia features I like now on another phone, with MS developing more apps for Android and with the Arrow Launcher to make the phone feel more Lumia, I think it is enough reason for me to leave windows 10 mobile.

Live tiles are amazing but eventually someone will create a Launcher similar to this.
One cannot simply make a launcher with live tiles. That needs to be supported by developers actually, otherwise how would the launcher know what to display on a tile of some random Android app. So I believe that it would have to be introduced by Google themselves, or by someone like Samsung. Microsoft couldn't do that because they are not relevant enough on Android, why would developers bother to add support for Microsoft launcher which is being used by tiny percentage of users (that's just one of the reasons).

Sent from mTalk on Windows PC
Still using my 950XL as my primary, 950 in the hole just in case. Not a mobile gamer or even on social media so everything I need WM10 has for now. Apps that are missing I can go to a webpage. Was a BlackBerry fan before and hung in even after BB10 flopped, but had an HP pocket PC back in the day, was a natural transition. Hanging tight for a Surface Ultramobile device.
I've always enjoyed having a Windows phone, it's only in the past 2 years have I actually moved over, not realising then it was a slowly sinking ship. I'm currently using a 950xl and love it. Got myself a bright green back so it reminds me of a more colourful Lumia time. It's been great to know I can get by with Windows 10 mobile for so long. My only issues now are devices connected via Bluetooth are causing this phone to struggle. Simple map use while listening to music is a big no no.
I'm sat at home today waiting for my Nokia 8 to arrive. I was always a Nokia user 'back in the day' and my last one was a N95, then moved over to iPhones until I jumped back to Lumia 950 and 950xl. I'm certainly going to hang on to my 950xl as I enjoy being part of the insider team and enjoy hunting out bugs through the phone and Windows 10.
I will use my Lumia 640 till it dies.
And once it dies, I will switch to whatever phone 📱 I want to
Still use my Lumia 950 exclusively and if not Windows phones available when this dies I'll either buy second hand or switch completely to skype on a windows 10 tablet.
Sadly, Microsoft forced be to move away from windows phone/mobile !

I have been a fervent fan of Microsoft from the WinCE and PocketPC days...

A few months ago, my L950XL camera died (would not focus anymore and keep vibrating etc)... I looked for a replacement phone, but none on the Market (appart from the excellent HP X3 which I can't afford)...
Due to the lack of hardware and phone availability, I had to move to Android...

I got an excellent Sony Xperia phone and what a change!
The phone is super fast and responsive, the screen is amazing, I have all apps I could only dream about on W10M etc... I have advanced features such as Mobile Pay etc...
I skinned my android launcher with the excellent "Launcher10" app which gives me a look and feel very similar to the tiled start menu and application menu of W10M...
In short, the move was painful, I didn't want to do it, but now that it is done, why should I get back to MS???

My biggest fear would be the lack of support, adoption and commitment from MS for consumer market product...
I have been burned with the Windows Mobile
I have been burned with the excellent MS Band 2...
I don't want to be burned anymore!
I lost faith in MS completely.

Even if they were to realise the sexy Surface Watch or andromeda connected device, I will be reluctant to invest as I don't want to be buying a product MS will dump a couple of years later!
Are there any guys like me, trying the windows phone though facing apps gap and sometimes battery issues(for insiders). If so please comment in the forum.
I am never gonna give up on this device until the company itself shutdown the mobile business. I have no problem with the apps gap an I am happy to be a part of insider always.

same here
I have been using Lumia 950 since release, sadly a month ago I dropped it and cracked the screen. I decided to give Nokia 6 a try and I must say - hardware is great, OS (Android) is awful! I absolutely hate it. Windows 10 Phone is superior in every way (if we forget the app gap, which is not an issue with the OS itself). Almost every single thing annoys me in Android, and the more I use it the more it annoys me, not the other way. I am now hunting a Lumia 950 XL on e-bay and hope to get back into W10 again.
Will I ever give up on Windows Phones? The short answer is not just NO, but HE!! NO! I have seen enough android to know I would not want to use it. And apple is, well apple. The hated enemy. So I guess if Nadella wins and Microsoft ceases to support phones, I'll have to go back to my trusty flip
I've developed a couple of UWP apps that I can't live without. Until those are ported to Android (and I don't have time to mess with that), I will be a Windows Mobile guy.

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